Reference raster cells to map coordinates
A map cells reference object contains information that describes the relationship between a planar map coordinate system and an intrinsic coordinate system that is anchored to the columns and rows of a 2-D spatially referenced raster grid or image of cells.
Typically, the raster is sampled regularly in the planar world x and world y coordinates of the map system, such that the intrinsic x and world x axes align and the intrinsic y and world y axes align. When this is true, the relationship between the two systems is rectilinear. More generally, and much more rarely, their relationship is affine. The affine relationship allows for a possible rotation (and skew). In either case, rectilinear or affine, the sample spacing from row to row need not equal the sample spacing from column to column. The cells or pixels need not be square. In the most general case, they could conceivably be parallelograms, but in practice they are always rectangular.
This image illustrates a 8-by-10 planar raster of cells. The raster cells have an extent of 1 meter in x and y, cover x values in the range [40,50] in meters, and cover y values in the range [20,28] in meters. The boundary of the raster of cells is made up of the outermost boundaries of the outermost cells.
To reference a raster of postings to planar map coordinates, use a MapPostingsReference
object instead.
You can use these functions to create MapCellsReference
— Import a raster data file as an array and a reference object.maprefcells
— Create a map raster reference object by specifying the x and y world limits of the raster and either the size of the raster or the extent of the cells.maprasterref
— Convert a world file to a map raster reference object.refmatToMapRasterReference
— Convert a referencing matrix to a map raster reference object.
Object Functions
contains | Determine if geographic or map raster contains points |
cropToBlock | Crop raster reference object to row and column limits of raster |
firstCornerX | Return world x-coordinate of map raster index (1,1) |
firstCornerY | Return world y-coordinate of map raster index (1,1) |
intrinsicToWorld | Transform intrinsic to planar world coordinates |
sizesMatch | Determine if geographic or map raster object and image or raster are size-compatible |
worldFileMatrix | Return world file parameters for transformation |
worldGrid | World coordinates of raster elements |
worldToDiscrete | Transform planar world to discrete coordinates |
worldToIntrinsic | Transform planar world to intrinsic coordinates |
More About
Version History
Introduced in R2013b