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Generate SystemVerilog assertions from Simulink assertion

Add-On Required: This feature requires the ASIC Testbench for HDL Verifier add-on.

  • Assertion block

HDL Verifier / For Use with DPI-C SystemVerilog


The Assertion block asserts that its input signal is nonzero. If its input is zero, the block halts the simulation by default and displays an error message. When you generate a DPI-C SystemVerilog component - the block creates an immediate SystemVerilog assertion. Using the block parameters, you can:

  • Enable or disable the assertion.

  • Specify a MATLAB® expression for Simulink® to evaluate when the assertion fails.

  • Select for Simulink to either stop simulation or continue but display a warning when assertion fails.

Use the DPI-C parameters to control runtime options:

  • Specify the severity of the generated assertion.

  • Specify a custom message or action when the assertion fails.




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The Assertion block accepts input signals of any dimensions and numeric data type that Simulink supports.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | Boolean | fixed point


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Selecting this check box enables the block to display a simulation warning or error. It also enables the block to create a SystemVerilog assertion in your generated code. Clearing this check box disables the assertion in simulation, and it does not generate a SystemVerilog assertion.

Specify a MATLAB expression for Simulink to evaluate when the assertion fails. The block ignores this parameter in the generated DPI-C assertion.


To enable this parameter, select the Enable assertion parameter.

Selecting this check box causes Simulink to stop the simulation and display an error when the block input is zero. Clearing this check box enables Simulink to continue the simulation, displaying a warning when the block input is zero. The block ignores this parameter in the generated DPI-C assertion.


To enable this parameter, select the Enable assertion parameter.

DPI-C Assertion Options

Use these parameters to control the behavior of a generated DPI-C assertion, in a SystemVerilog simulation environment. To enable generation of DPI-C assertion, select Enable assertion.

Select error or warning for the DPI-C assertion to issue a SystemVerilog error or warning message. Set to custom to execute a custom command.


To enable this parameter, select the Enable assertion parameter.

Specify a custom SystemVerilog message to be emitted when the SystemVerilog assertion fails. This feature supports only ASCII characters.

Example: RX fail


To enable this parameter, set Severity to error or warning.

Specify a custom SystemVerilog command to execute when the assertion fails. You can set this parameter to be a display statement, command, or script. This feature supports only ASCII characters

Example: $display("RX fail at %0t", $time);


To enable this parameter, set Severity to custom.

Version History

Introduced in R2018a