[scans,poses] = scansAndPoses(slamObj)
returns the scans used by the lidarSLAM object as lidarScan objects, along with their associated [x y
theta] poses from the underlying pose graph of
[scans,poses] = scansAndPoses(slamObj,nodeIDs)
returns the scans and poses for the specific node IDs. To get the node IDs, see
the underlying poseGraph object in
slamObj for the node IDs.
Use a lidarSLAM object to iteratively add and compare lidar scans and build an optimized pose graph of the robot trajectory. To get an occupancy map from the associated poses and scans, use the buildMap function.
Load Data and Set Up SLAM Algorithm
Load a cell array of lidarScan objects. The lidar scans were collected in a parking garage on a Husky® robot from ClearPath Robotics®. Typically, lidar scans are taken at a high frequency and each scan is not needed for SLAM. Therefore, down sample the scans by selecting only every 40th scan.
To set up the SLAM algorithm, specify the lidar range, map resolution, loop closure threshold, and search radius. Tune these parameters for your specific robot and environment. Create the lidarSLAM object with these parameters.
Using a for loop, add scans to the SLAM object. The object uses scan matching to compare each added scan to previously added ones. To improve the map, the object optimizes the pose graph whenever it detects a loop closure. Every 10 scans, display the stored poses and scans.
for i = 1:numel(scans)
if rem(i,10) == 0
title("Lidar Scans and Poses")
xlabel("X [meters]")
ylabel("Y [meters]")
View Occupancy Map
After adding all the scans to the SLAM object, build an occupancyMap map by calling buildMap with the scans and poses. Use the same map resolution and max range you used with the SLAM object.
Lidar SLAM object, specified as a lidarSLAM object. The object contains the SLAM algorithm
parameters, sensor data, and underlying pose graph used to build the
nodeIDs — Node IDs from pose graph positive integer
Node IDs from pose graph, specified as a positive integer. Nodes are added
to the pose graph with sequential ID numbers. To get the node IDs, see the
underlying poseGraph object in
slamObj for the node IDs.
Lidar scan readings, returned as a lidarScan object.
poses — Pose for each scan n-by-3 matrix | [x y theta] vectors
Pose for each scan, returned as an n-by-3 matrix of
[x y theta] vectors. Each row is a pose that
corresponds to a scan in scans.
Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.
Use this syntax when constructing lidarSLAM objects for code
specifies the upper bound on the number of accepted scans allowed when generating
code. maxNumScans is a positive integer. This scan limit is only
required when generating code.
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