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Multirotor UAV trajectory

Since R2022b


    The multirotorFlightTrajectory object stores a multirotor UAV trajectory created by using piecewise 9th degree polynomial to interpolate linear positions and the cubicpolytraj function to interpolate yaw angles between specified waypoints.



    T = multirotorFlightTrajectory(wpts,vels,accs,jerks,snaps,yaws,toas) creates a multirotorFlightTrajectory object, T using the specified waypoints wpts, velocities vels, accelerations accs, jerks jerks, snaps snaps, yaws yaws, and times of arrival toas. The input arguments set the Waypoints, Velocities, Accelerations, Jerks, Snaps, Yaws, and TimeOfArrival properties, respectively.


    T = parse(parser,mission) parses a UAV mission mission using a multirotor mission parser parser to create a multirotorFlightTrajectory object.

    Input Arguments

    expand all

    UAV mission parser, specified as a multirotorMissionParser object or a fixedwingMissionParser object.

    UAV mission, specified as a uavMission object.


    expand all

    Waypoints, specified as an N-by-3 matrix in the local north-east-down (NED) reference frame, in meters. N is the total number of waypoints, and each row contains the xyz-coordinates of a waypoint, [X Y Z].

    Example: [2 1 3; 3 2 4]

    Desired velocities, specified as an N-by-3 matrix in the local north-east-down (NED) reference frame, in meters per second. N is the total number of waypoints, and each row is the desired velocity of the UAV at the corresponding waypoint, [dX dY dZ].

    Example: [2 1 3; 3 2 4]

    Desired accelerations, specified as an N-by-3 matrix in the local north-east-down (NED) reference frame, in m/s2. N is the total number of waypoints, and each row is the desired acceleration at the corresponding waypoint, [d2X d2Y d2Z].

    Example: [2 1 3; 3 2 4]

    Desired jerks, specified as an N-by-3 matrix in the local north-east-down (NED) reference frame, in m/s3. N is the total number of waypoints, and each row is the desired jerk at the corresponding waypoint, [d3X d3Y d3Z].

    Example: [2 1 3; 3 2 4]

    Desired snaps, specified as an N-by-3 matrix in the local north-east-down (NED) reference frame, in m/s4. N is the total number of waypoints, and each row is the desired snap at the corresponding waypoint, [d4X d4Y d4Z].

    Example: [2 1 3; 3 2 4]

    Desired yaw angles, specified as an N-element vector in the local north-east-down (NED) reference frame, in degrees. N is the total number of waypoints, and each row is the desired yaw at the corresponding waypoint.

    Example: [20;32;0;-20]

    Times of arrival, specified as an N-element column vector, in seconds. N is the total number of waypoints, and each row is the time of arrival at the corresponding waypoint.

    The first and last elements of TimeOfArrival set the StartTime and EndTime properties, respectively.

    Example: [2; 3; 5; 6]

    This property is read-only.

    Start time of the trajectory, stored as a nonnegative numeric scalar, in seconds. The value of StartTime is the same as the value of the first element of the TimeOfArrival property.

    This property is read-only.

    End time of the trajectory, stored as a nonnegative numeric scalar, in seconds. The value of EndTime is the same as the value of the last element of the TimeOfArrival property.

    Object Functions

    copyCopy flight trajectory
    showVisualize the UAV trajectory
    queryGet UAV motion vectors at timestamps


    collapse all

    Create a UAV mission by using the flight plan stored in a .plan file and show the mission.

    mission = uavMission(PlanFile="flight.plan");
    axis equal

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel East (m), ylabel North (m) contains 10 objects of type line, text.

    Create parsers for a multirotor UAV and a fixed-wing UAV.

    mrmParser = multirotorMissionParser(TransitionRadius=2,TakeoffSpeed=2);
    fwmParser = fixedwingMissionParser(TransitionRadius=15,TakeoffPitch=10);

    Generate one flight trajectory using each parser.

    mrmTraj = parse(mrmParser,mission);
    fwmTraj = parse(fwmParser,mission);

    Visualize the waypoints, flight trajectory and body frames for each UAV.

    title("Multirotor Flight Trajectory")
    axis equal

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Multirotor Flight Trajectory contains 322 objects of type patch, line.

    title("Fixed-Wing Flight Trajectory")
    axis equal

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Fixed-Wing Flight Trajectory contains 328 objects of type patch, line.

