Video length is 54:54

Model-Based Design for DO-178C Software Development with MathWorks Tools, Part 5: Proving Algorithmic Correctness

In part 5 of this webinar series, we discuss the idea of using formal methods to further verify the model and assess robustness. Executing test cases verifies the algorithm’s functionality for that single input case. The use of formal methods analysis allows the developer to verify the algorithm’s functionality for all possible inputs. Except for the simplest algorithms, this level of rigor and robustness is typically impossible to perform via testing alone. This example uses Simulink and Simulink Design Verifier to apply formal methods to prove the absence of design errors in the model, assess functional behavior in all possible scenarios, and automatically generate test cases for missing coverage.

Note: Simulink Verification and Validation transitioned to Simulink Check, Simulink Coverage, and Requirements Toolbox in R2017b.

Recorded: 31 Mar 2013