Understanding Interest-Rate Tree Models
Financial Instruments Toolbox™ supports the following interest-rate trees:
Black-Derman-Toy (BDT)
Black-Karasinski (BK)
Heath-Jarrow-Morton (HJM)
Hull-White (HW)
Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR)
The Heath-Jarrow-Morton model is one of the most widely used models for pricing interest-rate derivatives. The model considers a given initial term structure of interest rates and a specification of the volatility of forward rates to build a tree representing the evolution of the interest rates, based on a statistical process. For further explanation, see the book Modelling Fixed Income Securities and Interest Rate Options by Robert A. Jarrow.
The Black-Derman-Toy model is another analytical model commonly used for pricing interest-rate derivatives. The model considers a given initial zero rate term structure of interest rates and a specification of the yield volatilities of long rates to build a tree representing the evolution of the interest rates. For further explanation, see the paper “A One Factor Model of Interest Rates and its Application to Treasury Bond Options” by Fischer Black, Emanuel Derman, and William Toy.
The Hull-White model incorporates the initial term structure of interest rates and the volatility term structure to build a trinomial recombining tree of short rates. The resulting tree is used to value interest rate-dependent securities. The implementation of the Hull-White model in Financial Instruments Toolbox software is limited to one factor.
The Black-Karasinski model is a single factor, log-normal version of the Hull-White model.
For further information on the Hull-White and Black-Karasinski models, see the book Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives by John C. Hull.
Building a Tree of Forward Rates
The tree of forward rates is the fundamental unit representing the evolution of interest rates in a given period of time. This section explains how to create a forward-rate tree using Financial Instruments Toolbox.
To avoid needless repetition, this document uses the HJM and BDT models to illustrate the creation and use of interest-rate trees. The HW and BK models are similar to the BDT model. Where specific differences exist, they are documented in HW and BK Tree Structures.
The MATLAB® functions that create rate trees are hjmtree
and bdttree
. The hjmtree
function creates the
structure, HJMTree
, containing time and forward-rate information
for a bushy tree. The bdttree
function creates a
similar structure, BDTTree
, for a recombining tree.
This structure is a self-contained unit that includes the tree of rates (found in
the FwdTree
field of the structure) and the volatility, rate, and
time specifications used in building this tree.
These functions take three structures as input arguments:
The volatility model
. (See Specifying the Volatility Model (VolSpec).)The interest-rate term structure
. (See Specifying the Interest-Rate Term Structure (RateSpec).)The tree time layout
. (See Specifying the Time Structure (TimeSpec).)
An easy way to visualize any trees you create is with the treeviewer
function, which
displays trees in a graphical manner. See Graphical Representation of Trees for information
about treeviewer
Calling Sequence
The calling syntax for hjmtree
is HJMTree =
hjmtree(VolSpec, RateSpec, TimeSpec)
Similarly, the calling syntax for bdttree
is BDTTree =
bdttree(VolSpec, RateSpec, TimeSpec)
Each of these functions requires VolSpec
, and TimeSpec
is a structure that specifies the forward-rate volatility process. You createVolSpec
using either of the functionshjmvolspec
function supports the specification of up to three factors. It handles these models for the volatility of the interest-rate term structure:Constant
A one-factor model assumes that the interest term structure is affected by a single source of uncertainty. Incorporating multiple factors allows you to specify different types of shifts in the shape and location of the interest-rate structure. See
for details.The
function supports only a single volatility factor. The volatility remains constant between pairs of nodes on the tree. You supply the input volatility values in a vector of decimal values. Seebdtvolspec
for details.RateSpec
is the interest-rate specification of the initial rate curve. You create this structure with the functionintenvset
. (See Modeling the Interest-Rate Term Structure.)TimeSpec
is the tree time layout specification. You create this variable with the functionshjmtimespec
. It represents the mapping between level times and level dates for rate quoting. This structure indirectly determines the number of levels in the tree.
Specifying the Volatility Model (VolSpec)
Because HJM supports multifactor (up to 3) volatility models while BDT (also, BK
and HW) supports only a single volatility factor, the hjmvolspec
and bdtvolspec
functions require
different inputs and generate slightly different outputs. For examples, see Creating an HJM Volatility Model. For BDT
examples, see Creating a BDT Volatility Model.
