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Delaunay triangulation


DT = delaunay(P) creates a 2-D or 3-D Delaunay triangulation from the points in a matrix P. The output DT is a three-column (for two dimensions) or four-column (for three dimensions) matrix where each row contains the row indices of the input points that make up a triangle or tetrahedron in the triangulation.

DT = delaunay(x,y) creates a 2-D Delaunay triangulation from the points in vectors x and y.


DT = delaunay(x,y,z) creates a 3-D Delaunay triangulation from the points in vectors x, y, and z.


collapse all

Create a set of 2-D points. Compute and plot the Delaunay triangulation.

rng default;
x = rand([20,1]);
y = rand([20,1]);
DT = delaunay(x,y);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type line.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Points, specified as a matrix whose columns are the x-coordinates, y-coordinates, and (possibly) z-coordinates of the triangulation points. Each row of the output DT contains the row numbers of P that make up a single triangle or tetrahedron in the triangulation.

x-coordinates, specified as a column vector.

y-coordinates, specified as a column vector.

z-coordinates, specified as a column vector.


  • Use the triplot, trisurf, trimesh, or tetramesh functions to plot the output of delaunay.

  • For more functionality with Delaunay triangulations, consider creating a delaunayTriangulation object and using object functions to compute geometric quantities and query properties of the triangulation.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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