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Edit Point Cloud

Edit point cloud tab

To edit point cloud data, from the Lidar Viewer app toolstrip, select Edit Point Cloud tab. You can use the built-in edit algorithms or create a custom algorithm.

Built-in Edit Algorithms

You can use these built-in algorithms, from the Algorithm section, to process your point cloud data.




 Ground Removal


 Unorganize To Organize

Custom Edit Algorithms

You can create a new custom edit algorithm, or import an existing one into the app.

Follow these steps to create and apply a custom algorithm to your data.

  1. Click on Create Algorithm and select whether to use a Class Template or a Function Template. MATLAB® opens a new MAT file that contains the corresponding code framework and directions to create your custom algorithm.

  2. The code template contains sections for spatial and temporal algorithms. To apply your algorithm to single point cloud frame, use the spatial section. To edit multiple frames, use the temporal section. The app uses the spatial section by default.

  3. You can also define tunable algorithm parameters as user interface (UI) elements. These UI elements appear in the Algorithm Parameters pane when you use the algorithm.

  4. To import the algorithm into the app, click on Import Algorithm and select whether you want to Import Class or Import Function. Then, browse to and select the file that contains the algorithm you want to import.

  5. After you import the algorithm, the app adds it to the list of algorithms in the Algorithm section. If you do not see your imported algorithm, click Refresh List to update the algorithm list.

For more information on creating custom preprocessing workflows, see Create Custom Preprocessing Workflow with Lidar Viewer.

Apply Edits

When you select an edit algorithm, the app populates the tunable algorithm parameters for the selected algorithm in the Algorithm Parameters pane. The app dynamically updates the point cloud as you tune these parameters.

Select Apply to apply an algorithm to the current point cloud frame. Apply to all frames applies your edits to all frames in the data source.

You can export all the edits applied on the point cloud as a MATLAB function by selecting Export To Function.

To accept all applied edits and close the Edit Point Cloud tab, click Accept. The app saves the edited point cloud as, FileName_Edit in the Data Browser pane, where FileName is the name of the original point cloud.

Cancel discards all the edits.


Use the Color and Visualize options for better visualization while tuning the parameters. For more information, see Visualize Point Cloud Using Color and Camera Views.

Algorithm History

Applied Algorithms pane

The Applied Algorithms pane records all preprocessing operations applied to the current frame. You can reorder, edit, or delete the applied algorithms listed in the history.

See Also




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