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Path loss due to wet snow

Since R2021a


    l = snowpl(r,f,rs) returns the one-way path loss l due to snow using the Gunn-East model for RF frequencies.


    l = snowpl(___,Name,Value) returns the one-way path loss with additional options specified by one or more name-value pairs. For example, 'Type','Dry' specifies dry snow.


    collapse all

    Calculate the one-way path loss due to snow for an RF transmission of 77 GHz at a range of 10 km. The snow equivalent precipitation rate is 0.75 mm/h.

    r = 10e3;
    f = 77e9;
    rs = 0.75;
    l = snowpl(r,f,rs)
    l = 

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Propagation distances in meters, specified as an M-length vector.

    Data Types: double

    Signal carrier frequency in hertz, specified as an N-length vector.

    Data Types: double

    Equivalent liquid water content, specified as a scalar expressed in mm/h.

    Data Types: double

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

    Example: snowpl(r,f,rs,'SnowModel','ITU','Type','Dry') specifies the ITU snow model with dry snow.

    Snow model, specified as 'GunnEast' or 'ITU'. Use the 'GunnEast' model for RF frequencies and the 'ITU' model for optical frequencies.

    Type of snow, specified as 'Wet' or 'Dry'. 'Type' applies only when SnowModel is set to 'ITU'. The function ignores this input when SnowModel is set to 'GunnEast'.

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Path loss of each propagation path under the corresponding frequency, returned as an M-by-N matrix.


    [1] Gunn, K. L. S., and T. W. R. East. “The Microwave Properties of Precipitation Particles.” Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 80, no. 346 (October 1954): 522–45.

    [2] International Telecommunication Union (ITU). "Propagation Data Required for the Design of Terrestrial Free-Space Optical Links". Recommendation ITU-R P.1817-1, P Series, Radiowave Propagation, February 2012.

    [3] Nakaya, Ukitiro, and Tôiti Jr Terada. “Simultaneous Observations of the Mass, Falling Velocity and Form of Individual Snow Crystals.” Journal of the Faculty of Science, vol.1, no. 7 (January 30, 1935): 191–200.

    [4] Richards, M. A., Jim Scheer, William A. Holm, and William L. Melvin, eds. Principles of Modern Radar. Raleigh, NC: SciTech Pub, 2010.

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021a

    See Also
