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Get UAV motion vectors at timestamps

Since R2022b


    motions = query(traj,timestamps) gets the UAV motion vectors motions from the trajectory traj at the timestamps timestamps.



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    Create a set of waypoints for both the multirotor and the fixed-wing UAV to follow.

    wpts = [0  0  0;
            2  2 -2;
           10 10 -3;
           12 12 -6];
    numwpts = size(wpts);

    Specify additional trajectory information, such as desired velocities, accelerations, jerks, snaps, and yaws, as well as start time, an end time, and times of arrival.

    vels = 2*ones(numwpts);
    accs = ones(numwpts);
    jerks = zeros(numwpts);
    snaps = zeros(numwpts);
    yaws = zeros(1,numwpts(1));
    starttime = 0;
    endtime = 8;
    toas = linspace(starttime,endtime,numwpts(1));

    Use the trajectory information to create the flight trajectories for the multirotor and the fixed-wing UAVs. Query and display the trajectories.

    mrft = multirotorFlightTrajectory(wpts,vels,accs,jerks,snaps,yaws,toas);
    fwft = fixedwingFlightTrajectory(wpts,vels,toas);
    ans = 4×16
        1.6184    1.6184    0.7520   -0.0243   -0.0243   -2.8758   -4.6045   -4.6045   -9.1669    0.9863   -0.1179    0.1147   -0.0137    0.0732   -0.0732   -0.0000
        1.0236    1.0236   -2.7807    0.5482    0.5482   -0.6198    3.9704    3.9704    8.6424    0.7429    0.5559   -0.2987   -0.2235   -1.3257    1.3257         0
        2.7277    2.7277   -1.2947    2.4069    2.4069    2.1026    1.7442    1.7442   -1.3857    0.9941    0.0770   -0.0761   -0.0059    0.1950   -0.1950         0
        6.4028    6.4028   -2.0972    4.4609    4.4609   -3.8447   -1.1875   -1.1875   -1.1875    0.9971   -0.0537    0.0534   -0.0029   -1.2364    1.2364   -0.0000
    ans = 4×16
        0.9453    0.9453   -0.3203    0.2422    0.2422   -1.8672   -0.7031   -0.7031   -1.5469    0.7098   -0.2450    0.5914    0.2940   -0.4683    0.4683    0.0000
        1.1875    1.1875   -2.1875    0.5938    0.5938   -1.0938    1.4063    1.4062    3.0938    0.8287   -0.1692    0.4085    0.3432    1.7750   -1.7750         0
        2.7813    2.7812   -1.6055    2.6563    2.6562    0.4414    1.6875    1.6875   -4.0078    0.9223    0.0224   -0.0540    0.3820   -0.7962    0.7962   -0.0000
        6.0000    6.0000   -2.5000    3.5000    3.5000   -1.5625   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.9131   -0.0583    0.1407    0.3782   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000

    Visualize both the multirotor flight trajectory and the fixed-wing flight trajectory.

    ax = show(mrft,NumSamples=200);
    title("Multirotor Flight Trajectory")
    view([0 0])

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Multirotor Flight Trajectory contains 806 objects of type patch, line.

    title("Fixed-Wing UAV Flight Trajectory")
    view([0 0])

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Fixed-Wing UAV Flight Trajectory contains 206 objects of type patch, line.

    Input Arguments

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    Flight trajectory, specified as a multirotorFlightTrajectory or fixedwingFlightTrajectory object.

    Timestamps, specified as an N-element vector containing time values, in seconds. N is the total number of specified timestamps.

    Output Arguments

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    Motion vectors, returned as an N-by-16 matrix, where each row contains the motion vector of the UAV, [X Y Z VX VY VZ AX AY AZ QW QX QY QZ P Q R], at the time specified by the corresponding element of the timestamps vector. N is the total number of specified timestamps.

    • X, Y, and Z are positions.

    • VX, VY, and VZ are velocities.

    • AX, AY, and AZ are accelerations.

    • QW, QX, QY, and QZ, are quaternions for rotations from the local north-east-down (NED) reference frame to the body frame.

    • P, Q, and R are angular velocities along local the NED reference frame axes.

    All motion values are expressed in the local NED frame.

    For timestamps outside the StartTime and EndTime of the specified trajectory object, the values of the corresponding motion vector row are NaN.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022b