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Add track fuser to tracking architecture

Since R2021a


addTrackFuser(ta,fuser) adds a track fuser object to the trackingArchitecture object ta.

addTrackFuser(___,'ToOutput',tf) specifies if the output of the added track fuser appears in the output of the tracking architecture. Specify tf as true or false. The default value is true.


addTrackFuser(___,'Name',name) enables you to specify the name of the added track fuser. The specified name is shown in the outputs of the summary and show object functions.

s = addTrackFuser(___) returns the summary of the tracking architecture after adding the fuser.


collapse all

Create a tracking architecture.

ta = trackingArchitecture;

Create a trackerGNN object. The tracker takes detection inputs from sensors 1 and 2. Add the tracker to the tracking architecture.

tracker1 = trackerGNN('TrackerIndex',1);

Create a trackerPHD object. The tracker takes detection inputs from sensors 3 and 4. Add the tracker to the tracking architecture and disable its direct output.

tracker2 = trackerPHD('TrackerIndex',2,'SensorConfigurations',...
addTracker(ta,tracker2,'ToOutput',false); % Disable output

Create a trackFuser object. The track fuser takes track inputs from the two trackers.

fuser = trackFuser('FuserIndex',3,'SourceConfigurations',...

Display the summary of the tracking architecture.

sum = summary(ta)
sum=3×4 table
         System          ArchitectureInputs       FuserInputs        ArchitectureOutput
    _________________    __________________    __________________    __________________

    {'T1:trackerGNN'}        {'1  2'  }        {'Not applicable'}       {[       1]}   
    {'T2:trackerPHD'}        {'3  4'  }        {'Not applicable'}       {0x0 double}   
    {'F3:trackFuser'}        {0x0 char}        {'1  2'          }       {[       2]}   

Show the tracking architecture.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Tracking Architecture: ta contains 38 objects of type rectangle, text, line, patch.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Tracking architecture, specified as a trackingArchitecture object.

Track fuser, specified as a trackFuser object.

You can also use a customized track fuser inheriting from the fusion.trackingArchitecture.TrackFuser class.

Enable fuser output in the tracking architecture, specified as true or false.

Name of the added track fuser, specified as a string scalar or a character vector.

Example: 'Tracker 1'

Output Arguments

collapse all

Tracking architecture summary, returned as a table. The number of rows of the table is equal to the total number of trackers and track fusers in the tracking architecture. The table contain these columns:

  • System — A description of the system organized as 'T' or 'F' for tracker or fuser, respectively, followed by the tracker or fuser index and the class of the system. For example, 'T1: trackerJPDA' is a tracker with index 1 and class of trackerJPDA.

  • ArchitectureInputs — The indices of inputs of the tracking architectures that report detections to the specific tracker or track fuser, shown as a cell containing a character vector. Each integer is an index of the architecture input.

  • FuserInputs — The indices of track inputs to the specific fuser in the tracking architecture, shown as a cell containing a character vector. Each integer is the index of a tracker or track fuser in the architecture.

  • ArchitectureOutputs — The output index of the specific tracker or track fuser, shown as an integer. Each integer is the index of an output in the architecture.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

See Also

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