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Graph-based A* path planner

Since R2023a


    The plannerAStar object creates an A* path planner from a graph object. The A* algorithm finds the shortest path in the graph by using a heuristic function to efficiently guide its exploration of the nodes.



    planner = plannerAStar(graph) creates a plannerAStar object from a navGraph object, graph. The graph input sets the value of the Graph property.


    planner = plannerAStar(___,Name=Value) sets properties using one or more name-value arguments in addition to the input argument in the previous syntax. You can specify the HeuristicCostFcn and TieBreaker properties as name-value arguments.


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    Graph object of the planning environment, specified as a navGraph object. If using a digraph object, you must first convert it to a navGraph object. The planner uses the link (or edge) weights from the navGraph object to compute the path cost.

    The heuristic cost between a state and the goal in a graph, specified as one of the predefined cost function handles, @nav.algs.distanceManhattan, @nav.algs.distanceEuclidean, or @nav.algs.distanceEuclideanSquared, or a custom cost function handle.

    The cost function must accept two N-by-S matrices, state1 and state2, where N is the number of states, and S is the length of the state vector. The function must return an N-element column vector of heuristic costs, H. If N is the same for both inputs, then H contains the pairwise costs between the states. Otherwise, one matrix must have a single row, and H contains the cost between that state and each state in the opposing matrix. Vectorize the custom cost function for best performance.

    Example: HeuristicCostFcn=@nav.algs.distanceEuclidean

    Example: HeuristicCostFcn=@(state1,state2)nav.algs.distanceManhattan(state1,state2,weight)

    Example: HeuristicCostFcn=@(state1,state2)sqrt(sum((state1-state2).^2,2))

    Data Types: function_handle

    Tiebreaker mode toggle, specified as either a logical 0 (false) or 1 (true). When you enable the TieBreaker property, the A* path planner chooses between multiple paths of the same length by adjusting the heuristic cost value.

    Example: TieBreaker=true

    Data Types: logical

    Object Functions

    planFind shortest path between two states in graph
    copyCreate deep copy of A* path planner object


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    Load the Queensland road network.


    Specify states, links, and weights for a navGraph object.

    states = places.utm;               % UTM coordinates of cities
    names =;               % Names of cities
    links = [routes.start routes.end]; % Adjacent cities
    weights = routes.time;             % Travel time between adjacent cities

    Create a navGraph object.

    graphObj = navGraph(states,links,Weight=weights, ...

    Create a graph-based A* path planner.

    planner = plannerAStar(graphObj);

    Create a deep copy of the plannerAStar object.

    planner2 = copy(planner)
    planner2 = 
      plannerAStar with properties:
        HeuristicCostFcn: @nav.algs.distanceManhattan
              TieBreaker: 0
                   Graph: [1x1 navGraph]

    Specify a heuristic function returns an estimated time to reach the goal.

    planner.HeuristicCostFcn = @(state1,state2) ...

    Define the start and goal cities.

    start = "Hughenden";
    goal = "Brisbane";

    Find the shortest path using the graph-based A* algorithm.

    [pathOutput,solutionInfo] = plan(planner,start,goal);

    Visualize the results.

    h = show(graphObj);
    set(h,XData=graphObj.States.StateVector(:,1), ...
    pathStateIDs = solutionInfo.PathStateIDs;

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type graphplot.

    Extended Capabilities

    Version History

    Introduced in R2023a

    See Also

