Plot points with different brightness
That is possible by making a RGB matrix, for each point you need one row with RGB values. In the example below i used gray scale...
Plot points with different brightness
That is possible by making a RGB matrix, for each point you need one row with RGB values. In the example below i used gray scale...
2 years 前 | 1
Error using powershell.exe: 'Select-Object' is not recognized
I want to get information about serial ports via the powershell. I got the results i want, when I write some line of code in co...
4 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
Using matlab find power dissapated by 8ohm resistor and current supplied by 10v source
That is not a matlab problem, just use the formulas: P=I*V & V=I*R
Using matlab find power dissapated by 8ohm resistor and current supplied by 10v source
That is not a matlab problem, just use the formulas: P=I*V & V=I*R
4 years 前 | 0
Serial port is not working
Oh i solved my own problem, i should use int8 commands: fwrite(s, [hex2dec('64')], 'int8');
Serial port is not working
Oh i solved my own problem, i should use int8 commands: fwrite(s, [hex2dec('64')], 'int8');
4 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
Serial port is not working
Hello, I am working with the USB-RLY82 from robot-electronics.co.uk I have connected this device to the computer and it is av...
4 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0
Append a row to a workspace table
If you have two tables for example: a=table(); a.Var1(1,1) = 1; a.Var2(1,1) = 1; a.Var1(2,1) = 3; a.Var2(2,1) = 3; b=tab...
Append a row to a workspace table
If you have two tables for example: a=table(); a.Var1(1,1) = 1; a.Var2(1,1) = 1; a.Var1(2,1) = 3; a.Var2(2,1) = 3; b=tab...
4 years 前 | 0
How to find all possible paths from point A to B in any direction in a matrix?
With this script you got all possible paths, but it is very slow so you have to optimize it (shouldnt be that hard but dont have...
How to find all possible paths from point A to B in any direction in a matrix?
With this script you got all possible paths, but it is very slow so you have to optimize it (shouldnt be that hard but dont have...
4 years 前 | 1
objects of one class into another class
If you have these two classes: classdef clwinding properties d w end methods function...
objects of one class into another class
If you have these two classes: classdef clwinding properties d w end methods function...
4 years 前 | 1
objects of one class into another class
If you define for example your class like this, you can multiply two object values: classdef BasicClass properties V...
objects of one class into another class
If you define for example your class like this, you can multiply two object values: classdef BasicClass properties V...
4 years 前 | 1
How to delete/copy (store) rows of a struct?
You can delete the last 13 rows with: struc.data=[1:45]'; struc.data(end-12:end)=[];
How to delete/copy (store) rows of a struct?
You can delete the last 13 rows with: struc.data=[1:45]'; struc.data(end-12:end)=[];
4 years 前 | 0
how to solve a 5th degree equation and write a loop function with it
use the functions syms and solve: syms x solve(x==a*b*(1-x)^5)
how to solve a 5th degree equation and write a loop function with it
use the functions syms and solve: syms x solve(x==a*b*(1-x)^5)
5 years 前 | 0
Create results .txt files with loop
you can create txt files with: FP=fopen(sprintf('test%g.txt',1),'wt'); fprintf(FP,num2str(data)); fclose(FP);
Create results .txt files with loop
you can create txt files with: FP=fopen(sprintf('test%g.txt',1),'wt'); fprintf(FP,num2str(data)); fclose(FP);
5 years 前 | 0
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How can I make a scatter plot with different markers ?
maybe somthing like this: symbol_list=['*';'+';'o';'<']; for i=1:4 scatter(x(:,i),y(:,i),symbol_list(i)) hold on en...
How can I make a scatter plot with different markers ?
maybe somthing like this: symbol_list=['*';'+';'o';'<']; for i=1:4 scatter(x(:,i),y(:,i),symbol_list(i)) hold on en...
5 years 前 | 0
Create row with text from loop for a table
you can create table headers with: a=table(); for i=1:10; a.(sprintf('bar %g',i))=i; end
Create row with text from loop for a table
you can create table headers with: a=table(); for i=1:10; a.(sprintf('bar %g',i))=i; end
5 years 前 | 0
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Continuous Spectrogram from multiple wav files.
Something like this: data_tot=[]; >> for i=1:numel(files) data=audioread(files(i)); data_tot=[data_tot ; data]; end...
Continuous Spectrogram from multiple wav files.
Something like this: data_tot=[]; >> for i=1:numel(files) data=audioread(files(i)); data_tot=[data_tot ; data]; end...
5 years 前 | 0
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how to identify leap years
There is a leap year every four years, so you can use this: if mod(year,4)==0 'leap year' else 'not a leap year' en...
how to identify leap years
There is a leap year every four years, so you can use this: if mod(year,4)==0 'leap year' else 'not a leap year' en...
