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robotics.SensorAdaptor Class

Namespace: robotics

Custom robot sensor interface

Since R2022b


The robotics.SensorAdaptor class is an interface for adapting custom sensor models to for use with the robotScenario object for robot scenario simulation.

The robotics.SensorAdaptor class is a handle class.

Class Attributes


For information on class attributes, see Class Attributes.



sensorObj = robotics.SensorAdaptor(sensorModel) creates a sensor object compatible with the robotScenario object. sensorModel is an object handle for a custom implementation of the SensorAdaptor class.

To get a template for a custom sensor implementation, use the createCustomRobotSensorTemplate function.



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Sensor update rate, specified as a positive scalar in Hz.

Example: 10

Data Types: double

Custom sensor model implementation, specified as an object handle. To get a template for a custom sensor implementation, use the createCustomRobotSensorTemplate function.




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This example focuses on creating and mounting an ultrasonic sensor on a mobile robot in a robotScenario. The ultrasonicDetectionGenerator from the Automated Driving Toolbox™ cannot be used directly with robotScenario. We will be implementing a custom sensor adaptor for the ultrasonicDetectionGenerator that makes it compatible with robotScenario. The sensor will be used to position a mobile robot correctly at a charging station.

Create Custom Sensor Adaptor

Use the createCustomRobotSensorTemplate function to generate a template sensor and update it to adapt an ultrasonicDetectionGenerator object for usage in Robot scenario.


This example provides the adaptor class CustomUltrasonicSensor, which can be viewed using the following command.

edit CustomUltrasonicSensor.m

Use the Sensor Adaptor in Robot Scenario Simulation

Create a robotScenario object with a sample rate of 10.

sampleRate = 10;
scenario = robotScenario(UpdateRate=sampleRate); 

Add a plane mesh to show the warehouse floor.

addMesh(scenario,"Plane",Position=[5 0 0],Size=[20 12],Color=[0.7 0.7 0.7]);

Create a waypointTrajectory that traverses a set of waypoints to the charging station and use the lookupPose method of the waypointTrajectory object to fetch the pose of the robot along the trajectory.

startPosition = [-3 -3];
chargingPosition = [13 0];

wPts = [[startPosition 0.1]; ...
    5 0 0.1; ...
    10 0 0.1; ...
    13.75 0 0.1]; %Charging station

toa = [0 4 7 10];
traj = waypointTrajectory(Waypoints=wPts,...
    TimeOfArrival=toa, ReferenceFrame='ENU', ...
[pos, orient, vel, acc, angvel] = traj.lookupPose(0:1/sampleRate:10);

Add a robotPlatform to the scene for our mobile robot. Load the Clearpath Husky model for the rigidBodyTree of the robotPlatform. Also add cuboid meshes to denote obstacles in the scene. Add a 1-by-1 plane to denote where the charging station is.

robot = robotPlatform("rst", scenario,...
    RigidBodyTree=loadrobot("clearpathHusky"), ...
    InitialBasePosition=pos(1,:), InitialBaseOrientation=compact(orient(1)));

addMesh(scenario,"Box",Position=[3  5 2],Size=[4 2 4],Color=[1 0.5 0.25],IsBinaryOccupied=true);
addMesh(scenario,"Box",Position=[3 -5 2],Size=[4 2 4],Color=[1 0.5 0.25],IsBinaryOccupied=true);
addMesh(scenario,"Box",Position=[7  5 2],Size=[4 2 4],Color=[1 0.5 0.25],IsBinaryOccupied=true);
addMesh(scenario,"Box",Position=[7 -5 2],Size=[4 2 4],Color=[1 0.5 0.25],IsBinaryOccupied=true);
addMesh(scenario,"Box",Position=[-3  -5 0.5],Size=[1 1 1],Color=[0.1 0.1 0.1]);

% Plane to denote Charging station location
addMesh(scenario,"Plane",Position=[13 0 .05],Size=[1 1],Color=[0 1 0]);

Create the charging station using a robotPlatform object. The robotPlatform allows us to fetch the transform between the object and the sensor for use in the custom sensor read method. Here, the charging station can be modeled using a cuboid. The robot has to reach within 5cm of the surface of the charging station to start charging.

chargeStation = robotPlatform("chargeStation", scenario,InitialBasePosition=[13.75 0 0]);
chargeStation.updateMesh("Cuboid",Size=[0.5 1 1], Color=[0 0.8 0]);

The ultrasonic sensor model requires inputs of the profile of the obstacles to be detected. The profile structure includes information about the dimensions of the obstacle.

chargingStationProfile = struct("Length", 0.5, "Width", 1, "Height", 1, 'OriginOffset', [0 0 0]);

Create the ultrasonic sensor using the ultrasonicDetectionGenerator object and set its mounting location to [0 0 0], detection range to [0.03 0.04 5] and field of view to [70, 35]. Also pass in the profile of the charging station that was created earlier.

ultraSonicSensorModel = ultrasonicDetectionGenerator(MountingLocation=[0 0 0], ...
    DetectionRange=[0.03 0.04 5], ...
    FieldOfView=[70, 35], ...