    Plot the mission, waypoints, flight trajectory and UAV body frames in the same plot for each UAV.

    hold on
    hold off
    title("Mission Using Multirotor Trajectory")
    axis equal

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Mission Using Multirotor Trajectory, xlabel East (m), ylabel North (m) contains 332 objects of type patch, line, text.

    hold on
    hold off
    title("Mission Using Fixed-Wing Trajectory")
    axis equal

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Mission Using Fixed-Wing Trajectory, xlabel East (m), ylabel North (m) contains 338 objects of type patch, line, text.

    Create a set of waypoints for both the multirotor and the fixed-wing UAV to follow.

    wpts = [0  0  0;
            2  2 -2;
           10 10 -3;
           12 12 -6];
    numwpts = size(wpts);

    Specify additional trajectory information, such as desired velocities, accelerations, jerks, snaps, and yaws, as well as start time, an end time, and times of arrival.

    vels = 2*ones(numwpts);
    accs = ones(numwpts);
    jerks = zeros(numwpts);
    snaps = zeros(numwpts);
    yaws = zeros(1,numwpts(1));
    starttime = 0;
    endtime = 8;
    toas = linspace(starttime,endtime,numwpts(1));

    Use the trajectory information to create the flight trajectories for the multirotor and the fixed-wing UAVs. Query and display the trajectories.

    mrft = multirotorFlightTrajectory(wpts,vels,accs,jerks,snaps,yaws,toas);
    fwft = fixedwingFlightTrajectory(wpts,vels,toas);
    ans = 4×16
        1.6184    1.6184    0.7520   -0.0243   -0.0243   -2.8758   -4.6045   -4.6045   -9.1669    0.9863   -0.1179    0.1147   -0.0137    0.0732   -0.0732   -0.0000
        1.0236    1.0236   -2.7807    0.5482    0.5482   -0.6198    3.9704    3.9704    8.6424    0.7429    0.5559   -0.2987   -0.2235   -1.3257    1.3257         0
        2.7277    2.7277   -1.2947    2.4069    2.4069    2.1026    1.7442    1.7442   -1.3857    0.9941    0.0770   -0.0761   -0.0059    0.1950   -0.1950         0
        6.4028    6.4028   -2.0972    4.4609    4.4609   -3.8447   -1.1875   -1.1875   -1.1875    0.9971   -0.0537    0.0534   -0.0029   -1.2364    1.2364   -0.0000
    ans = 4×16
        0.9453    0.9453   -0.3203    0.2422    0.2422   -1.8672   -0.7031   -0.7031   -1.5469    0.7098   -0.2450    0.5914    0.2940   -0.4683    0.4683    0.0000
        1.1875    1.1875   -2.1875    0.5938    0.5938   -1.0938    1.4063    1.4062    3.0938    0.8287   -0.1692    0.4085    0.3432    1.7750   -1.7750         0
        2.7813    2.7812   -1.6055    2.6563    2.6562    0.4414    1.6875    1.6875   -4.0078    0.9223    0.0224   -0.0540    0.3820   -0.7962    0.7962   -0.0000
        6.0000    6.0000   -2.5000    3.5000    3.5000   -1.5625   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.9131   -0.0583    0.1407    0.3782   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000

    Visualize both the multirotor flight trajectory and the fixed-wing flight trajectory.

    ax = show(mrft,NumSamples=200);
    title("Multirotor Flight Trajectory")
    view([0 0])

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Multirotor Flight Trajectory contains 806 objects of type patch, line.

    title("Fixed-Wing UAV Flight Trajectory")
    view([0 0])

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Fixed-Wing UAV Flight Trajectory contains 206 objects of type patch, line.

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022b