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Customize Your Process Model

Define a repeatable process for your development and verification activities by using a process model

When your team has a standard process for local prequalification and CI builds, you can efficiently enforce guidelines and make collaboration easier. With the CI/CD Automation for Simulink Check support package, you can define a consistent process for your team by using a process model file. The support package includes a default process model with built-in tasks for automating common development and verification activities.

The process model uses tasks represent the steps in your process and queries to automatically find relevant artifacts. You can customize your process by adding and removing tasks, reconfiguring task behavior, specifying relationships between tasks, and finding specific sets of artifacts by using queries. You can use the built-in tasks and queries or create your own custom tasks and queries. When you are ready to deploy your process to your team, you can run the tasks in the process by using the Process Advisor app or the runprocess function.

To get started with the default process model, see Modify Default Process Model to Fit Your Process. For information on how tasks and queries define your process, see Overview of Process Model.


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padv.builtin.task.AnalyzeModelCodeTask for checking coding standards or proving code quality with Polyspace
padv.builtin.task.CollectMetricsTask for collecting model design and testing metrics
padv.builtin.task.DetectDesignErrorsTask for detecting design errors with Simulink Design Verifier
padv.builtin.task.GenerateCodeTask for generating code with Embedded Coder
padv.builtin.task.GenerateModelComparisonTask for generating model comparison report
padv.builtin.task.GenerateSDDReportTask for generating a System Design Description (SDD) report
padv.builtin.task.GenerateSimulinkWebViewTask for creating web views for models
padv.builtin.task.MergeTestResultsTask for generating consolidated test results report and merged coverage reports
padv.builtin.task.RunCodeInspectionTask for inspecting generated model code using Simulink Code Inspector
padv.builtin.task.RunModelStandardsTask for checking modeling standards with Model Advisor
padv.builtin.task.RunTestsPerModelTask for running test cases associated with each model using Simulink Test
padv.builtin.task.RunTestsPerTestCaseTask for running each test case using Simulink Test
padv.builtin.query.FindArtifactsQuery for finding artifacts
padv.builtin.query.FindCodeForModelQuery for finding generated code files and buildInfo.mat for model
padv.builtin.query.FindDesignModelsQuery for finding units and components
padv.builtin.query.FindExternalCodeCacheQuery for finding external code cache files in project folder
padv.builtin.query.FindFileWithAddressQuery for finding file with address
padv.builtin.query.FindFilesWithLabelQuery for finding files with project label
padv.builtin.query.FindMAJustificationFileForModelQuery for finding Model Advisor justification file for model (Since R2023a)
padv.builtin.query.FindModelsQuery for finding models
padv.builtin.query.FindModelsWithLabelQuery for finding models with project label
padv.builtin.query.FindModelsWithTestCasesQuery for finding models that have test cases
padv.builtin.query.FindProjectFileQuery for finding project file
padv.builtin.query.FindRefModelsQuery for finding referenced models
padv.builtin.query.FindRequirementsQuery for finding requirements
padv.builtin.query.FindRequirementsForModelQuery for finding requirements for model
padv.builtin.query.FindTestCasesForModelQuery for finding test cases for model
padv.builtin.query.FindTopModelsQuery for finding top models
padv.builtin.query.FindUnitsQuery for finding units
padv.builtin.query.GetDependentArtifactsQuery for getting dependent artifacts
padv.builtin.query.GetIterationArtifactQuery for getting current task iteration artifact
padv.builtin.query.GetOutputsOfDependentTaskQuery for getting outputs from predecessor task
padv.ArtifactStore artifact information
padv.ProcessGroup tasks and subprocesses in process model
padv.ProcessModelDefine tasks and process for project
padv.QuerySelect set of artifacts from project
padv.SubprocessGroup of tasks and subprocesses in process
padv.TaskSingle step in process
padv.TaskResultCreate and access results from task
padv.BuildResultResult from build system build
padv.ProjectSettingsBuild system settings for project
padv.UserSettingsBuild system settings for user


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addInputQueriesAdd input artifacts as inputs to task
addTaskAdd task instance to process model
dependsOnCreate dependency between tasks
runsAfterSpecify preferred execution order for tasks
createprocessCreate process model
getprocessGet process model object for process model in project
runprocessGenerate and run pipeline of tasks by using build system
padv.util.ArtifactAddressAddress for artifact in project
padv.util.closeModelsLoadedByTaskClose models loaded by task
padv.util.forceReanalyzeProjectReanalyze project and log analysis events
padv.util.getCurrentProjectGet current project and persist project instance
padv.util.getModelNameFind name of model that contains artifact
padv.util.getProjectReferencesGet list of project references
padv.util.getTestCaseIDFind ID for test case that contains artifact
padv.util.mergeArtifactDatabasesMerge artifact database files (Since R2023b)
padv.util.refreshProcessModelRefresh process model data
padv.util.saveArtifactDatabaseSave copy of artifact database file (Since R2023b)
padv.util.unpackExternalCodeCacheUnpack code generation target from Simulink cache files
