Add style to UI component
adds the style to a specific row, column, or cell. For example,
adds the style to the third column of the
specified table.
Since R2022a
adds the style to a specific node, subtree, or tree level. For example,
adds the style to the top-level nodes of the
specified tree.
List Box
Since R2023a
adds the style to a specific item of the list box. For example,
adds the style to the third item of the
specified list box.
Since R2023a
adds the style to a specific item of the drop-down component. For example,
adds the style to the third item of the
specified drop-down component.
Change Color of Table Column
Change the background color of the cells in a table column by creating a style and applying it to the table.
Create a figure with a table UI component in it and populate the table with numeric data.
fig = uifigure; fig.Position = [500 500 520 220]; uit = uitable(fig); uit.Data = rand(5); uit.Position = [20 30 480 135];
Then, create a style with a specific background color and add the style to the
second column of the table using the addStyle
s = uistyle('BackgroundColor','red'); addStyle(uit,s,'column',2)
Change Color of Table Cells Based on Data
Style cells in a table UI component that contain missing values. In this
case, add a yellow background color style to cells that have NaN
Read tsunami sample data into the workspace as a table array. Then create a table UI component to display the data.
tdata = readtable('tsunamis.xlsx'); vars = {'Year','Month','Day','Hour', ... 'MaxHeight','Cause','EarthquakeMagnitude'}; tdata = tdata(1:100,vars); fig = uifigure('Position',[500 500 750 350]); uit = uitable(fig); uit.Position = [20 20 710 310]; uit.Data = tdata; uit.RowName = 'numbered';
Use the ismissing
function to get a logical array of the table
elements that contain missing values. Find the row and column subscripts for the
elements that have NaN
values. Finally, create a yellow background
color style and add it to the cells with NaN
values in the table UI
styleIndices = ismissing(tdata); [row,col] = find(styleIndices); s = uistyle('BackgroundColor','yellow'); addStyle(uit,s,'cell',[row,col])
Add Multiple Styles to Table
Create multiple styles and add them to different parts of a table UI component.
Create a figure with a table UI component in it and display numeric data in the table. Find the row and column subscripts for elements in the table with a value less than zero so you can style these cells later.
fig = uifigure; fig.Position = [500 500 720 230]; uit = uitable(fig); uit.Data = randi([-20,20],7); uit.Position = [20 30 680 185]; [row,col] = find(uit.Data < 0);
Create two background color styles and one style that specifies font color and weight. Add a cyan background color to columns 1, 3, and 5. Emphasize the cells with negative values by making their font red and bold. Then, style rows 3 and 4 with a green background color. Finally, reuse the cyan background color style and add it to column 7. For cells where multiple styles of the same type are added, the style that is added last is the one that displays in the cell.
s1 = uistyle; s1.BackgroundColor = 'cyan'; addStyle(uit,s1,'column',[1 3 5]) s2 = uistyle; s2.FontColor = 'red'; s2.FontWeight = 'bold'; addStyle(uit,s2,'cell',[row,col]) s3 = uistyle; s3.BackgroundColor = 'green'; addStyle(uit,s3,'row',[3 4]) addStyle(uit,s1,'column',7)
Highlight Levels of Tree
Create a tree to display a simple app hierarchy and highlight the different hierarchy levels.
Create a tree that represents the component hierarchy in a MATLAB® app. At the top level there is a UI figure window. The figure contains a
object and a Panel
container. The panel
holds a Button
and a DropDown
object. Expand all
nodes of the tree to see the full hierarchy.
fig = uifigure('Position',[100 100 250 350]); t = uitree(fig); fignode = uitreenode(t,'Text','UI Figure'); pnlnode = uitreenode(fignode,'Text','Panel'); axnode = uitreenode(fignode,'Text','UIAxes'); btnnode = uitreenode(pnlnode,'Text','Button'); ddnode = uitreenode(pnlnode,'Text','DropDown'); expand(t,'all')
Create three styles with background colors in different shades of blue to highlight the different tree levels. Apply the darkest background to the nodes at level one, a lighter background to the nodes at level two, and the lightest background to the nodes at level three.
s1 = uistyle('BackgroundColor','#3773EB'); s2 = uistyle('BackgroundColor','#78A1F2'); s3 = uistyle('BackgroundColor','#B5CBF8'); addStyle(t,s1,'level',1); addStyle(t,s2,'level',2); addStyle(t,s3,'level',3);
Style Tree Nodes to Indicate File Type
Style nodes in a tree that showcases a file structure to visually distinguish different file types.
