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Optimal Subpattern Assignment Metric

Calculate Optimal Subpattern Assignment Metric

Since R2021a

  • Optimal Subpattern Assignment Metric block

Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox / Track Metrics


The Optimal Subpattern Assignment Metric block computes the optimal subpattern assignment metric between a set of tracks and known truths. You can enable different types of OSPA metrics by configuring these parameters:

  • Traditional OSPA — Specify the Metric parameter as OSPA and specify the Labeling error parameter, on the Properties tab, as 0. The traditional OSPA metric, which evaluates instantaneous tracking performance, contains two components:

    • Localization error component — Accounts for state estimation errors between assigned tracks and truths.

    • Cardinality error component— Accounts for the number of unassigned tracks and truths.

  • Labeled OSPA — Specify the Metric parameter as OSPA and specify the Labeling error parameter, on the Properties tab, as a positive scalar. The labeled OSPA (LOSPA) metric, which evaluates instantaneous tracking performance and includes penalties for incorrect assignments, contains three components:

    • Localization error component — Accounts for state estimation errors between assigned tracks and truths.

    • Cardinality error component— Accounts for the number of unassigned tracks and truths.

    • Labelling error component — Accounts for the error of incorrect assignments.

  • OSPA(2) — Specify the Metric parameter as OSPA(2). The OSPA(2) metric evaluates cumulative tracking performance for a duration of time.

You can output each component individually from the block. For more details on the algorithm, see Algorithm and References.




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Track list, specified as a Simulink bus containing a MATLAB structure.

If you specify the Track bus parameter on the Port Setting tab to objectTrack, the structure must use this form:

NumTracksNumber of tracks
TracksArray of track structures

Each track structure must contain TrackID and State fields. Additionally, if you specify an NEES-based distance (posnees or velnees) in the Distance type parameter, each structure must contain a StateCovariance field.

TrackIDUnique track identifier used to distinguish multiple tracks, specified as a nonnegative integer.

Value of state vector at the update time, specified as an N-element vector, where N is the dimension of the state.


Uncertainty covariance matrix, specified as an N-by-N matrix, where N is the dimension of the state.

If you specify an NEES-based distance (posnees or velnees) in the Distance type parameter, then the structure must contain a StateCovariance field.

If you specify the Track bus parameter to custom, then you can use your own track bus format. In this case, you must define a track extractor function using the Track extractor function parameter. The function must use this syntax:

tracks = trackExtractorFcn(trackInputFromBus)
where trackInputFromBus is the input from the track bus and tracks must return as an array of structures with TrackID and State fields.

Truth list, specified as a Simulink bus containing a MATLAB structure.

If you specify the Truth bus parameter on the Port Setting tab to Platform, the structure must use this form:

NumPlatformsNumber of truth platforms
PlatformsArray of truth platform structures

Each platform structure has these fields:

PlatformIDUnique identifier used to distinguish platforms, specified as a nonnegative integer.

Position of the platform, specified as an M-element vector, where M is the dimension of the position state. For example, M = 3 for 3-D position.


Velocity of the platform, specified as an M-element vector, where M is the dimension of the velocity state. For example, M = 3 for 3-D velocity.

If you specify the Truth bus parameter as Actor, the structure must use this form:

NumActorsNumber of truth actors
ActorsArray of truth actor structures

Each actor structure has these fields:

ActorIDUnique identifier used to distinguish actors, specified as a nonnegative integer.

Position of the actor, specified as an M-element vector, where M is the dimension of the position state. For example, M = 3 for 3-D position.


Velocity of the actor, specified as an M-element vector, where M is the dimension of the velocity state. For example, M = 3 for 3-D velocity.

If you specify the Truth bus parameter to custom, then you can define your own truth bus format. In this case, you must define a truth extractor function using the Truth extractor function parameter. The function must use this syntax:

 truths = truthExtractorFcn(truthInputFromBus)
where truthInputFromBus is the input from the truth bus and truths must return as an array of structures with PlatformID, Position, and Velocity fields.

