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Convert lattice filter coefficients to transfer function form


[b,a] = latc2tf(k,v) returns the transfer function coefficients b and a corresponding to the IIR lattice-ladder filter specified by lattice coefficients k and ladder coefficients v.

[b,a] = latc2tf(k,iiroption) specifies the option to generate an all-pole IIR filter transfer function or an allpass IIR filter transfer function.

b = latc2tf(k,firoption) specifies the option to generate a minimum-phase FIR filter, a maximum-phase FIR filter, or a general FIR filter.



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Convert lattice coefficients to transfer function form. Specify the filter option as "max" to generate a maximum-phase FIR filter.

k = [1/6 1/1.4];
b = latc2tf(k,"max")
b = 1×3

    0.7143    0.2857    1.0000

Confirm that the generated filter is maximum-phase.

ans = logical

Input Arguments

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Lattice coefficients, specified as a vector.

Data Types: single | double

Ladder coefficients, specified as a vector.

Data Types: single | double

IIR filter option, specified as "allpole" or "allpass". To obtain an all-pole filter transfer function from the associated all-pole IIR lattice filter coefficients k, specify iiroption as "allpole". To obtain an allpass filter transfer function from the associated allpass IIR lattice filter coefficients k, specify iiroption as "allpass".

Data Types: char | string

FIR filter option, specified as one of these:

  • "min" — Obtain a minimum-phase FIR filter from the associated minimum-phase FIR lattice filter coefficients k.

  • "max" — Obtain a maximum-phase FIR filter from the associated maximum-phase FIR lattice filter coefficients k.

  • "FIR" — Obtain a general FIR filter from the associated lattice filter coefficients k. This option is equivalent to not specifying iiroption or firoption.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

collapse all

Transfer function coefficients, returned as vectors.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also
