How to run this code ???

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Jonathan Nguyen
Jonathan Nguyen 2012-12-29
I have a exercise find min f(x) Sum(i=1 --> n) (1 - x*(2i-1)^2)^2 + 10[(x*(2i) - [x*(2i-1)]^2]^2 Running in matlab function [ p, num_cg, iflag ] = cg_steihaug ( G, b, delta, params );
n = length(b);
errtol = params(1); maxit = params(2); iprnt = params(3); iflag = ' '; g = b;
x = zeros(n,1);
r = -g;
rho = z'*r;
tst = norm(r);
flag = '';
terminate = errtol*norm(g); it = 1; hatdel = delta*(1-1.d-6);
rhoold = 1.0d0;
if iprnt > 0
fprintf(1,'\n\tThis is an output of the CG-Steihaug method. \n\tDelta = %7.1e \n', delta);
fprintf(1,' ---------------------------------------------\n');
flag = 'We do not know ';
if tst <= terminate; flag = 'Small |g| '; end
while((tst > terminate) & (it <= maxit) & norm(x) <= hatdel)
if(it == 1)
p = z;
beta = rho/rhoold;
p = z + beta*p;
w = G*p; alpha = w'*p;
If alpha < = 0 head to the TR boundary and return
ineg = 0;
if(alpha <= 0)
ac = p'*p; bc = 2*(x'*p); cc = x'*x - delta*delta;
alpha = (-bc + sqrt(bc*bc - 4*ac*cc))/(2*ac);
flag = 'negative curvature';
iflag = 'NC';
alpha = rho/alpha;
if norm(x+alpha*p) > delta
ac = p'*p; bc = 2*(x'*p); cc = x'*x - delta*delta;
alpha = (-bc + sqrt(bc*bc - 4*ac*cc))/(2*ac);
flag = 'boundary was hit';
iflag = 'TR';
x = x + alpha*p;
r = r - alpha*w;
tst = norm(r);
if tst <= terminate; flag = '||r|| < test '; iflag = 'RS'; end;
if norm(x) >= hatdel; flag = 'close to the boundary'; iflag = 'TR'; end
if iprnt > 0
fprintf(1,' %3i %14.8e %s \n', it, tst, flag);
rhoold = rho;
z = r;
rho = z'*r;
it = it + 1;
if it > maxit; iflag = 'MX'; end;
num_cg = it;
p = x;
And in command windows:
syms x1 x2
f=(1 - x*(2i-1)^2)^2 + 10[(x*(2i) - [x*(2i-1)]^2]^2
[ p, num_cg, iflag ] = cg_steihaug ( G, b, delta, params )
And I can't run. Please, help me !

回答(2 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2012-12-29
Why can't you run it? After you typed in this line
[ p, num_cg, iflag ] = cg_steihaug ( G, b, delta, params )
into the command window, did you hit the enter key? It should run. Does it say that it can't find "cg_steihaug"? If so, make sure it's in the current folder or on your search path. Otherwise, if you have some other definition of " can't run" then, by all means, please share it with us.
Alternatively you can open an editor window and type all that stuff into an m-file and click the green "run" icon to run the m-file.
  4 个评论
Jonathan Nguyen
Jonathan Nguyen 2012-12-29
Matlab still report:
Error: Unbalanced or unexpected parenthesis or bracket.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012-12-29
You still have a '[' directly following your '10'.


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012-12-29
In the command window you used
syms x1 x2
but then you do not refer to x1 or x2 in anything that follows in the command window.
But in the next line you try to define f in terms of x, but x has no definition at that point. I can see that you do not want an anonymous function, as you use jacobian(f) which is only defined for symbolic expressions. Perhaps you wanted
syms x
instead of
syms x1 x2
Note though that the symbolic jacobian routine requires that you pass in two parameters, the second one being the variable to take the jacobian with respect to.
After that you pass the jacobians into your cg_steihaug and once there you try to do arithmetic calculations on it and you expect the result to be numeric (something you can compare to alpha). You need to think about that further. Possibly at some point you will want to use subs() to substitute values into the symbolic formula, and then double() to convert the resulting symbolic number into a double-precision number.
  1 个评论
Jonathan Nguyen
Jonathan Nguyen 2012-12-30
Matlab report: Undefined function 'norm' for input arguments of type 'sym'
Error in cg_steihaug (line 41)
tst = norm(r);
My exercise is
min f(x) Sum(i=1 --> n) (1 - x*(2i-1)^2)^2 + 10*[(x*(2i) - [x*(2i-1)]^2]^2
and I need to run it with n = 10



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