Known assignment, specified as aK-by-2 matrix of nonnegative integers. K is the number of assignment pairs. The first column elements are track IDs, and the second column elements are truth IDs. The two IDs in a row are assigned to each other. If a track or truth is not assigned, specify 0 as the other element in the row.

Assignments between tracks and truths must be unique. Redundant or false tracks should be treated as unassigned tracks by assigning them to the "0" TruthID.


To enable this port, on the Port Setting tab, select Assignments.


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OSPA metric, returned as a nonnegative real scalar. Depending on the values of the Metric and Labeling error parameters, the block can output traditional OSPA, labeled OSPA (LOSPA), or OSPA(2).

Metric Parameter ValueLabeling error Parameter ValueMetric
OSPAPositive scalarLOSPA
OSPA(2)Not applicableOSPA(2)

Example: 10.1

Localization error component, returned as a nonnegative real scalar.

Example: 8.5


To enable this port, on the Port Setting tab, select Localization error.

Cardinality error component, returned as a nonnegative real scalar.

Example: 6


To enable this port, on the Port Setting tab, select Cardinality error.

Labeling error component, returned as a nonnegative real scalar.

Example: 7.5


To enable this port, on the Port Setting tab, select Labeling error.


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Metric option, specified as OSPA or OSPA(2).

  • OSPA — Computes the traditional OSPA metric by default, or computes the labeled OSPA metric after additionally specifying the Labeling error parameter as a positive value.

  • OSPA(2) — Computes the OSPA(2) metric, which evaluates cumulative tracking performance. Selecting this option enables these parameters for configuring the metric:

    • Window length

    • Window sum order (q)

    • Window weights

    • Window weight exponent (r)

    • Custom window weights

    Selecting this option also disables two parameters used to evaluate the labeling error component:

    • Assignments

    • Labeling error

Threshold for the cutoff distance between track and truth, specified as a real positive scalar. If the computed distance between a track and the assigned truth is higher than the threshold, the actual distance incorporated in the metric is reduced to the threshold.

Example: 40

Order of the OSPA metric, specified as a positive integer.

Example: 3

Distance type, specified as posnees, velnees, posabserr, or velabserr. The distance type specifies the physical quantity used for distance calculations:

  • posnees – Normalized estimation error squared (NEES) of track position

  • velnees – NEES error of track velocity

  • posabserr – Absolute error of track position

  • velabserr – Absolute error of track velocity

  • custom – Custom distance error

If you select custom, you must also specify a distance function in the Custom distance function parameter.

Custom distance function, specified as a function handle. The function must support the following syntax:

d = myCustomFcn(Track,Truth)
where Track is a structure of track information, Truth is a structure of truth information, and d is the distance between the truth and the track. See objectTrack for an example on how to organize track information.

Example: @myCustomFcn


To enable this property, set the Distance type parameter to custom.

Desired platform motion model, specified as constvel, constacc, constturn, or singer. This property selects the motion model used by the Tracks input port.

The motion models expect the State field of the track structure to have a column vector containing these values:

  • constvel — Position is in elements [1 3 5], and velocity is in elements [2 4 6].

  • constacc — Position is in elements [1 4 7], velocity is in elements [2 5 8], and acceleration is in elements [3 6 9].

  • constturn — Position is in elements [1 3 6], velocity is in elements [2 4 7], and yaw rate is in element 5.

  • singer — Position is in elements [1 4 7], velocity is in elements [2 5 8], and acceleration is in elements [3 6 9].

The StateCovariance field of the track structure input must have position, velocity, and turn-rate covariances in the rows and columns corresponding to the position, velocity, and turn-rate of the State field of the track structure.

