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Determine if geographic or map raster contains points


tf = contains(R,lat,lon) determines whether the points (lat, lon) in geographic coordinates fall within the bounds of geographic raster R.


tf = contains(R,xWorld,yWorld) determines whether the points (xWorld, yWorld) in the world coordinate system fall within the bounds of map raster R.



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Create a MapPostingsReference raster reference object.

xWorldLimits = [207000 208000];
yWorldLimits = [912500 913000];
rasterSize = [11 21];
R = maprefpostings(xWorldLimits,yWorldLimits,rasterSize,'ColumnsStartFrom','north')
R = 
  MapPostingsReference with properties:

             XWorldLimits: [207000 208000]
             YWorldLimits: [912500 913000]
               RasterSize: [11 21]
     RasterInterpretation: 'postings'
         ColumnsStartFrom: 'north'
            RowsStartFrom: 'west'
    SampleSpacingInWorldX: 50
    SampleSpacingInWorldY: 50
     RasterExtentInWorldX: 1000
     RasterExtentInWorldY: 500
         XIntrinsicLimits: [1 21]
         YIntrinsicLimits: [1 11]
       TransformationType: 'rectilinear'
     CoordinateSystemType: 'planar'
             ProjectedCRS: []

Check if the raster contains the point (207549,912753). The expected result is 1 (true) since the x-coordinate is within R.XWorldLimits and the y-coordinate is within R.YWorldLimits.

tf = contains(R,207549,912753)
tf = logical

Create a GeographicCellsReference raster reference object.

latlim = [0 89];
lonlim = [-180 179];
rasterSize = [90 360];
R = georefcells(latlim,lonlim,rasterSize,'ColumnsStartFrom','north')
R = 
  GeographicCellsReference with properties:

             LatitudeLimits: [0 89]
            LongitudeLimits: [-180 179]
                 RasterSize: [90 360]
       RasterInterpretation: 'cells'
           ColumnsStartFrom: 'north'
              RowsStartFrom: 'west'
       CellExtentInLatitude: 0.988888888888889
      CellExtentInLongitude: 0.997222222222222
     RasterExtentInLatitude: 89
    RasterExtentInLongitude: 359
           XIntrinsicLimits: [0.5 360.5]
           YIntrinsicLimits: [0.5 90.5]
       CoordinateSystemType: 'geographic'
              GeographicCRS: []
                  AngleUnit: 'degree'

Check if points exist within the northern hemisphere.

pts_lat = [32 0 -10 32 212];
pts_lon = [-80 0 80 360 -80];
tf = contains(R,pts_lat,pts_lon)
tf = 1x5 logical array

   1   1   0   1   0

The first point is in the northern hemisphere. The second point is the origin, and tf(2) indicates the origin exists within the bounds of the northern hemisphere. The third point is in the southern hemisphere. The fourth point is identical to the first point after longitude wrapping. The element tf(4) demonstrates that the geographic raster supports wrapping of longitude coordinates. The last element tf(5) indicates that the geographic raster does not support wrapping of latitude coordinates.

Input Arguments

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Geographic or map raster, specified as a GeographicCellsReference, GeographicPostingsReference, MapCellsReference, or MapPostingsReference object.

Latitude coordinates, specified as a numeric scalar or vector.

Data Types: single | double

Longitude coordinates, specified as a numeric scalar or vector. Elements of lon can be wrapped arbitrarily without affecting the result.

Data Types: single | double

x-coordinates in the world coordinate system, specified as a numeric scalar or vector.

Data Types: single | double

y-coordinates in the world coordinate system, specified as a numeric scalar or vector.

Data Types: single | double

Output Arguments

collapse all

Flag indicating geographic or map raster vector contains points in the world coordinate system, returned as a logical scalar or vector. The kth element of tf is True when R contains the point ( xWorld(k), yWorld(k) ) in the world coordinate system.

Data Types: logical

Version History

Introduced in R2013b