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Transform graphics objects


    h = hgtransform creates a Transform object in the current axes. If no axes exist, then hgtransform creates new axes. Use h to query and set properties of the Transform object after creating it. For a list of properties, see Transform Properties.

    You can use a Transform object as a container for transforming a group of graphics objects without having to modify the coordinate data of each object. Group objects by parenting them to a single Transform object, and then and perform transformations, such as translations, scaling, and rotations, on the Transform object to modify the child objects as a group.


    h = hgtransform(Name,Value) sets properties of the Transform object using one or more name-value arguments. For example, hgtransform(Matrix=M) creates a Transform object with transform matrix M in the current axes. For a list of properties, see Transform Properties.

    h = hgtransform(parent,___) creates a Transform object in the axes, group, or transform specified by parent instead of the current axes. Specify parent as the first argument in any of the previous syntaxes.



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    Rotate a group of objects around the z-axis. Create a 3-D star composed of Surface objects. Then, group the objects by parenting them to a Transform object, and apply the transformation to all the objects together.

    Start by creating the axes and adjusting the view. Display grid lines and label the axes.

    ax = axes("XLim",[-1.5 1.5],"YLim",[-1.5 1.5],"ZLim",[-1.5 1.5]);
    grid on

    Plot a 3-D star composed of multiple Surface objects. Because the surfaces represent a single shape, store them in an array, s.

    [x,y,z] = cylinder([0.2 0]);
    s(1) = surface(x,y,z,FaceColor="red");
    s(2) = surface(x,y,-z,FaceColor="green");
    s(3) = surface(z,x,y,FaceColor="blue");
    s(4) = surface(-z,x,y,FaceColor="cyan");
    s(5) = surface(y,z,x,FaceColor="magenta");
    s(6) = surface(y,-z,x,FaceColor="yellow");

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel x-axis, ylabel y-axis contains 6 objects of type surface.

    To group the graphics objects for transformation, create a Transform object and parent the Surface objects to it.

    h = hgtransform;

    Create a rotation matrix to rotate the group of surfaces pi radians around the z-axis. Then, apply the rotation matrix by setting the Matrix property of the Transform object h. The surfaces parented to h rotate pi radians around the z-axis.

    R = makehgtform("zrotate",pi);
    h.Matrix = R;

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel x-axis, ylabel y-axis contains 6 objects of type surface.

    You can transform different objects within the same axes independently.

    Start by creating the axes and adjusting the view. Display grid lines and label the axes.

    ax = axes("XLim",[-3 1],"YLim",[-3 1],"ZLim",[-3 1]);
    grid on

    Create two spheres.

    [x,y,z] = sphere;
    s1 = surface(x,y,z);
    s2 = surface(x,y,z);

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel x-axis, ylabel y-axis contains 2 objects of type surface.

    Create two Transform objects in the specified axes.

    h1 = hgtransform(ax);
    h2 = hgtransform(ax);

    Parent one sphere to h1, and parent the other sphere to h2.

    s1.Parent = h1;
    s2.Parent = h2;

    Create a translation matrix to translate the second sphere away from the first sphere. Then, apply the translation matrix by setting the Matrix property of the Transform object h2.

    Txy = makehgtform("translate",[-1.5 -1.5 0]);
    h2.Matrix = Txy;

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel x-axis, ylabel y-axis contains 2 objects of type surface.

    Animate a scaling and rotation transformation.Create a combined transform matrix composed of a scaling matrix that scales an object by 2 and a rotation matrix that rotates the object around the z-axis. Apply the transformation to the object, and display the animated effect of the scaling and rotation by incrementing the scale factor and angle of rotation in a loop.

    Start by creating the axes and adjusting the view. Display grid lines and label the axes.

    ax = axes("XLim",[-2 2],"YLim",[-2 2],"ZLim",[-2 2]);
    grid on

    Plot a 3-D star composed of multiple Surface objects. Because the surfaces represent a single shape, store them in a single array, s.