Penalty for incorrect assignment of track to truth, specified as a nonnegative scalar. The function decides if an assignment is correct based on the provided known assignment input from the Assignments input port. If the assignment is not provided as an input, the last known assignment is assumed to be correct.

Example: 5


To enable this parameter, set the Metric parameter to OSPA.

Sliding window length for the OSPA(2) metric, specified as a positive integer. The window length defines the number of time steps from a previous time to the current time used to evaluate the metric. For more details, see OSPA(2) Metric.


To enable this parameter, set the Metric parameter to OSPA(2).

Data Types: single | double

Order of weighted sum for the track and truth history, specified as a positive scalar. For more details, see OSPA(2) Metric.


To enable this parameter, set the Metric parameter to OSPA(2).

Data Types: single | double

Options for window weights, specified as auto or custom.

  • auto — Automatically generates the window weights using the algorithm given in OSPA(2) Metric.

  • custom — Customizes the window weights using the Custom window weights parameter.


To enable this parameter, set the Metric parameter to OSPA(2).

Data Types: single | double

Exponent for automatic weight calculation, specified as a nonnegative scalar. An exponent value, r, of 0 represents equal weights in the window. A higher value of r assigns more weights on recent data. For more details, see OSPA(2) Metric.


To enable this parameter, set the Window weights parameter to auto.

Data Types: single | double

Custom weights in the time window, specified as an N-element of vector of nonnegative values, when N is the window length, specified in the Window length parameter.


To enable this parameter, set the Window weights parameter to custom.

Data Types: single | double

Select a simulation type from these options:

  • Interpreted execution — Simulate the model using the MATLAB interpreter. This option shortens startup time. In Interpreted execution mode, you can debug the source code of the block.

  • Code generation — Simulate the model using generated C code. The first time you run a simulation, Simulink generates C code for the block. The C code is reused for subsequent simulations as long as the model does not change. This option requires additional startup time.

Port Setting

Select this parameter to enable the input of known assignments through the Assignments input port.


To enable this parameter, set the Metric parameter to OSPA.

Select this parameter to enable the output of the localization error component through the Localization Error output port.

Select this parameter to enable the output of the cardinality error component through the Cardinality Error output port.

Select this parameter to enable the output of the labeling error component through the Labeling Error output port.


To enable this parameter, set the Metric parameter to OSPA.

Track bus selection, specified as objectTrack or custom. See the description of the Tracks input port for more details about each selection.

Truth bus selection, specified as Platform, Actor, or custom. See the description of the Truths input port for more details about each selection.

Track extractor function, specified as a function handle. The function must support this syntax:

tracks = trackExtractorFcn(trackInputFromBus)
where trackInputFromBus is the input from the track bus and tracks must return as an array of structures with TrackID and State fields. If you specify an NEES-based distance (posnees or velnees) in the Distance type parameter, then the structure must contain a StateCovariance field.

Example: @myCustomFcn


To enable this property, set the Track bus parameter to custom.

Truth extractor function, specified as a function handle. The function must support this syntax:

 truths = truthExtractorFcn(truthInputFromBus)
where truthInputFromBus is the input from the track bus and truths must return as an array of structures with PlatformID, Position, and Velocity as field names.

Example: @myCustomFcn


To enable this property, set the Truth bus parameter to custom.


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[1] Schuhmacher, B., B. -T. Vo, and B. -N. Vo. "A Consistent Metric for Performance Evaluation of Multi-Object Filters." IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol, 56, No, 8, pp. 3447–3457, 2008.

[2] Ristic, B., B. -N. Vo, D. Clark, and B. -T. Vo. "A Metric for Performance Evaluation of Multi-Target Tracking Algorithms." IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol, 59, No, 7, pp. 3452–3457, 2011.

[3] M. Beard, B. -T. Vo, and B. -N. Vo. “OSPA (2) : Using the OSPA Metric to Evaluate Multi-Target Tracking Performance.” 2017 International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, IEEE, 2017, pp. 86–91.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

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