Creating an HJM Volatility Model
The function hjmvolspec
generates the
structure VolSpec
, which specifies the volatility process used in the creation of the forward-rate trees. In this
context capital T represents the starting time of the forward
rate, and t represents the observation time. The volatility
process can be constructed from a combination of factors specified sequentially
in the call to function that creates it. Each factor specification starts with a
character vector specifying the name of the factor, followed by the pertinent
HJM Volatility Specification Example. Consider an example that uses a single factor, specifically, a constant-sigma factor. The constant factor specification requires only one parameter, the value of . In this case, the value corresponds to 0.10.
HJMVolSpec = hjmvolspec('Constant', 0.10)
HJMVolSpec = FinObj: 'HJMVolSpec' FactorModels: {'Constant'} FactorArgs: {{1x1 cell}} SigmaShift: 0 NumFactors: 1 NumBranch: 2 PBranch: [0.5000 0.5000] Fact2Branch: [-1 1]
The NumFactors
field of the VolSpec
structure, VolSpec.NumFactors = 1
, reveals that the
number of factors used to generate VolSpec
was one. The
field indicates that it is a
factor, and the
field indicates the number of branches.
As a consequence, each node of the resulting tree has two branches, one
going up, and the other going down.
Consider now a two-factor volatility process made from a proportional factor and an exponential factor.
% Exponential factor Sigma_0 = 0.1; Lambda = 1; % Proportional factor CurveProp = [0.11765; 0.08825; 0.06865]; CurveTerm = [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ]; % Build VolSpec HJMVolSpec = hjmvolspec('Proportional', CurveProp, CurveTerm,... 1e6,'Exponential', Sigma_0, Lambda)
HJMVolSpec = FinObj: 'HJMVolSpec' FactorModels: {'Proportional' 'Exponential'} FactorArgs: {{1x3 cell} {1x2 cell}} SigmaShift: 0 NumFactors: 2 NumBranch: 3 PBranch: [0.2500 0.2500 0.5000] Fact2Branch: [2x3 double]
The output shows that the volatility specification was generated using two factors. The tree has three branches per node. Each branch has probabilities of 0.25, 0.25, and 0.5, going from top to bottom.
Creating a BDT Volatility Model
The function bdtvolspec
generates the
structure VolSpec
, which specifies the volatility process.
The function requires three input arguments:
The valuation date
The yield volatility end dates
The yield volatility values
An optional fourth argument InterpMethod
, specifying the
interpolation method, can be included.
The syntax used for calling bdtvolspec
BDTVolSpec = bdtvolspec(ValuationDate, VolDates, VolCurve,...
is the first observation date in the tree.VolDates
is a vector of dates representing yield volatility end dates.VolCurve
is a vector of yield volatility values.InterpMethod
is the method of interpolation to use. The default islinear
BDT Volatility Specification Example. Consider the following example:
ValuationDate = datetime(2000,1,1); EndDates = [datetime(2001,1,1) ; datetime(2002,1,1) ; datetime(2003,1,1) ;datetime(2004,1,1) ; datetime(2005,1,1)]; Volatility = [.2; .19; .18; .17; .16];
Use bdtvolspec
to create a
volatility specification. Because no interpolation method is explicitly
specified, the function uses the linear
BDTVolSpec = bdtvolspec(ValuationDate, EndDates, Volatility)
BDTVolSpec = FinObj: 'BDTVolSpec' ValuationDate: 730486 VolDates: [5x1 double] VolCurve: [5x1 double] VolInterpMethod: 'linear'
Specifying the Interest-Rate Term Structure (RateSpec)
The structure RateSpec
is an interest term structure that
defines the initial forward-rate specification from which the tree rates are
derived. Modeling the Interest-Rate Term Structure explains how to
create these structures using the function intenvset
, given the interest
rates, the starting and ending dates for each rate, and the compounding
Rate Specification Creation Example
Consider the following example:
Compounding = 1; Rates = [0.02; 0.02; 0.02; 0.02]; StartDates = ['01-Jan-2000'; '01-Jan-2001'; '01-Jan-2002'; '01-Jan-2003']; EndDates = ['01-Jan-2001'; '01-Jan-2002'; '01-Jan-2003'; '01-Jan-2004']; ValuationDate = '01-Jan-2000'; RateSpec = intenvset('Compounding',1,'Rates', Rates,... 'StartDates', StartDates, 'EndDates', EndDates,... 'ValuationDate', ValuationDate)
RateSpec = FinObj: 'RateSpec' Compounding: 1 Disc: [4x1 double] Rates: [4x1 double] EndTimes: [4x1 double] StartTimes: [4x1 double] EndDates: [4x1 double] StartDates: [4x1 double] ValuationDate: 730486 Basis: 0 EndMonthRule: 1
Use the function datedisp
to examine the dates
defined in the variable RateSpec
. For example:
Specifying the Time Structure (TimeSpec
The structure TimeSpec
specifies the time structure for an
interest-rate tree. This structure defines the mapping between the observation times
at each level of the tree and the corresponding dates.
