Digital Filtering
Lowpass, highpass, bandpass, and bandstop filter multichannel data without having to design filters or compensate for delays. Perform zero-phase filtering to remove delay and phase distortion. Use median or Hampel filtering to remove spikes and outliers. Convert transfer functions to different representations, such as second-order sections or poles and zeros.
Signal Analyzer | Visualize and compare multiple signals and spectra |
- Filtering Data with Signal Processing Toolbox Software
Design and implement a filter using command-line functions or an interactive app.
- Anti-Causal, Zero-Phase Filter Implementation
Eliminate the phase distortion introduced by an IIR filter.
- Compensate for the Delay Introduced by an FIR Filter
Use indexing to counteract the time shifts introduced by filtering.
- Compensate for the Delay Introduced by an IIR Filter
Remove delays and distortion introduced by filtering, when it is critical to keep phase information intact.
- Speaker Crossover Filters
Devise a simple model of a digital three-way loudspeaker using Chebyshev Type I designs. Visualize the poles, zeros, and frequency responses of the filters.
- Discrete-Time System Models
Explore different schemes to represent digital filters.
- Linear System Transformations
Convert between various representational schemes for digital filters.
- Human Activity Recognition Simulink Model for Smartphone Deployment (Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox)
Generate code from a classification Simulink® model prepared for deployment to a smartphone.