使用 MATLAB Function 模块的雷达跟踪
此示例说明如何使用 MATLAB Function 模块创建一个卡尔曼滤波器来估计飞机的位置。在估计位置后,模型调用外部 MATLAB® 函数来绘制跟踪数据。
打开 RadarTrackingExample
- 重力加速度tauc
- 飞机横轴加速度的相关时间taut
- 飞机推力轴加速度的相关时间speed
- 飞机在 y 方向上的初始速度deltat
- 雷达更新速率
XY Acceleration Model
子系统建模并输出加速度数据。Band-Limited White Noise 模块 INS Acceleration Data
生成数据,模型使用这些数据来确定飞机在 X-Y 平面的笛卡尔坐标中的加速度数据。
扩展卡尔曼滤波器使用极坐标中的位置数据。为了获得飞机位置,Second-Order Integrator 模块对加速度数据进行两次积分。由于此位置数据采用笛卡尔坐标,XY to Range Bearing
子系统将位置数据转换为极坐标。为了更好地表示真实的雷达数据,该模型通过使用 Band-Limited White Noise 模块来生成噪声,并使用 Gain 模块来调整噪声强度,从而将噪声添加到位置数据中。最后,该模型使用 Zero-Order Hold 模块 Sample and Hold
以固定时间间隔对连续时间数据进行采样和保持,然后将其传递给 MATLAB Function 模块中的扩展卡尔曼滤波器。
打开 MATLAB Function 模块以查看扩展卡尔曼滤波器。该函数接受两个输入参量 measured
和 deltat
是工作区变量的值。请参阅配置 MATLAB Function 模块参数变量。为了实现滤波器,该函数定义两个持久变量 P
和 xhat
- 包含残差的标量xhatout
- 包含飞机在笛卡尔坐标中的估计位置和速度的向量
function [residual, xhatOut] = extendedKalman(measured, deltat) % Radar Data Processing Tracker Using an Extended Kalman Filter
%% Initialization persistent P; persistent xhat if isempty(P) xhat = [0.001; 0.01; 0.001; 400]; P = zeros(4); end
%% Compute Phi, Q, and R
Phi = [1 deltat 0 0; 0 1 0 0 ; 0 0 1 deltat; 0 0 0 1];
Q = diag([0 .005 0 .005]);
R = diag([300^2 0.001^2]);
%% Propagate the covariance matrix and track estimate
P = Phi*P*Phi' + Q;
xhat = Phi*xhat;
%% Compute observation estimates:
Rangehat = sqrt(xhat(1)^2+xhat(3)^2);
Bearinghat = atan2(xhat(3),xhat(1));
% Compute observation vector y and linearized measurement matrix M
yhat = [Rangehat;
M = [ cos(Bearinghat) 0 sin(Bearinghat) 0
-sin(Bearinghat)/Rangehat 0 cos(Bearinghat)/Rangehat 0 ];
%% Compute residual (Estimation Error)
residual = measured - yhat;
% Compute Kalman Gain:
W = P*M'/(M*P*M'+ R);
% Update estimate
xhat = xhat + W*residual;
% Update Covariance Matrix
P = (eye(4)-W*M)*P*(eye(4)-W*M)' + W*R*W';
xhatOut = xhat;
仿真模型以查看结果。该模型记录估计位置和实际位置,并将它们保存到基础工作区。然后,通过在 StopFcn 回调中调用辅助函数 plotRadar
函数绘制 MATLAB Function 模块的记录数据输出。
function plotRadar(varargin) % Radar Data Processing Tracker plotting function
% Get radar measurement interval from model
deltat = 1;
% Get logged data from workspace
data = locGetData();
if isempty(data) return; % if there is no data, no point in plotting else XYCoords = data.XYCoords; measurementNoise = data.measurementNoise; polarCoords = data.polarCoords; residual = data.residual; xhat = data.xhat; end
% Plot data: set up figure if nargin > 0 figTag = varargin{1}; else figTag = 'no_arg'; end
figH = findobj('Type','figure','Tag', figTag);
if isempty(figH) figH = figure; set(figH,'WindowState','maximized','Tag',figTag); end
% Polar plot of actual/estimated position figure(figH); % keep focus on figH axesH = subplot(2,3,1,polaraxes); polarplot(axesH,polarCoords(:,2) - measurementNoise(:,2), ... polarCoords(:,1) - measurementNoise(:,1),'r')
hold on rangehat = sqrt(xhat(:,1).^2+xhat(:,3).^2); bearinghat = atan2(xhat(:,3),xhat(:,1)); polarplot(bearinghat,rangehat,'g'); legend(axesH,'Actual','Estimated','Location','south');
% Range Estimate Error figure(figH); % keep focus on figH axesH = subplot(2,3,4); plot(axesH, residual(:,1)); grid; set(axesH,'xlim',[0 length(residual)]); xlabel(axesH, 'Number of Measurements'); ylabel(axesH, 'Range Estimate Error - Feet') title(axesH, 'Estimation Residual for Range')
% East-West position XYMeas = [polarCoords(:,1).*cos(polarCoords(:,2)), ... polarCoords(:,1).*sin(polarCoords(:,2))]; numTSteps = size(XYCoords,1); t_full = 0.1 * (0:numTSteps-1)'; t_hat = (0:deltat:t_full(end))';
figure(figH); % keep focus on figH axesH = subplot(2,3,2:3); plot(axesH, t_full,XYCoords(:,2),'r'); grid on;hold on plot(axesH, t_full,XYMeas(:,2),'g'); plot(axesH, t_hat,xhat(:,3),'b'); title(axesH, 'E-W Position'); legend(axesH, 'Actual','Measured','Estimated','Location','Northwest'); hold off
% North-South position figure(figH); % keep focus on figH axesH = subplot(2,3,5:6); plot(axesH, t_full,XYCoords(:,1),'r'); grid on;hold on plot(axesH, t_full,XYMeas(:,1),'g'); plot(axesH, t_hat,xhat(:,1),'b'); xlabel(axesH, 'Time (sec)'); title(axesH, 'N-S Position'); legend(axesH, 'Actual','Measured','Estimated','Location','Northwest'); hold off end
% Function "locGetData" logs data to workspace function data = locGetData % Get simulation result data from workspace
% If necessary, convert logged signal data to local variables if evalin('base','exist(''radarLogsOut'')') try logsOut = evalin('base','radarLogsOut'); if isa(logsOut, 'Simulink.SimulationData.Dataset') data.measurementNoise = logsOut.get('measurementNoise').Values.Data; data.XYCoords = logsOut.get('XYCoords').Values.Data; data.polarCoords = logsOut.get('polarCoords').Values.Data; data.residual = logsOut.get('residual').Values.Data; data.xhat = logsOut.get('xhat').Values.Data; else assert(isa(logsOut, 'Simulink.ModelDataLogs')); data.measurementNoise = logsOut.measurementNoise.Data; data.XYCoords = logsOut.XYCoords.Data; data.polarCoords = logsOut.polarCoords.Data; data.residual = logsOut.residual.Data; data.xhat = logsOut.xhat.Data; end catch %#ok<CTCH> data = []; end else if evalin('base','exist(''measurementNoise'')') data.measurementNoise = evalin('base','measurementNoise'); data.XYCoords = evalin('base','XYCoords'); data.polarCoords = evalin('base','polarCoords'); data.residual = evalin('base','residual'); data.xhat = evalin('base','xhat'); else data = []; % something didn't run, skip retrieval end end end
MATLAB Function | Extended Kalman Filter (System Identification Toolbox)