is built using either the hjmtimespec
or bdttimespec
function. These
functions require three input arguments:
The valuation date
The maturity date
The compounding rate
For example, the syntax used for calling hjmtimespec
TimeSpec = hjmtimespec(ValuationDate, Maturity,
is the first observation date in the tree.Maturity
is a vector of dates representing the cash flow dates of the tree. Any instrument cash flows with these maturities fall on tree nodes.Compounding
is the frequency at which the rates are compounded when annualized.
Creating a Time Specification
Calling the time specification creation functions with the same data used to
create the interest-rate term structure, RateSpec
builds the structure that specifies the
time layout for the tree.
HJM Time Specification Example. Consider the following example:
Maturity = EndDates; HJMTimeSpec = hjmtimespec(ValuationDate, Maturity, Compounding)
HJMTimeSpec = FinObj: 'HJMTimeSpec' ValuationDate: 730486 Maturity: [4x1 double] Compounding: 1 Basis: 0 EndMonthRule: 1
Maturities specified when building TimeSpec
need not
coincide with the EndDates
of the rate intervals in
. Since TimeSpec
the time-date mapping of the tree, the rates in RateSpec
are interpolated to obtain the initial rates with maturities equal to those
in TimeSpec
Creating a BDT Time Specification. Consider the following example:
Maturity = EndDates; BDTTimeSpec = bdttimespec(ValuationDate, Maturity, Compounding)
BDTTimeSpec = FinObj: 'BDTTimeSpec' ValuationDate: 730486 Maturity: [4x1 double] Compounding: 1 Basis: 0 EndMonthRule: 1
Creating Trees
Use the VolSpec
, RateSpec
, and
you have previously created as inputs to the
functions used to create HJM and BDT trees.
Creating an HJM Tree
% Reset the volatility factor to the Constant case HJMVolSpec = hjmvolspec('Constant', 0.10); HJMTree = hjmtree(HJMVolSpec, RateSpec, HJMTimeSpec)
HJMTree = FinObj: 'HJMFwdTree' VolSpec: [1x1 struct] TimeSpec: [1x1 struct] RateSpec: [1x1 struct] tObs: [0 1 2 3] TFwd: {[4x1 double] [3x1 double] [2x1 double] [3]} CFlowT: {[4x1 double] [3x1 double] [2x1 double] [4]} FwdTree:{[4x1 double][3x1x2 double][2x2x2 double][1x4x2 double]}
Creating a BDT Tree
Now use the previously computed values for VolSpec
, and TimeSpec
as input to the
function bdttree
to create a BDT
BDTTree = bdttree(BDTVolSpec, RateSpec, BDTTimeSpec)
BDTTree = FinObj: 'BDTFwdTree' VolSpec: [1x1 struct] TimeSpec: [1x1 struct] RateSpec: [1x1 struct] tObs: [0 1.00 2.00 3.00] TFwd: {[4x1 double] [3x1 double] [2x1 double] [3.00]} CFlowT: {[4x1 double] [3x1 double] [2x1 double] [4.00]} FwdTree: {[1.02] [1.02 1.02] [1.01 1.02 1.03] [1.01 1.02 1.02 1.03]}
Examining Trees
When working with the models, Financial Instruments Toolbox uses trees to represent forward rates, prices, and so on. At the highest level, these trees have structures wrapped around them. The structures encapsulate information required to interpret completely the information contained in a tree.
Consider this example, which uses the interest rate and portfolio data in the
MAT-file deriv.mat
included in the toolbox.
Load the data into the MATLAB workspace.
load deriv.mat
Display the list of the variables loaded from the MAT-file.
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes BDTInstSet 1x1 15956 struct BDTTree 1x1 5138 struct BKInstSet 1x1 15946 struct BKTree 1x1 5904 struct CRRInstSet 1x1 12434 struct CRRTree 1x1 5058 struct EQPInstSet 1x1 12434 struct EQPTree 1x1 5058 struct HJMInstSet 1x1 15948 struct HJMTree 1x1 5838 struct HWInstSet 1x1 15946 struct HWTree 1x1 5904 struct ITTInstSet 1x1 12438 struct ITTTree 1x1 8862 struct ZeroInstSet 1x1 10282 struct ZeroRateSpec 1x1 1580 struct
HJM Tree Structure
You can now examine in some detail the contents of the
structure contained in this file.
