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Remove obstacles from capsule list

Since R2020b


removeObstacle(capsuleListObj,obstacleIDs) removes obstacles with the specified IDs from the dynamic capsule list.


status = removeObstacle(capsuleListObj,obstacleIDs) additionally returns an indicator of whether an obstacles is removed, not found, or a duplicate.


collapse all

Add obstacles to an environment using the dynamicCapsuleList object. Modify the properties of the obstacles. Remove an obstacle from the environment. Visualize the states of all objects in the environment at different timestamps.

Create the dynamicCapsuleList object. Extract the maximum number of steps to use as the number of time stamps for the object paths.

capsuleList = dynamicCapsuleList;
numSteps = capsuleList.MaxNumSteps;

Add Obstacles

Specify the states for the two obstacles as a linear path from x = 0 m to x = 100 m. The two obstacles are separated by 10 m in opposite directions on the y-axis.

obsState = linspace(0,1,numSteps)'.*[100 0 0];
obsState1 = obsState+[0 10 0];
obsState2 = obsState+[0 -10 0];

Generate default poses and geometric structures for the two obstacles using obstacle IDs.

[obsIDs,obsPoseStruct] = obstaclePose(capsuleList,[1 2]);
[obsIDs,obsGeomStruct] = obstacleGeometry(capsuleList,obsIDs);

Update Obstacles

Assign the states to the obstacles.

obsPoseStruct(1).States = obsState1;
obsPoseStruct(2).States = obsState2;

Increase the radius of the first obstacle to 2 m.

obsGeomStruct(1).Geometry.Radius = 2;

update the obstacles using the updateObstaclePose and updateObstacleGeometry object functions.


Visualize the obstacles.

axis equal

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type patch.

Remove Obstacles

Remove the first obstacle from the capsule list by specifying its ID.


Visualize the obstacles again.

axis equal

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type patch.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Dynamic capsule list, specified as a dynamicCapsuleList or dynamicCapsuleList3D object.

IDs of obstacles to remove, specified as a vector of positive integers.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Result of removing obstacles, specified as N-element column vector of ones, zeros, and negative ones. N is the number of obstacles specified in the obstacleIDs argument. Each value indicates whether the obstacle is removed (1), not found (0), or a duplicate (-1). If you specify the same obstacle ID multiple times in the obstacleIDs input argument, then all entries besides the last are marked as a duplicate.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2020b