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Compare truth to tracks


metricsTable = truthMetricsTable(assignmentMetric) returns a table of metrics, metricsTable, for all truths in the assignmentMetric System object™.



collapse all

Examine the assignments and errors for a system tracking two targets.

First, load the stored track data.

load trackmetricex tracklog truthlog

Create objects to analyze assignment and error metrics.

tam = trackAssignmentMetrics;
tem = trackErrorMetrics;

Create the output variables.

posRMSE = zeros(numel(tracklog),1);
velRMSE = zeros(numel(tracklog),1);
posANEES = zeros(numel(tracklog),1);
velANEES = zeros(numel(tracklog),1);

Loop over all tracks to:

  • Extract the tracks and ground truth at the i th tracker update.

  • Analyze and retrieve the current track-to-truth assignment.

  • Analyze instantaneous error metrics over all tracks and truths.

for i=1:numel(tracklog)
    tracks = tracklog{i};
    truths = truthlog{i};
    [trackAM,truthAM] = tam(tracks, truths);
    [trackIDs,truthIDs] = currentAssignment(tam);
    [posRMSE(i),velRMSE(i),posANEES(i),velANEES(i)] = ...

Show the track metrics table.

ans=4×16 table
    TrackID    AssignedTruthID    Surviving    TotalLength    UnreportedStatus    DeletionStatus    DeletionLength    DivergenceStatus    DivergenceCount    DivergenceLength    RedundancyStatus    RedundancyCount    RedundancyLength    FalseTrackStatus    FalseTrackLength    SwapCount
    _______    _______________    _________    ___________    ________________    ______________    ______________    ________________    _______________    ________________    ________________    _______________    ________________    ________________    ________________    _________

       1             NaN            false         1120             false              false               0                false                 3                   3                false                 0                   0                false                  0               0    
       2             NaN            false         1736             false              false               0                false                 8                  88                false                 0                   0                false                 28               3    
       6               3            true          1138             false              false               0                false                 4                 314                false                 1                  28                false                  0               2    
       8               2            true           662             false              false               0                false                 2                  29                false                 1                 169                false                 28               0    

Show the truth metrics table.

ans=2×11 table
    TruthID    AssociatedTrackID    DeletionStatus    TotalLength    UnreportedStatus    BreakStatus    BreakCount    BreakLength    InCoverageArea    EstablishmentStatus    EstablishmentLength
    _______    _________________    ______________    ___________    ________________    ___________    __________    ___________    ______________    ___________________    ___________________

       2               8                false            2678             false             false           4             168            true                 true                    56         
       3               6                false            2678             false             false           3             645            true                 true                    84         

Plot the RMSE and ANEES error metrics.

title('Position Error')
xlabel('tracker update')
ylabel('RMSE (m)')

title('Velocity Error')
xlabel('tracker update')
ylabel('RMSE (m/s)')

title('Position Error')
xlabel('tracker update')

title('Velocity Error')
xlabel('tracker update')

Figure contains 4 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Position Error, xlabel tracker update, ylabel RMSE (m) contains an object of type line. Axes object 2 with title Velocity Error, xlabel tracker update, ylabel RMSE (m/s) contains an object of type line. Axes object 3 with title Position Error, xlabel tracker update, ylabel ANEES contains an object of type line. Axes object 4 with title Velocity Error, xlabel tracker update, ylabel ANEES contains an object of type line.

Show the current error metrics for each individual recorded track.

ans=2×5 table
    TrackID    posRMS    velRMS    posANEES    velANEES
    _______    ______    ______    ________    ________

       6       44.712    20.988    0.05974     0.31325 
       8       129.26    12.739     1.6745      0.2453 

Show the current error metrics for each individual recorded truth object.

ans=2×5 table
    TruthID    posRMS    velRMS    posANEES    velANEES
    _______    ______    ______    ________    ________

       2       129.26    12.739     1.6745      0.2453 
       3       44.712    20.988    0.05974     0.31325 

Show the cumulative error metrics for each individual recorded track.

ans=4×5 table
    TrackID    posRMS    velRMS    posANEES    velANEES
    _______    ______    ______    ________    ________

       1       117.69    43.951    0.58338     0.44127 
       2        129.7      42.8    0.81094     0.42509 
       6       371.35    87.083     4.5208      1.6952 
       8       130.45    53.914     1.0448     0.44813 

Show the cumulative error metrics for each individual recorded truth object.

ans=2×5 table
    TruthID    posRMS    velRMS    posANEES    velANEES
    _______    ______    ______    ________    ________

       2       258.21    65.078     2.2514     0.93359 
       3       134.41    48.253    0.96314     0.49183 

Input Arguments

collapse all

Track assignment metrics object, specified as a trackAssignmentMetrics System object.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Truth metrics table, returned as a table. Each row of the table represents a truth. The table has these columns:


Unique truth identifier


Unique identifier of the associated track


False if the truth was reported in the last update

TotalLengthNumber of updates this truth was reported

True if the truth was not reported in the current update

MaxTimeBetweenReportsThe maximum time interval between adjacent updates to this truth. To enable this field, set the MaxUnreportedPeriod property to a non-zero value. The field is returned as a NaN value if there was only one update to this truth.
MeanTimeBetweenReportsThe average time interval between adjacent updates to this truth. To enable this field, set the MaxUnreportedPeriod property to a non-zero value. The field is returned as a NaN value if there was only one update to this truth.

The number of updates in which the track was following a deleted truth


True when an established truth no longer has any track assigned with it


Number of times this truth entered a broken state


Number of updates in which this truth was in a broken state


True if this truth object is inside the coverage area


True if the truth is associated to any track


Number of updates before this truth was associated to any track while inside the coverage area

Version History

Introduced in R2018b