Pranav Murali
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SOC estimation using UKF
I can understand that you are interested in knowing how we arrived at the values of Em, R and C stored in the lookup table. In t...
SOC estimation using UKF
I can understand that you are interested in knowing how we arrived at the values of Em, R and C stored in the lookup table. In t...
5 years 前 | 1
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How to read SparkFun 9DoF Razor IMU into MATLAB?
I understand that you tried to deploy your code on SparkFun Razor with the Zero firmware. I am not quite sure if there are any p...
How to read SparkFun 9DoF Razor IMU into MATLAB?
I understand that you tried to deploy your code on SparkFun Razor with the Zero firmware. I am not quite sure if there are any p...
5 years 前 | 0
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UWB - data transmission - signal processing
I understand that you are looking to transmit a binary pulse over UWB. Please follow the references given below: UWB Monocycle....
UWB - data transmission - signal processing
I understand that you are looking to transmit a binary pulse over UWB. Please follow the references given below: UWB Monocycle....
5 years 前 | 0
Where can I find the "SoC estimation using kalman fiter block" ?
The Kalman filter blocks used to estimate SoC of a battery can be found in the Control System Toolbox.
Where can I find the "SoC estimation using kalman fiter block" ?
The Kalman filter blocks used to estimate SoC of a battery can be found in the Control System Toolbox.
5 years 前 | 0
Equivalent Circuit Battery Block: Battery.PulseSequence
I see that you are interested in knowing the parameters and values stored within the pulse sequence. The command Battery.PulseSe...
Equivalent Circuit Battery Block: Battery.PulseSequence
I see that you are interested in knowing the parameters and values stored within the pulse sequence. The command Battery.PulseSe...
5 years 前 | 0
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Simulink - Send and receive float over serial port
I can understand that you are trying to send some data through a serial port which however is getting lost after transmission. I...
Simulink - Send and receive float over serial port
I can understand that you are trying to send some data through a serial port which however is getting lost after transmission. I...
5 years 前 | 0
Getting waveform by using UART on Raspberry Pi and ADC on Ti F28335
I see that your waveforms from the ADC aren’t similar as they are supposed to. Since they sampling frequencies are different, If...
Getting waveform by using UART on Raspberry Pi and ADC on Ti F28335
I see that your waveforms from the ADC aren’t similar as they are supposed to. Since they sampling frequencies are different, If...
5 years 前 | 0
IMU/INS sensor fusion with Cartesian coordinates
Currently, the Intertial Sensor Fusion functions only support geodectic coordinates as ReferenceLocation. So, the cartesian envi...
IMU/INS sensor fusion with Cartesian coordinates
Currently, the Intertial Sensor Fusion functions only support geodectic coordinates as ReferenceLocation. So, the cartesian envi...
5 years 前 | 0
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Read rotary encoder from Arduino Uno in Simulink
I understand that you are trying to read the counts from a rotary encoder using Simulink. Although Simulink doesn't have a block...
Read rotary encoder from Arduino Uno in Simulink
I understand that you are trying to read the counts from a rotary encoder using Simulink. Although Simulink doesn't have a block...
5 years 前 | 0
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Why the output of the Switch block is not a bus ?
Hi Prem, I understand that both the inputs of your switch are bus signals but the output in not a bus signal. Please check the ...
Why the output of the Switch block is not a bus ?
Hi Prem, I understand that both the inputs of your switch are bus signals but the output in not a bus signal. Please check the ...
5 years 前 | 0
How to improve ROS subscriber and publisher rate in Simulink
Hi Zi, I see that you are creating three publisher-subscriber pairs on ROS and they take more time to process than the desired ...
How to improve ROS subscriber and publisher rate in Simulink
Hi Zi, I see that you are creating three publisher-subscriber pairs on ROS and they take more time to process than the desired ...
5 years 前 | 0
RGB LED control help
Hi Madison, I understand that you are trying to control a digital RGB led strip based on the input from switches using the Ardu...
RGB LED control help
Hi Madison, I understand that you are trying to control a digital RGB led strip based on the input from switches using the Ardu...
5 years 前 | 0
Parrot Minidrone - stable flight
Hi Keith, It’s a nice idea to use the optical flow values for a good, controlled flight. Here’s a couple of things you can try:...
Parrot Minidrone - stable flight
Hi Keith, It’s a nice idea to use the optical flow values for a good, controlled flight. Here’s a couple of things you can try:...
5 years 前 | 0
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How do I apply constraints to state space response of a continuous time system?
Hi Kedar, Your state space model should be designed appropriately to provide responses within your desired range.
How do I apply constraints to state space response of a continuous time system?
Hi Kedar, Your state space model should be designed appropriately to provide responses within your desired range.
5 years 前 | 0
Plotting a relation from a describing equation - optimized trapezoidal steering optimization
Hi Igor, I see that you’ve been trying to visualize the difference between optimized trapezoidal and Ackerman steering. Finding...
Plotting a relation from a describing equation - optimized trapezoidal steering optimization
Hi Igor, I see that you’ve been trying to visualize the difference between optimized trapezoidal and Ackerman steering. Finding...
5 years 前 | 0
Calculating time of flight from a series of acoustic waveforms
Hi Lorenzo, You are trying to calculate the time of flight from the dataset you have. The transmitted and received signal (Volt...
Calculating time of flight from a series of acoustic waveforms
Hi Lorenzo, You are trying to calculate the time of flight from the dataset you have. The transmitted and received signal (Volt...
5 years 前 | 1
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Trouble writing PWM signal from PID controller
Hi Chris, I understand that you are receiving the correct value of PID but you are unable to control the output duty cycle of y...
Trouble writing PWM signal from PID controller
Hi Chris, I understand that you are receiving the correct value of PID but you are unable to control the output duty cycle of y...
5 years 前 | 1