how to get toggling effect in radio buttons?

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This code creates 3 options for user but I want slight changes here.First by clicking option 1 it must display image in axes1. But after radio button is again toggled as if no choice is made that axes should not have same image it should be empty.
Sorry in figure I cant show the axes at right plane.
h = uibuttongroup('visible','off','Position',[0 0 .2 1]);
u0 = uicontrol('Style','Radio','String','Option 1',...
'pos',[10 350 100 30],'parent',h,'HandleVisibility','off');
u1 = uicontrol('Style','Radio','String','Option 2',...
'pos',[10 250 100 30],'parent',h,'HandleVisibility','off');
u2 = uicontrol('Style','Radio','String','Option 3',...
'pos',[10 150 100 30],'parent',h,'HandleVisibility','off');
set(h,'SelectionChangeFcn', 'disp selectionChanged');
set(h,'SelectedObject',[]); % No selection
  5 个评论
preeti 2015-4-27
编辑:preeti 2015-4-27
No I hav'nt tried it yet ...
Michael Haderlein
Michael Haderlein 2015-4-27
Also, what Jan meant (I think): Usually people use checkboxes for such purpose.


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