Programming Languages:
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English, Arabic
No pronouns - Use my name only
Professional Interests:
AI for Signals and Images
Spoken Languages:
English, Arabic
No pronouns - Use my name only
Professional Interests:
AI for Signals and Images
loading/Importing a Large ".csv" file in MATLAB ?
I want to upload a single ".csv" file with the size of 35 GB at once in MATLAB. I'am using I5 PC with 8.00 RAM memory. Please, I...
3 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
How to build a not fully-connected neural network step-by-step?
you mean like this one, your question is big , i did it once; but i can give you refrences : read about ELM-LRF
How to build a not fully-connected neural network step-by-step?
you mean like this one, your question is big , i did it once; but i can give you refrences : read about ELM-LRF
6 years 前 | 0
Unknown Future Prediction by Using ANN
I attached this file ,use this function it is great for norlmalization, but befor you normalize your data between 0 and 1 , i me...
Unknown Future Prediction by Using ANN
I attached this file ,use this function it is great for norlmalization, but befor you normalize your data between 0 and 1 , i me...
6 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
I want to split my data using 10-cross validation and then train the model using the nntoolbox how can I do this?
try this on iy will help you : divideint
I want to split my data using 10-cross validation and then train the model using the nntoolbox how can I do this?
try this on iy will help you : divideint
6 years 前 | 0
Can we change the input size of a pretrained network for transfer learning
yes this methode is cold: 1- if you are changing the neumber of neurons from N to n where N>n: this is called :'constructive...
Can we change the input size of a pretrained network for transfer learning
yes this methode is cold: 1- if you are changing the neumber of neurons from N to n where N>n: this is called :'constructive...
6 years 前 | 0
I need to know how to add noise in stacked denoising autoencoders. The coding
you dont have to do that, chek my code her it is verry easy: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/71115-denoisi...
I need to know how to add noise in stacked denoising autoencoders. The coding
you dont have to do that, chek my code her it is verry easy: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/71115-denoisi...
6 years 前 | 0
Hello; nedd help in order to learn programmation
u can use this one here it is very simple (do not forget to leave a comment and rate the application ) Merci. https://www.mathw...
Hello; nedd help in order to learn programmation
u can use this one here it is very simple (do not forget to leave a comment and rate the application ) Merci. https://www.mathw...
6 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
Feature Extraction using deep autoencoder
1) you must create a data set of this windows , dataset =[window1;window2; window3 ...................]. 2) train these datase...
Feature Extraction using deep autoencoder
1) you must create a data set of this windows , dataset =[window1;window2; window3 ...................]. 2) train these datase...
6 years 前 | 0
non-linear dimension reduction via Autoencoder
1) try to normalize you data first, between 0 and 1. 2) use these autoencoders and tell me the difference https://www.mathwork...
non-linear dimension reduction via Autoencoder
1) try to normalize you data first, between 0 and 1. 2) use these autoencoders and tell me the difference https://www.mathwork...
6 years 前 | 0
L2 regularization in sparse stacked autoencoders not clear to me
i didnt undrestand your question , could make more clear , there is no k and L2 parameters in the link . could you give us an ...
L2 regularization in sparse stacked autoencoders not clear to me
i didnt undrestand your question , could make more clear , there is no k and L2 parameters in the link . could you give us an ...
6 years 前 | 0
How to create Autoencoder whit different input and output
autoencoders are used to this purpose the input must be equal the the target ; this is why they named as autoencoders (they enco...
How to create Autoencoder whit different input and output
autoencoders are used to this purpose the input must be equal the the target ; this is why they named as autoencoders (they enco...
6 years 前 | 0
Retraining Deep denoising Autoencoder
you will nerver long use the speach frames in the second DAEs, -first: you will encode your input frames with the first DAs. ...
Retraining Deep denoising Autoencoder
you will nerver long use the speach frames in the second DAEs, -first: you will encode your input frames with the first DAs. ...
6 years 前 | 0
How are the features obtained in a sparse autoencoder?
in spearse autoencoders , a set of the original images mapped to the output layer passing by the hidden layer, where the output...
How are the features obtained in a sparse autoencoder?
in spearse autoencoders , a set of the original images mapped to the output layer passing by the hidden layer, where the output...
6 years 前 | 1
code running for infinite while plotting my array for correlation
if you want to plot Rx , then you should plot B not C, and you can't plot B vs C in this example because C and B they dont have ...
code running for infinite while plotting my array for correlation
if you want to plot Rx , then you should plot B not C, and you can't plot B vs C in this example because C and B they dont have ...
6 years 前 | 1
| 已接受
How to generate a similar samples from certain distribution ?