5 years 前 | 0
Creating a data matrix that self generates.
somthing like this: count=0; m=zeros(100,1); rand_int=datasample(1:100,1); m(rand_int)=1; old_matrix=reshape(m,[10 10]); f...
Creating a data matrix that self generates.
somthing like this: count=0; m=zeros(100,1); rand_int=datasample(1:100,1); m(rand_int)=1; old_matrix=reshape(m,[10 10]); f...
5 years 前 | 1
how can i solve this error?
You should use this: x=1:0.1:6; for i=1:numel(x) h(i,:)=z2+(x(i)-ls)*z4; end or even without ':' x=1:0.1:6; for i=1:numel...
how can i solve this error?
You should use this: x=1:0.1:6; for i=1:numel(x) h(i,:)=z2+(x(i)-ls)*z4; end or even without ':' x=1:0.1:6; for i=1:numel...
5 years 前 | 0
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print the element of a matrix
a=-Inf; for i=1:numel(matrix(:,1)) if matrix(i,1)>a; a=matrix(i,1); end end disp(a)
print the element of a matrix
a=-Inf; for i=1:numel(matrix(:,1)) if matrix(i,1)>a; a=matrix(i,1); end end disp(a)
5 years 前 | 1
print the element of a matrix
You can use: a=max(matrix(1,:)); disp(a) to disp the max value from the first row, or b=max(matrix(:,1)); disp(b) to ge...
print the element of a matrix
You can use: a=max(matrix(1,:)); disp(a) to disp the max value from the first row, or b=max(matrix(:,1)); disp(b) to ge...
5 years 前 | 0
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How to join two points, on a 'map', created with the command 'ginput'?
You can use this code, which contains the function ginput_norm: https://nl.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/75469-ginput...
How to join two points, on a 'map', created with the command 'ginput'?
You can use this code, which contains the function ginput_norm: https://nl.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/75469-ginput...
5 years 前 | 0
replace updated data with previous data in Matlab while Matlab and excel are linked.
Make a while loop in which matlab reads the data from the excel file every minute or every hour. You can generate a script that ...
replace updated data with previous data in Matlab while Matlab and excel are linked.
Make a while loop in which matlab reads the data from the excel file every minute or every hour. You can generate a script that ...
5 years 前 | 0
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Reading and Replace lines in input data for many lines
What about creating a new txt file in every loop and overwriting the existing file2.txt instead of replacing lines?
Reading and Replace lines in input data for many lines
What about creating a new txt file in every loop and overwriting the existing file2.txt instead of replacing lines?
5 years 前 | 0
What is z1 appearing when solving this nonlinear system for x y and z?
You can try to use the function vpasolve instead of solve
What is z1 appearing when solving this nonlinear system for x y and z?
You can try to use the function vpasolve instead of solve
5 years 前 | 3
Legend with different text color and Latex Interpreter
I dont think it is possible to change the color with the latex interpreter. It can be used to make text bold for example and ins...
Legend with different text color and Latex Interpreter
I dont think it is possible to change the color with the latex interpreter. It can be used to make text bold for example and ins...
5 years 前 | 0
How can I create a point shapefile from a csv (or matrix) with lat/long columns?
Im not sure what you want, but maybe this can help: for i=1:1780 T.(sprintf('var%g',i))=sprintf('var%g',i); end This cre...
How can I create a point shapefile from a csv (or matrix) with lat/long columns?
Im not sure what you want, but maybe this can help: for i=1:1780 T.(sprintf('var%g',i))=sprintf('var%g',i); end This cre...
5 years 前 | 0
plot fails with -Inf
you can use Px(isinf(abs(Px)))=0; to set all -Inf values to 0
plot fails with -Inf
you can use Px(isinf(abs(Px)))=0; to set all -Inf values to 0
5 years 前 | 0
How do I display the output of my stats_
Im not sure what you mean. With the command 'gcf' you get all the stats of the figure. The stats of the maskImage are in your ...
How do I display the output of my stats_
Im not sure what you mean. With the command 'gcf' you get all the stats of the figure. The stats of the maskImage are in your ...
5 years 前 | 0
How can I perform region growing with two seed points?
Can you upload an image, and give examples of the values: I,x,y,x2,y2,reg_maxdist1,reg_maxdist2, then we can run the code and ch...
How can I perform region growing with two seed points?
Can you upload an image, and give examples of the values: I,x,y,x2,y2,reg_maxdist1,reg_maxdist2, then we can run the code and ch...
5 years 前 | 0
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Creating a run log/count with a for loop within a table.
I think this is what you are looking for: switch_list=zeros(length(data),1); switch_list(2:end)=data(2:end,2)-data(1:end-1,2);...
Creating a run log/count with a for loop within a table.
I think this is what you are looking for: switch_list=zeros(length(data),1); switch_list(2:end)=data(2:end,2)-data(1:end-1,2);...
5 years 前 | 0