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Train Classification Ensemble
This example shows how to create a classification tree ensemble for the ionosphere
data set, and use it to predict the classification of a radar return with average measurements.
Load the ionosphere
data set.
load ionosphere
Train a classification ensemble. For binary classification problems, fitcensemble
aggregates 100 classification trees using LogitBoost.
Mdl = fitcensemble(X,Y)
Mdl = ClassificationEnsemble ResponseName: 'Y' CategoricalPredictors: [] ClassNames: {'b' 'g'} ScoreTransform: 'none' NumObservations: 351 NumTrained: 100 Method: 'LogitBoost' LearnerNames: {'Tree'} ReasonForTermination: 'Terminated normally after completing the requested number of training cycles.' FitInfo: [100x1 double] FitInfoDescription: {2x1 cell}
is a ClassificationEnsemble
Plot a graph of the first trained classification tree in the ensemble.
By default, fitcensemble
grows shallow trees for boosting algorithms. You can alter the tree depth by passing a tree template object to fitcensemble
. For more details, see templateTree
Predict the quality of a radar return with average predictor measurements.
label = predict(Mdl,mean(X))
label = 1x1 cell array