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Plot 3-D map points and estimated camera trajectory in RGB-D visual SLAM

Since R2024a


    plot(vslam) plots the 3-D map points and estimated camera trajectory from the RGB-D visual SLAM object vslam.


    plot(vslam,Name=Value) specifies options using one or more name-value arguments. For example, MarkerSize=10 sets the diameter of the marker size to 10 points.

    ax = plot(___) returns the axes handle for the 3-D mapped points of the plot, using any combination of input arguments from previous syntaxes.


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    Perform RGB-D visual simultaneous localization and mapping (vSLAM) using the data from the TUM RGB-D Benchmark. You can download the data to a temporary directory using a web browser or by running this code:

    baseDownloadURL = ""; 
    dataFolder = fullfile(tempdir,"tum_rgbd_dataset",filesep); 
    options = weboptions(Timeout=Inf);
    tgzFileName = dataFolder+"fr3_office.tgz";
    folderExists = exist(dataFolder,"dir");
    % Create a folder in a temporary directory to save the downloaded file
    if ~folderExists  
        disp("Downloading fr3_office.tgz (1.38 GB). This download can take a few minutes.") 
        % Extract contents of the downloaded file
        disp("Extracting fr3_office.tgz (1.38 GB) ...") 

    Create two imageDatastore objects. One to store the color images and the other to store the depth images.

    colorImageFolder = dataFolder+"rgbd_dataset_freiburg3_long_office_household/rgb/";
    depthImageFolder = dataFolder+"rgbd_dataset_freiburg3_long_office_household/depth/";
    imdsColor = imageDatastore(colorImageFolder);
    imdsDepth = imageDatastore(depthImageFolder);

    Select the synchronized pair of color and depth images.

    data = load("rgbDepthPairs.mat");
    imdsColor=subset(imdsColor, data.indexPairs(:, 1));
    imdsDepth=subset(imdsDepth, data.indexPairs(:, 2));

    Specify your camera intrinsic parameters, and use them to create an RGB-D visual SLAM object.

    intrinsics = cameraIntrinsics([535.4 539.2],[320.1 247.6],[480 640]);
    depthScaleFactor = 5000;
    vslam = rgbdvslam(intrinsics,depthScaleFactor);

    Process each pair of color and depth images, and visualize the camera poses and 3-D map points.

    for i = 1:numel(imdsColor.Files)
        colorImage = readimage(imdsColor,i);
        depthImage = readimage(imdsDepth,i);
        if hasNewKeyFrame(vslam)
            % Query 3-D map points and camera poses
            xyzPoints = mapPoints(vslam);
            [camPoses,viewIds] = poses(vslam);
            % Display 3-D map points and camera trajectory
        % Get current status of system
        status = checkStatus(vslam);
        % Stop adding frames when tracking is lost
        if status == uint8(0)

    Once all the frames have been processed, reset the system.

    while ~isDone(vslam)

    Input Arguments

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    RGB-D visual SLAM object, specified as an rgbdvslam object.

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: plot(vslam,MarkerSize=10), sets the diameter of the marker to 10 points.

    Diameter of the markers for the 3-D map points, specified as a positive integer in points.

    Color of the markers for the 3-D map points, specified as an RGB triplet or a short or long color name. Each value within an RGB triplet must be in the range [0 1].

    Colormap source for markers, specified as "X", "Y", "Z", or "MarkerColor".

    Width of the camera base, specified as a positive scalar in the data units of the axes.

    Color of the camera, specified as an RGB triplet or a short or long color name. Each value within an RGB triplet must be in the range [0 1].

    Axes for visualization, specified as an Axes graphics object or a UIAxes object. Use this name-value argument to visualize the plot in a UI for which you have specified Figure and Axes properties.

    Output Arguments

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    Axes handle, returned as an axes graphics object.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a