I trained a neural net with some samples (images), and i want to generate a new similar samples to the original ones to see the ...
6 years 前 | 0 个回答 | 0
what is meant by sigpara and sigpara1 in code
inside the code you will find the answer; just check the authors definitions of inputs and outputs you will find it there
what is meant by sigpara and sigpara1 in code
inside the code you will find the answer; just check the authors definitions of inputs and outputs you will find it there
6 years 前 | 0
i have downloaded the elm code from net, i am getting error "elm_train" require more input arguements to run. in elm_train(X,Y, number_neurons), attached the the screenshot for the same. kindly help me through this.
thanks for using my code , you must excute the main program in file example.m , and not function .
i have downloaded the elm code from net, i am getting error "elm_train" require more input arguements to run. in elm_train(X,Y, number_neurons), attached the the screenshot for the same. kindly help me through this.
thanks for using my code , you must excute the main program in file example.m , and not function .
6 years 前 | 0
I want to predict the fire trend, help me elm version suitable for my problem
it is not about the subject it is about data, you must first look at your data , which type ,is it :'big data or small data', is...
I want to predict the fire trend, help me elm version suitable for my problem
it is not about the subject it is about data, you must first look at your data , which type ,is it :'big data or small data', is...
6 years 前 | 0
Imprecision problem: pinv(H) is not equal to pinv(H'*H)*H'
in ELM you should alwayes scale your inputs batween (-1,1) fro both versions, do that and let me know about the results
Imprecision problem: pinv(H) is not equal to pinv(H'*H)*H'
in ELM you should alwayes scale your inputs batween (-1,1) fro both versions, do that and let me know about the results
6 years 前 | 0
Anyone here solves MATLAB problems as 'part-time job' ?
contact me for any problems you want to solve
Anyone here solves MATLAB problems as 'part-time job' ?
contact me for any problems you want to solve
6 years 前 | 0
How to reduce the number of iterations in partical swarm optimization toolbox?
yes, chane the tolerance value incrimentaly
How to reduce the number of iterations in partical swarm optimization toolbox?
yes, chane the tolerance value incrimentaly
6 years 前 | 0
how to use op-elm toolbox
first import you excel files into space work using import dat; the save them in the same repertory of opELM as ''filename.txt'' ...
how to use op-elm toolbox
first import you excel files into space work using import dat; the save them in the same repertory of opELM as ''filename.txt'' ...
6 years 前 | 0
How to use new learning algorithm for training ANN other than predefined algorithms (like FFBP)
of course you can , this my codes for you: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/profile/authors/6602421-berghout-tarek?utf8=...
How to use new learning algorithm for training ANN other than predefined algorithms (like FFBP)
of course you can , this my codes for you: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/profile/authors/6602421-berghout-tarek?utf8=...
6 years 前 | 0
Accuracy doesnot change by changing number of layers and filters.
try toscale your data between (0 and 1) even thje targets and try a gain , because i faced those problems too.
Accuracy doesnot change by changing number of layers and filters.
try toscale your data between (0 and 1) even thje targets and try a gain , because i faced those problems too.
6 years 前 | 0
How do I represent an empty data in a matrix?
if that data is very important for you , i propose this solution for you: before you train your model , take only the raws tha...
How do I represent an empty data in a matrix?
if that data is very important for you , i propose this solution for you: before you train your model , take only the raws tha...
6 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
trainNetwork - protect centain layers from changing
yes there is a pssibility take this codes and change the training lope, when you find ''for i=1: nember of layes '' change it to...
trainNetwork - protect centain layers from changing
yes there is a pssibility take this codes and change the training lope, when you find ''for i=1: nember of layes '' change it to...
6 years 前 | 0
It's possible to export a neural network as a function to use in excel?
i didn' t done it before , but i know that it is possible ; you have weights matrices you can put each one of them in tables and...
It's possible to export a neural network as a function to use in excel?
i didn' t done it before , but i know that it is possible ; you have weights matrices you can put each one of them in tables and...
6 years 前 | 0
output of neural network
if your network traind for regression : the outputs will be a scaler value correspending to the inputs. if your network traind ...
output of neural network
if your network traind for regression : the outputs will be a scaler value correspending to the inputs. if your network traind ...
6 years 前 | 0
How create NN ???
there are 2 hidden layers . but you should know that there is a difference between the training method and the type of the netw...
How create NN ???
there are 2 hidden layers . but you should know that there is a difference between the training method and the type of the netw...
6 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
What is the recommended statistical tool example/webinar for analysing multiple variable analysis of extreme values?
you can use T test
What is the recommended statistical tool example/webinar for analysing multiple variable analysis of extreme values?
you can use T test
6 years 前 | 0