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View and Analyze Simulation Results

View data during simulation, analyze simulation data, save simulation and analysis results

During simulation, you can tune parameter values and view simulation results using one or more tools:

  • Scope blocks and scope viewers — Quickly connect and visualize data for prototyping and debugging.

  • Dashboard blocks — View and monitor instantaneous signal values on dashboard displays, such as gauges and lamps.

  • Simulation Data Inspector — View many signals together on visualizations such as sparklines, time plots, XY plots, and maps.

  • Record block — Connect and view signals you can log to the workspace, to a file, or to the workspace and a file.

  • MATLAB® app — Tune model parameters and visualize signals from a custom app built using App Designer.

For complete information about viewing simulation data, see Decide How to Visualize Simulation Data.

After simulation, analyze the results.

  • Inspect signal values using cursors and scope measurements.

  • Import data from other sources into the Simulation Data Inspector to analyze alongside simulation data.

  • Compare signals or runs to analyze model behavior or data from a parameter sweep.

Save and share the simulation data and analysis results.

  • Save or export simulation data to a MAT file or a Microsoft® Excel® file.

  • Save data and visualization settings together as a Simulation Data Inspector session.

  • Generate an interactive report of comparison results.


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