butterworth bandpass filter coefficient calculatinon (algorithm)

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[EDIT: 20110720 22:53 CDT - convert character set, clarify - WDR]
I am trying to code my own butterworth bandpass filter to be implemented in C, from discrete 2th order lowpass butterworth filter by lowpass to bandpass spectral transformation, but the filter coefficient is not calculated correctly compared with the Matlab butter function. Following is the complete code of my program. Just copy to the Matlab editor and you can run it.
The algorithm is based on the following steps:
1) 2th order continuous Laplace transform is: 1/(s^2+ sqrt(2)*s + 1)
2) then transform the above filter to digital from by bilinear transform; s = 1/k*(z-1)/(z+1), where k = tan( pi * fc / fs); %fc is the cut-off frequency of the lowpass filter
3) lowpass to bandpass transform z--> (z^2 - r *z)/(r*z-1), where r = cos(w0) = cos( 2 * pi * ( fc1 + fc2 ) / 2 / fs ) / cos( 2 * pi * fc / 2 / fs); fc = fc2-fc1
based on the following paper
Constantinides, A.G., "Design of bandpass digital filters,' IEEE Proceedings, vol. 1, pp. 1129-1231, June 1969.
From 1-3), the coefficients of this IIR filter can be determined.
Are there any one can help check where I am I wrong? Thanks.
function test_bp1
fc1 = 1e3; fc2 = 10e3; fs = 48e3;
[b, a] = butter2_bp_direct(fc1, fc2, fs)
figure, freqz(b, a)
[b, a] = butter(2, [fc1, fc2]*2/fs)
figure,freqz(b, a)
function [b1, a1] = butter2_bp_direct(fc1, fc2, fs)
q1 = sqrt(2);
fc = abs( fc2 - fc1 );% equivalent cut-off frequency of lowpass filter is (fc2-fc1)
k = tan( pi * fc / fs);
r = cos( 2 * pi * ( fc1 + fc2 ) / 2 / fs ) / cos( 2 * pi * fc / 2 / fs);
b1 = k^2 * [1, 0, -2, 0, 1];
a10 = k^4 + k*q1 + 1;
a11 = -2*k *q1*r - 4*r;
a12 = -2 *k*k +4*r*r + 2;
a13 = 2*k *q1*r - 4*r;
a14 = k^2-k*q1+1;
a1 = [a10, a11, a12, a13, a14]/a10;
b1 = b1/a10;
  3 个评论
Jan 2011-7-22
BTW. "close all; clear all;" is a waste of time when called at the start of a function. I strongly recommend to avoid wild clearing of all functions loaded into memory, because it can reduce the runtime by a factor of 10.000.


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