Configure object detector for using calibrated monocular camera
configures any of these object detectorsconfiguredDetector
= configureDetectorMonoCamera(detector
ACF (aggregate channel features)
Faster R-CNN (regions with convolutional neural networks)
Fast R-CNN
YOLO v2 (you only look once v2)
YOLO v3 (you only look once v3)
YOLO v4 (you only look once v4)
SSD (single shot detector),
to detect objects of a known size on a ground plane. Specify your
trained object detector, detector
, a camera configuration for
transforming image coordinates to world coordinates, sensor
and the range of the object widths and lengths,
Input Arguments
Output Arguments
Version History
Introduced in R2017a
See Also
| fastRCNNObjectDetector
| fasterRCNNObjectDetector
| acfObjectDetectorMonoCamera
| fastRCNNObjectDetectorMonoCamera
| fasterRCNNObjectDetectorMonoCamera
| monoCamera
| yolov2ObjectDetectorMonoCamera
| yolov3ObjectDetectorMonoCamera
| yolov4ObjectDetectorMonoCamera
| ssdObjectDetectorMonoCamera