Uniform Distribution (Discrete)
The discrete uniform pdf is
The discrete uniform distribution is a simple distribution that puts equal weight on the integers from one to N.
Plot a Discrete Uniform Distribution cdf
As for all discrete distributions, the cdf is a step function. The plot shows the discrete uniform cdf for N = 10.
x = 0:10; y = unidcdf(x,10); figure; stairs(x,y) h = gca; h.XLim = [0 11];
Generate Discrete Uniform Random Numbers
Pick a random sample of 10 from a list of 553 items.
rng default; % for reproducibility numbers = unidrnd(553,1,10)
numbers = 1×10
451 501 71 506 350 54 155 303 530 534
See Also
| unidpdf
| unidinv
| unidstat
| unidrnd
| random