
Mary Abbott

Last seen: 4 months 前 自 2017 起处于活动状态

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  • Knowledgeable Level 3
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  • Knowledgeable Level 2
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How to solve the lincemse problme with report generator
Hi, please make sure you include the makeDOMCompilable command before any report generation code in your compiled application. F...

1 year 前 | 0

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how to add one report to another report with MATLAB report generator
Adding a Document or Report object to another Document or Report object is not supported. However, depending on the type of docu...

2 years 前 | 0

Save as functionality for report generation
Hello, The OutputPath property of a report holds the full path to the report file, including the name of the file. The report v...

2 years 前 | 0

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How do I add a high resolution figure to a Word template using Report Generator?
Hi Richard, You can specify the height and width of an image in a report with properties of the mlreportgen.dom.Image class. Fo...

2 years 前 | 1

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Zebra-Striped Table in app desginer
Hi Lluis, The example uses the mlreportgen.dom.Table class, which has a row method to access specific rows of the table. The er...

4 years 前 | 1

include an m file in a report
Hello, To display the contents of an M file in a Report Generator report, you can use an mlreportgen.dom.Text object to contain...

4 years 前 | 0

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Graphs in reports in a matlab WebApp
Unfortunately, there is currently no completely programmatic way to include snapshots of uiaxes in a report from a web applicati...

5 years 前 | 0

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How can I run a report setup file from within an app?
Hello, The Variable and Array-Based Table components use variables from the base workspace. In the REPORTButtonPushed callback,...

5 years 前 | 0

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How to center FormalImage in report
You can create a template based on the default FormalImage template that centers the image and caption. Create a template based...

5 years 前 | 1

Add image in the header of the report
Hello, Templates are not required for constructing a header. To create a header in a report programmatically, you can add a hea...

5 years 前 | 1

How to Publish from App Designer with a Push Button?
Hi Florian, I agree with Zenin's answer. The error is produced because the AppDesignerPublish function is not being supplied wi...

5 years 前 | 0

Save report HTML file from HTMX
To generate a report as a single HTML file, set the report type to html-file. rpt =,'html-...

5 years 前 | 3

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MATLAB report generator table font family
Hello, The code you are using should change the font family of the table entries to Calibri. However, there is a bug in R2018b ...

5 years 前 | 2

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How can I change the background color of a cell in report generator?
You can change how a particular number is formatted in a table by setting properties of a Text object that contains the number. ...

5 years 前 | 0

Command line Neural Network training stopping after 0 iterations
In some versions of MATLAB, if a neural network is trained normally with the Training Tool GUI, the training is stopped or cance...

7 years 前 | 2

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How to get indices of selected uitable cell outside cellselection callback
Hello, To accomplish this, you can create a property in your app that will store the currently selected indices. Then, add a ...

7 years 前 | 0

2D plot with z in color and magnify variations near zero
Hello, What you are seeing is probably caused by some outlying values that are much higher and lower than the average value o...

7 years 前 | 0

Question about displaying stop conditions
Hello, The information you are looking for can be found in the fifth output argument of the "lsqcurvefit" function: https:...

7 years 前 | 0

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Error: Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch
Hello, The error indicates the dimensions of blobCentroid(:,1) and [blobMeasurementsHue.Centroid]', or one of the other assig...

7 years 前 | 0

>40 seconds waiting for Undefined function or variable error 2017b
Thank you for reporting this. We have been able to reproduce this on our end, and I have forwarded the details to our developmen...

7 years 前 | 0

How do I scale my gui to a pdf without loosing some visual data?
It looks like the column names are being printed in the PDF in a mono-spaced font instead of the font used in the GUI. This is a...

7 years 前 | 0

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Hyper-spectral image read and display in Matlab
Hello, If you only want a general idea of what the picture looks like, a grayscale image would be the simplest to view: ...

7 years 前 | 0

viewSolid.m and viewSolidone.m where to get?
Hello, viewSolid and viewSolidone are not functions shipped with MATLAB. It looks like viewSolid can be found at the following l...

7 years 前 | 0

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How to add confidence intervals (95%) in a return level plot for a Weibull3 distribution?
Hello, The "wblfit" function can be used to estimate the confidence interval of the parameters of a Weibull distribution: ...

7 years 前 | 0

How can I change a cell array with timepoints in to a continous binary matrix? (for Neural Network Toolbox)
Hello, If I am understanding you correctly, you would like to change each 50x2 cell array into a 50x10000 matrix of mainly ze...

7 years 前 | 0

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Neural Network training and Testing (classification)
Hello, The target for a neural network is the desired output for a given input. When training the network, you are specifying...

7 years 前 | 1