Create a tree UI component. Each top-level node represents a folder. Each child node represents a file in that folder. Expand the tree to see all the nodes.
fig = uifigure("Position",[300 300 350 400]); t = uitree(fig); % Parent nodes n1 = uitreenode(t,"Text","App 1"); n2 = uitreenode(t,"Text","App 2"); n3 = uitreenode(t,"Text","Images"); % Child nodes n11 = uitreenode(n1,"Text","myapp1.m"); n21 = uitreenode(n2,"Text","myapp2.m"); n22 = uitreenode(n2,"Text","app2callback.m"); n31 = uitreenode(n3,"Text","peppers.png"); expand(t)
Create three styles: one with a bold font weight, one with an italic font angle, and one with an icon.
dirStyle = uistyle("FontWeight","bold"); mStyle = uistyle("FontAngle","italic"); imgStyle = uistyle("Icon","peppers.png");
Apply the bold style to the top-level nodes to distinguish the nodes that
represent folders. Apply the italic style to the children of the App
and App 2
nodes to distinguish the nodes that
represent MATLAB program files. Finally, apply the icon style to the node that
represents an image file to show a preview of the image.
addStyle(t,dirStyle,"level",1) addStyle(t,mStyle,"node",[n1.Children;n2.Children]) addStyle(t,imgStyle,"node",n31)
Add Icons to List Box Items
Since R2023a
Create a list box with three items that represent different images.
fig = uifigure; lb = uilistbox(fig,"Items",["Peppers","Nebula","Street"]);
Create three styles with icons that correspond to the list box items.
s1 = uistyle("Icon","peppers.png"); s2 = uistyle("Icon","ngc6543a.jpg"); s3 = uistyle("Icon","street1.jpg");
Add the styles to the list box items to display the icons.
addStyle(lb,s1,"item",1); addStyle(lb,s2,"item",2); addStyle(lb,s3,"item",3);
Add Colors to Drop-Down Component Items
Since R2023a
Create a drop-down UI component with three items.
fig = uifigure; dd = uidropdown(fig,"Items",["Good","Fair","Poor"]);
Create three background color styles.
s1 = uistyle("BackgroundColor","#77AC30"); s2 = uistyle("BackgroundColor","#EDB120"); s3 = uistyle("BackgroundColor","#F77A8F");
Add the styles to the drop-down component items to change their background colors.
addStyle(dd,s1,"item",1); addStyle(dd,s2,"item",2); addStyle(dd,s3,"item",3);
The item background colors update, and the appearance of the component reflects the style of the selected item. The style does not change the color that displays when a user points to an item.
Create Consistent Appearance Between UI Components
Add a single style to both a check box tree and a table UI component to create a cohesive app appearance.
Create a figure window, and add a check box tree and a table in a grid layout manager. Populate both components with some sample data.
fig = uifigure('Position',[300 300 450 330]); gl = uigridlayout(fig,[1 2]); gl.ColumnWidth = {'1x','2x'}; tr = uitree(gl,'checkbox'); n1 = uitreenode(tr,'Text','Reptiles'); n11 = uitreenode(n1,'Text','Snake'); n12 = uitreenode(n1,'Text','Dinosaur'); n2 = uitreenode(tr,'Text','Amphibians'); n21 = uitreenode(n2,'Text','Turtle'); expand(tr) tbl = uitable(gl,'Data',randi(100,[20 3]));
Create a style that specifies the font color, name, and weight. Apply this style to both the entire tree and the entire table.
s = uistyle('FontColor',[0.1 0.5 0.06], ... 'FontName','Calibri', ... 'FontWeight','bold'); addStyle(tr,s) addStyle(tbl,s)
Input Arguments
— Table component
Table component, specified as a Table
object created with the
function. The component object must be parented to a
figure created with the uifigure
function or one of its child
— Style object
Style object created with the uistyle
— Table style target
(default) | "row"
| "column"
| "cell"
Table style target, specified as "table"
, "column"
, or "cell"
Use this argument to indicate the type of table part to apply the style to.
Example: addStyle(tbl,s,"column",5)
adds the style to the fifth
column of tbl
Example: addStyle(tbl,s,"cell",[3 7])
adds the style to the table
cell of tbl
in row 3, column 7.
— Table style target index
(default) | positive integer | vector of positive integers | n
-by-2 array of positive integers | ...
Table style target index, specified as one of the values listed in the tables. The
types of values that you can specify depend on the value of
and on the type of data used in the table UI
tableTarget | Supported tableIndex Values | Examples | Result |
"row" | Positive integer. | 4 | Adds a style to the row with the corresponding row index. |
Vector of positive integers. | [3 8 9 12] | Adds a style to the rows with the corresponding row indices. | |
"column" | Positive integer. | 3 | Adds a style to the column with the corresponding column index. |
Vector of positive integers. | [1 2 7 14] | Adds a style to the columns with the corresponding column indices. | |
"cell" |
| [2 4;5 9;13 27] | Adds a style to the cells with the corresponding row and column subscripts. |
"table" | Empty string or character vector. | "" | Adds a style to the entire table. |
In table UI components in which the underlying data is a table
array, there are additional options when the target is specified as
. Specify these values for the
if you want to apply a style to a column based on the
variable names in the table array.