HJMTree = FinObj: 'HJMFwdTree' VolSpec: [1x1 struct] TimeSpec: [1x1 struct] RateSpec: [1x1 struct] tObs: [0 1 2 3] TFwd: {[4x1 double] [3x1 double] [2x1 double] [3]} CFlowT: {[4x1 double] [3x1 double] [2x1 double] [4]} FwdTree:{[4x1 double][3x1x2 double][2x2x2 double][1x4x2 double]}
contains the actual forward-rate tree. MATLAB represents it as a cell array with each cell array element
containing a tree level.
The other fields contain other information relevant to interpreting the values
in FwdTree
. The most important are
, TimeSpec
, and
, which contain the volatility, time structure,
and rate structure information respectively.
First Node. Observe the forward rates in FwdTree
. The first node
represents the valuation date, tObs = 0
ans = 1.0356 1.0468 1.0523 1.0563
Financial Instruments Toolbox uses inverse discount notation for forward rates in the tree. An inverse discount represents a factor by which the current value of an asset is multiplied to find its future value. In general, these forward factors are reciprocals of the discount factors.
Look closely at the RateSpec
structure used in
generating this tree to see where these values originate. Arrange the values
in a single array.
[HJMTree.RateSpec.StartTimes HJMTree.RateSpec.EndTimes... HJMTree.RateSpec.Rates]
ans = 0 1.0000 0.0356 1.0000 2.0000 0.0468 2.0000 3.0000 0.0523 3.0000 4.0000 0.0563
If you find the corresponding inverse discounts of the interest rates in
the third column, you have the values at the first node of the tree. You can
turn interest rates into inverse discounts using the function rate2disc
Disc = rate2disc(HJMTree.TimeSpec.Compounding,... HJMTree.RateSpec.Rates, HJMTree.RateSpec.EndTimes,... HJMTree.RateSpec.StartTimes); FRates = 1./Disc
FRates = 1.0356 1.0468 1.0523 1.0563
Second Node. The second node represents the first-rate observation time,
tObs = 1
. This node displays two states:
one representing the branch going up and the other representing the branch
going down.
Note that HJMTree.VolSpec.NumBranch = 2
ans = FinObj: 'HJMVolSpec' FactorModels: {'Constant'} FactorArgs: {{1x1 cell}} SigmaShift: 0 NumFactors: 1 NumBranch: 2 PBranch: [0.5000 0.5000] Fact2Branch: [-1 1]
Examine the rates of the node corresponding to the up branch.
ans = 1.0364 1.0420 1.0461
Now examine the corresponding down branch.
ans = 1.0574 1.0631 1.0672
Third Node. The third node represents the second observation time, tObs =
. This node contains a total of four states, two representing
the branches going up and the other two representing the branches going
down. Examine the rates of the node corresponding to the up states.
ans = 1.0317 1.0526 1.0358 1.0568
Next examine the corresponding down states.
ans = 1.0526 1.0738 1.0568 1.0781
Isolating a Specific Node. Starting at the third level, indexing within the tree cell array becomes
complex, and isolating a specific node can be difficult. The function
isolates a
specific node by specifying the path to the node as a vector of branches
taken to reach that node. As an example, consider the node reached by
starting from the root node, taking the branch up, then the branch down, and
then another branch down. Given that the tree has only two branches per
node, branches going up correspond to a 1, and branches going down
correspond to a 2. The path up-down-down becomes the vector [1 2
FRates = bushpath(HJMTree.FwdTree, [1 2 2])
FRates = 1.0356 1.0364 1.0526 1.0674
returns the spot
rates for all the nodes tapped by the path specified in the input argument,
the first one corresponding to the root node, and the last one corresponding
to the target node.
Isolating the same node using direct indexing obtains
HJMTree.FwdTree{4}(:, 3, 2)
ans = 1.0674
As expected, this single value corresponds to the last element of the
rates returned by bushpath
You can use these techniques with any type of tree generated with Financial Instruments Toolbox, such as forward-rate trees or price trees.