Create a robotSensor object that uses the custom sensor adaptor CustomUltrasonicSensor. The adaptor uses the ultrasonic sensor model created above. The mounting location will be at the front of the robot.

ult = robotSensor("UltraSonic", robot, ...
    CustomUltrasonicSensor(ultraSonicSensorModel), ...
    MountingLocation=[0.5 0 0.05]);

ax = show3D(scenario);
grid on

{"String":"Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 45 objects of type patch, line. These objects represent base_link, base_footprint, front_bumper_link, front_left_wheel_link, front_right_wheel_link, imu_link, inertial_link, rear_bumper_link, rear_left_wheel_link, rear_right_wheel_link, top_chassis_link, top_plate_link, top_plate_front_link, top_plate_rear_link, user_rail_link, front_left_wheel_link_mesh, front_right_wheel_link_mesh, rear_left_wheel_link_mesh, rear_right_wheel_link_mesh, top_chassis_link_mesh, top_plate_link_mesh, user_rail_link_mesh, base_link_mesh.","Tex":[],"LaTex":[]}

In this scene, the mobile robot will follow the trajectory to the charging station. When the ultrasonic sensor comes within a range of 20cm of the charging station, then mobile robot advance at a slower rate of 1cm per frame towards the charging station. When the robot is within 5cm of the surface of the charging station, it stops and the charging starts. The simulation ends when the charging starts.

isCharging = false;
i = 1;


while ~isCharging
    [isUpdated, t, det, isValid] = read(ult);
    grid on

    % Read the motion vector of the robot from the platform ground truth
    % This motion vector will be used only for plotting graphic elements
    pose =;
    rotAngle = quat2eul(pose(10:13));
    hold on

    if ~isempty(det)

        % Distance to object
        distance = det{1}.Measurement;

        % Plot a red shpere where the ultrasonic sensor detects an object
        exampleHelperPlotDetectionPoint(scenario, ...
            det{1}.ObjectAttributes{1}.PointOnTarget, ...
            ult.Name, ...
        displayText = ['Distance = ',num2str(distance)];
        distance = inf;
        displayText = 'No object detected!';

    % Plot a cone to represent the field of view and range of the ultrasonic sensor
    exampleHelperPlotFOVCylinder(pose, ultraSonicSensorModel.DetectionRange(3));
    hold off

    if distance <= 0.2
        % Advance in steps of 1cm when the robot is within 20cm of the charging station
        currentMotion = lastMotion;
        currentMotion(1) = currentMotion(1) + 0.01;

        lastMotion = currentMotion;
        displayText = ['Detected Charger! Distance = ',num2str(distance)];
        if distance <= 0.05
            % The robot is charging when it is within 5cm of the charging station
            displayText = ['Charging!! Distance = ',num2str(distance)];
            isCharging = true;
        % Follow the waypointTrajectory to the vicinity of the charging station
        if i<=length(pos)
            motion = [pos(i,:), vel(i,:), acc(i,:), ...
                compact(orient(i)), angvel(i,:)];
            lastMotion = motion;

    % Display the distance to the charging station detected by the ultrasonic sensor
    t = text(15, 0, displayText, "BackgroundColor",'yellow');
    t(1).Color = 'black';
    t(1).FontSize = 10;



{"String":"Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 48 objects of type patch, surface, line, text. These objects represent base_link, base_footprint, front_bumper_link, front_left_wheel_link, front_right_wheel_link, imu_link, inertial_link, rear_bumper_link, rear_left_wheel_link, rear_right_wheel_link, top_chassis_link, top_plate_link, top_plate_front_link, top_plate_rear_link, user_rail_link, front_left_wheel_link_mesh, front_right_wheel_link_mesh, rear_left_wheel_link_mesh, rear_right_wheel_link_mesh, top_chassis_link_mesh, top_plate_link_mesh, user_rail_link_mesh, base_link_mesh.","Tex":[],"LaTex":[]}

Version History

Introduced in R2022b