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Address Missing Coverage

Filter coverage results and address gaps

To focus your coverage results on the aspects of your design that you want to test, you use filters to exclude elements or justify unsatisfied outcomes that you do not intend to exercise. The remaining coverage gaps might indicate insufficient testing, missing requirements, or incorrect implementation. To address these coverage gaps, you can then create additional tests, extend existing tests, refine requirements, or edit your model.


slcoverage.BlockSelectorSelect blocks for coverage filter
slcoverage.CodeSelectorSelect custom C or C++ code for coverage filter
slcoverage.FilterCoverage filter set
slcoverage.FilterRuleCreate coverage filter rule
slcoverage.MetricSelectorSelect metric criterion for coverage filter
slcoverage.SelectorGet selectors of all types
slcoverage.SFcnSelectorSelect S-function criterion for filtering rule

Model Settings

expand all

Coverage filter filenameFilename of coverage filter


Exclude or Justify Coverage Results

Address Testing and Requirements Gaps

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