BDT Tree Structure
You can now examine in some detail the contents of the
BDTTree = FinObj: 'BDTFwdTree' VolSpec: [1x1 struct] TimeSpec: [1x1 struct] RateSpec: [1x1 struct] tObs: [0 1.00 2.00 3.00] TFwd: {[4x1 double] [3x1 double] [2x1 double] [3.00]} CFlowT: {[4x1 double] [3x1 double] [2x1 double] [4.00]} FwdTree: {[1.10] [1.10 1.14] [1.10 1.14 1.19] [1.09 1.12 1.16 1.22]}
contains the actual rate tree. MATLAB represents it as a cell array with each cell array element
containing a tree level.
The other fields contain other information relevant to interpreting the values
in FwdTree
. The most important are
, TimeSpec
, and
, which contain the volatility, time structure,
and rate structure information respectively.
Look at the RateSpec
structure used in generating this tree
to see where these values originate. Arrange the values in a single
[BDTTree.RateSpec.StartTimes BDTTree.RateSpec.EndTimes... BDTTree.RateSpec.Rates]
ans = 0 1.0000 0.1000 0 2.0000 0.1100 0 3.0000 0.1200 0 4.0000 0.1250
Look at the rates in FwdTree
. The first node represents the
valuation date, tObs = 0
. The second node
represents tObs = 1
. Examine the rates at the
second, third, and fourth nodes.
ans = 1.0979 1.1432
The second node represents the first observation time,
tObs = 1
. This node contains a total of two
states, one representing the branch going up (1.0979
) and the
other representing the branch going down (1.1432
The convention in this document is to display prices going up on the upper branch. So, when displaying rates, rates are falling on the upper branch and increasing on the lower branch.
ans = 1.0976 1.1377 1.1942
The third node represents the second observation time,
tObs = 2
. This node contains a total of three
states, one representing the branch going up (1.0976
), one
representing the branch in the middle (1.1377
) and the other
representing the branch going down (1.1942
ans = 1.0872 1.1183 1.1606 1.2179
The fourth node represents the third observation time,
tObs = 3
. This node contains a total of four
states, one representing the branch going up (1.0872
), two
representing the branches in the middle (1.1183
), and the other representing the branch going down
Isolating a Specific Node. The function treepath
isolates a
specific node by specifying the path to the node as a vector of branches
taken to reach that node. As an example, consider the node reached by
starting from the root node, taking the branch up, then the branch down, and
finally another branch down. Given that the tree has only two branches per
node, branches going up correspond to a 1, and branches going down
correspond to a 2. The path up-down-down becomes the vector
[1 2 2]
FRates = treepath(BDTTree.FwdTree, [1 2 2])
FRates = 1.1000 1.0979 1.1377 1.1606
returns the
short rates for all the nodes tapped by the path specified in the input
argument, the first one corresponding to the root node, and the last one
corresponding to the target node.
HW and BK Tree Structures
The HW and BK tree structures are similar to the BDT tree structure. You can
see this if you examine the sample HW tree contained in the file
load deriv.mat;
HWTree = FinObj: 'HWFwdTree' VolSpec: [1x1 struct] TimeSpec: [1x1 struct] RateSpec: [1x1 struct] tObs: [0 1.00 2.00 3.00] dObs: [731947.00 732313.00 732678.00 733043.00] CFlowT: {[4x1 double] [3x1 double] [2x1 double] [4.00]} Probs: {[3x1 double] [3x3 double] [3x5 double]} Connect: {[2.00] [2.00 3.00 4.00] [2.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 4.00]} FwdTree: {[1.03] [1.05 1.04 1.02] [1.08 1.07 1.05 1.03 1.01] [1.09 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.02]
All fields of this structure are similar to their BDT counterparts. There are
two additional fields not present in BDT: Probs
. The Probs
field represents
the occurrence probabilities at each branch of each node in the tree. The
field describes the connectivity of the nodes of
a given tree level to nodes to the next tree level.
Field. While BDT and one-factor HJM models have equal probabilities for each
branch at a node, HW and BK do not. For HW and BK trees, the
field indicates the likelihood that a
particular branch will be taken in moving from one node to another node on
the next level.
The Probs
field consists of a cell array with one cell
per tree level. Each cell is a
array with the top
row representing the probability of an up movement, the middle row
representing the probability of a middle movement, and the last row the
probability of a down movement.
As an illustration, consider the first two elements of the
field of the structure, corresponding to the
first (root) and second levels of the tree.