    [x,y,z] = cylinder([0.2 0]);
    s(1) = surface(x,y,z,FaceColor="red");
    s(2) = surface(x,y,-z,FaceColor="green");
    s(3) = surface(z,x,y,FaceColor="blue");
    s(4) = surface(-z,x,y,FaceColor="cyan");
    s(5) = surface(y,z,x,FaceColor="magenta");
    s(6) = surface(y,-z,x,FaceColor="yellow");

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel x-axis, ylabel y-axis contains 6 objects of type surface.

    To group the graphics objects for transformation, create a Transform object and parent the Surface objects to it.

    h = hgtransform;

    Create an animation that scales and rotates the group of surfaces at the same time. Define the scaling and rotation matrices, and multiply them to apply both transformations at the same time. Set the Matrix property of the transform to this combined transform matrix, and draw the 3-D star at each iteration of the loop.

    for r = 1:.1:pi
        Rz = makehgtform("zrotate",r);
        Sxy = makehgtform("scale",r/2);
        h.Matrix = Rz*Sxy;

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel x-axis, ylabel y-axis contains 6 objects of type surface.

    Input Arguments

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    Parent container, specified as an Axes object, a Group object, or another Transform object.

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: hgtransform(Matrix=M) specifies the transform matrix as M.

    Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

    Example: hgtransform("Matrix","M") specifies the transform matrix as M.


    The properties listed here are only a subset. For a complete list, see Transform Properties.

    Transform matrix applied to the Transform object and its children, specified as a 4-by-4 matrix. For more information about defining this matrix, see Transforms Supported by hgtransform.

    Data Types: double

    Visibility, specified as 'on' or 'off', or as numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). A value of 'on' is equivalent to true, and 'off' is equivalent to false. Thus, you can use the value of this property as a logical value. The value is stored as an on/off logical value of type matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState.

    • 'on' — Display all objects in the Transform object.

    • 'off' — Hide all objects in the Transform object. You still can access the properties of invisible Transform objects. Setting the Visible property for the Transform object does not change the Visible property for objects in the Transform object.

    Response to mouse clicks captured by children, specified as 'on' or 'off', or as numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). A value of 'on' is equivalent to true, and 'off' is equivalent to false. Thus, you can use the value of this property as a logical value. The value is stored as an on/off logical value of type matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState.

    • 'on' — Trigger the ButtonDownFcn callback of the Transform object. If you have defined the ContextMenu property, then invoke the context menu.

    • 'off' — Do not trigger the callbacks of the Transform object. Instead, trigger the callbacks for the nearest ancestor that has a HitTest property set to 'on' and a PickableParts property value that enables the ancestor to capture mouse clicks.

    A Transform object cannot capture mouse clicks. However, if you click a child of the Transform object and if the child has a HitTest property set to 'off', then the child passes the click to the Transform object.


    • A Transform object can be the parent to any number of graphics objects, but it can contain only objects from the same axes.


    • Many plotting functions clear the axes (remove axes children) before drawing the graph. Clearing the axes also deletes any Transform objects in the axes. For example, if you create a Transform object and then use plot, the Transform object is deleted.

      h = hgtransform;
      p = plot(1:10);
      Invalid or deleted object.
    • You can return the child objects of a Transform object to their original orientation, position, and size by setting the transform matrix to the identity matrix. For example, return the child objects of transform t to their original state after applying the transform matrix M.

      t = hgtransform(Matrix=M);
      t.Matrix = eye(4);
      Transform operations are defined in absolute terms rather than relative to the current transform, so the identity matrix resets all previous transformations. For more information on the identity matrix, see the eye function.

    • You can parent a Text object to a Transform object, but scaling and rotating transform has no effect on the text. To change the font size and orientation of the text, instead set text properties, such as TextSize and Rotation. For more information, see Text Properties.

    • You can parent a Light object to a Transform object, but the transformations do not affect the position of the light. To modify the position and orientation of a light source, instead set the Position property of the Light object. For more information, see Light Properties.

    Version History

    Introduced before R2006a