tableTarget | Supported tableIndex Values | Examples |
"column" | String scalar Add a style to the column with the corresponding variable name. | "Torque" |
String array Add a style to the columns with the corresponding variable names. | ["Torque" "Mass"] | |
Character vector Add a style to the column with the corresponding variable name. | 'Revenue' | |
1-D cell array of character vectors Add a style to the columns with the corresponding variable names. | {'Year','Expenses','Revenue'} |
If you are styling cells based on whether the value of the cells meets a
specific condition, and your cells are editable, then use a
function to recompute the style target indices
that meet the specified condition, and add a new style to the table that sets these new
cells as the tableIndex
— Tree component
Tree component, specified as a Tree
object created with the
— Tree style target
(default) | "node"
| "level"
| "subtree"
Tree style target, specified as "tree"
, "level"
, or "subtree"
Use this argument to indicate the type of tree part to apply the style to.
Example: addStyle(tr,s,"level",1)
adds the style to the top-level
nodes of tr
Example: addStyle(tr,s,"node",[n1 n2])
adds the style to the nodes
and n2
Example: addStyle(tr,s,"subtree",n)
adds the style to the node
and all nodes that are descendents of
— Tree style target index
(default) | positive integer | vector of positive integers | TreeNode
object | vector of TreeNode
Tree style target index, specified as one of the values listed in the table. The
types of values that you can specify depend on the value of
treeTarget | Supported treeIndex Values | Examples | Result |
"node" |
| node1 | Add a style to the specified tree node. |
Vector of | [node1 node2] | Add a style to the specified tree nodes. | |
"level" | Positive integer | 2 | Add a style to the tree level with the corresponding index. |
Vector of positive integers | [1 4] | Add a style to the tree levels with the corresponding indices. | |
"subtree" |
| node1 | Add a style to the specified tree node and all of its descendents. |
Vector of | [node1 node2] | Add a style to the specified tree nodes and all of their descendents. | |
"tree" | Empty string or character vector | "" | Add a style to the entire tree. |
The tree level index specifies the location within the tree hierarchy. The tree nodes at level one are those parented directly to the tree UI component, the nodes at level two are those parented to the nodes at level one, and so on.
— List box component
List box component, specified as a ListBox
object created with
the uilistbox
— List box style target
(default) | "item"
List box style target, specified as "listbox"
. Use this argument to indicate the type of list box part to
apply the style to.
Example: addStyle(lb,s,"item",3)
adds the style to the third item
of lb
— List box style target index
(default) | positive integer | vector of positive integers
List box style target index, specified as one of the values listed in the table. The
types of values that you can specify depend on the value of
listBoxTarget | Supported listBoxIndex Values | Examples | Result |
"item" | Positive integer | 2 | Add a style to the list box item with the corresponding index. |
Vector of positive integers | [1 4] | Add a style to the list box items with the corresponding indices. | |
"listbox" | Empty string or character vector | "" | Add a style to the entire list box. |
— Drop-down component
Drop-down component, specified as a DropDown
object created with
the uidropdown
— Drop-down component style target
(default) | "item"
Drop-down component style target, specified as "dropdown"
. Use this argument to indicate the type of drop-down
component part to apply the style to.
Example: addStyle(dd,s,"item",3)
adds the style to the third item
of dd
— Drop-down component style target index
(default) | positive integer | vector of positive integers
Drop-down component style target index, specified as one of the values listed in the
table. The types of values that you can specify depend on the value of
dropDownTarget | Supported dropDownIndex Values | Examples | Result |
"item" | Positive integer | 2 | Add a style to the drop-down component item with the corresponding index. |
Vector of positive integers | [1 4] | Add a style to the drop-down component items with the corresponding indices. | |
"dropdown" | Empty string or character vector | "" | Add a style to the entire drop-down component. |
To see a list of the styles that have been added to a UI component, query the value of the
property of the component.
Version History
Introduced in R2019bR2023a: Add styles to items in list box and drop-down UI components
To apply a style to a list box or list box item, specify the ListBox
object as the first argument to the addStyle
function. Specify the
target type and index using the listBoxTarget
To apply a style to a drop-down component or drop-down component item, specify the
object as the first argument to the
function. Specify the target type and index using the
and dropDownIndex
R2022a: Add styles to a tree node and its descendents
To apply a style to tree nodes and all of their descendents, specify the tree target as
and the index as the top nodes of the sub-trees.
R2021b: Add styles to nodes and levels in a tree UI component
To apply a style to a tree, tree node, or tree level, specify the
object as the first argument to the addStyle
function. Specify the target type and index using the treeTarget
See Also
- Style Properties |
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