0.16666666666667 0.66666666666667 0.16666666666667
0.12361333418768 0.16666666666667 0.21877591615172 0.65761074966060 0.66666666666667 0.65761074966060 0.21877591615172 0.16666666666667 0.12361333418768
Reading from top to bottom, the values in
correspond to the up, middle, and
down probabilities at the root node.
is a
matrix of values. The first
column represents the top node, the second column represents the middle
node, and the last column represents the bottom node. As with the root node,
the first, second, and third rows hold the values for up, middle, and down
branching off each node.
As expected, the sum of all the probabilities at any node equals 1.
1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Connect Field. The other field that distinguishes HW and BK tree structures from the BDT
tree structure is Connect
. This field describes how each
node in a given level connects to the nodes of the next level. The need for
this field arises from the possibility of nonstandard branching in a tree.
The Connect
field of the HW tree structure consists of
a cell array with one cell per tree level.
ans = [2] [1x3 double] [1x5 double]
Each cell contains a 1
vector. Each value in the vector relates to a node in the corresponding tree
level and represents the index of the node in the next tree level that the
middle branch of the node connects to.
If you subtract 1 from the values contained in Connect
you reveal the index of the nodes in the next level that the up branch
connects to. If you add 1
to the values, you reveal the
index of the corresponding down branch.
As an illustration, consider HWTree.Connect{1}
ans = 2
This indicates that the middle branch of the root node connects to the
second (from the top) node of the next level, as expected. If you subtract
from this value, you obtain 1
which tells you that the up branch goes to the top node. If you add
, you obtain 3
, which points to
the last node of the second level of the tree.
Now consider level 3 in this example:
2 2 3 4 4
On this level, there is nonstandard branching. This can be easily recognized because the middle branch of two nodes is connected to the same node on the next level.
To visualize this, consider the following illustration of the tree.
Here it becomes apparent that there is nonstandard branching at the third level of the tree, on the top and bottom nodes. The first and second nodes connect to the same trio of nodes on the next level. Similar branching occurs at the bottom and next-to-bottom nodes of the tree.
See Also
| instcap
| instcf
| instfixed
| instfloat
| instfloor
| instoptbnd
| instoptembnd
| instoptfloat
| instoptemfloat
| instrangefloat
| instswap
| instswaption
| intenvset
| bondbyzero
| cfbyzero
| fixedbyzero
| floatbyzero
| intenvprice
| intenvsens
| swapbyzero
| floatmargin
| floatdiscmargin
| hjmtimespec
| hjmtree
| hjmvolspec
| bondbyhjm
| capbyhjm
| cfbyhjm
| fixedbyhjm
| floatbyhjm
| floorbyhjm
| hjmprice
| hjmsens
| mmktbyhjm
| oasbyhjm
| optbndbyhjm
| optfloatbyhjm
| optembndbyhjm
| optemfloatbyhjm
| rangefloatbyhjm
| swapbyhjm
| swaptionbyhjm
| bdttimespec
| bdttree
| bdtvolspec
| bdtprice
| bdtsens
| bondbybdt
| capbybdt
| cfbybdt
| fixedbybdt
| floatbybdt
| floorbybdt
| mmktbybdt
| oasbybdt
| optbndbybdt
| optfloatbybdt
| optembndbybdt
| optemfloatbybdt
| rangefloatbybdt
| swapbybdt
| swaptionbybdt
| hwtimespec
| hwtree
| hwvolspec
| bondbyhw
| capbyhw
| cfbyhw
| fixedbyhw
| floatbyhw
| floorbyhw
| hwcalbycap
| hwcalbyfloor
| hwprice
| hwsens
| oasbyhw
| optbndbyhw
| optfloatbyhw
| optembndbyhw
| optemfloatbyhw
| rangefloatbyhw
| swapbyhw
| swaptionbyhw
| bktimespec
| bktree
| bkvolspec
| bkprice
| bksens
| bondbybk
| capbybk
| cfbybk
| fixedbybk
| floatbybk
| floorbybk
| oasbybk
| optbndbybk
| optfloatbybk
| optembndbybk
| optemfloatbybk
| rangefloatbybk
| swapbybk
| swaptionbybk
| capbyblk
| floorbyblk
| swaptionbyblk
Related Examples
- Overview of Interest-Rate Tree Models
- Pricing Using Interest-Rate Term Structure
- Pricing Using Interest-Rate Tree Models
- Graphical Representation of Trees
- Use treeviewer to Examine HWTree and PriceTree When Pricing European Callable Bond