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RF Data Converter

Provide RF data path interface to hardware logic

Since R2020a

Add-On Required: This feature requires the SoC Blockset Support Package for AMD FPGA and SoC Devices add-on.

  • RF Data Converter block

SoC Blockset Support Package for AMD FPGA and SoC Devices / RFSoC / ZCU111
SoC Blockset Support Package for AMD FPGA and SoC Devices / RFSoC / ZCU208
SoC Blockset Support Package for AMD FPGA and SoC Devices / RFSoC / ZCU216


The RF Data Converter block provides an RF data path interface to the hardware logic. In generation, the SoC Builder tool maps the block parameters to the RF Data Converter IP on the hardware.

The block consists of interpolation and decimation filters, complex mixers, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), and digital-to-analog converters (DACs).

  • The interpolation filters upsample the input signal by the specified interpolation factor. Specify the interpolation factor by using the Interpolation mode (xN) parameter.

  • The decimation filters downsample the input signal by the specified decimation factor. Specify the decimation factor by using the Decimation mode (xN) parameter.

  • A complex mixer shifts the center frequency of the input signal to the specified carrier frequency. Specify the carrier frequency by using the Mixer frequency and NCO frequency (GHz) parameters.

The block supports a maximum of 16 ADC and 16 DAC data paths connecting to the hardware logic. In the Behavioral simulation mode, you can simulate the interpolation and decimation filters and complex mixers.

The block supports Gen 1, Gen 2, and Gen 3 Zynq® UltraScale+™ RFSoC devices. For a full list of supported devices, see Supported RFSoC Devices for RF Data Converter. For specific Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC device information, see Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Product Information from the AMD® website.




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ADC input data, specified as a column vector.

x indicates the ADC tile number and y indicates the ADC channel number. The RF interface parameter sets the number of adc ports. For example, if RF interface is set to ADC & DAC 2x2 RF Interface, the block has ports adcT0Ch0 and adcT0Ch1, that is, one input port per ADC channel interface.

Valid values for this port depend on the simulation mode and the Digital interface parameter value.

  • In the Pass-through simulation mode, the block accepts inputs of int16 and uint16 data types. In this mode:

    • If you set the Digital interface parameter to Real, specify this value as an N-element column vector, where N is the number of samples per clock cycle that you set in the Samples per clock cycle parameter.

      Use this option to specify real-valued data. For example, consider N equal to 2 and data containing two real values D0 and D1. In this case, specify this port value as a vector in the form [D0 D1].

    • If you set the Digital interface parameter to I/Q, specify this value as a 2N-element column vector, where N is the number of samples per clock cycle that you set in the Samples per clock cycle parameter.

      Use this option to specify complex-valued data. For example, consider N equal to 2 and data containing two complex values with real parts I0 and I1 and imaginary parts Q0 and Q1, respectively. In this case, specify this port value as a vector in the form [I0 Q0 I1 Q1].

    Data Types: int16 | uint16

  • In the Behavioral simulation mode, the block accepts inputs of double data type. Specify this value as an RN-element column vector, where R is the decimation factor that you set in the Decimation mode (xN) parameter and N is the number of samples per clock cycle that you set in the Samples per clock cycle parameter.

    Data Types: double

Data Types: int16 | uint16 | double

DAC input data, specified as a scalar or column vector with a length in the range [1, N], where N is the number of samples per clock cycle that you specify in the Samples per clock cycle parameter.

x indicates the DAC tile number and y indicates the DAC channel number. The RF interface parameter sets the number of dacTxChyData ports.

For more information about the data format, see Data Format Between RF Data Converter Block and Hardware Logic.


To enable this port, set the Digital interface parameter to Real.

Data Types: int16 | int32 | int64 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | fixed point

Real part of the DAC input, specified as a scalar or column vector with a length in the range [1, N], where N is the number of samples per clock cycle that you specify in the Samples per clock cycle parameter.

x indicates the DAC tile number and y indicates the DAC channel number. The RF interface parameter sets the number of dacTxChyIData ports.

For more information about the data format, see Data Format Between RF Data Converter Block and Hardware Logic.


To enable this port, set the Digital interface parameter to I/Q.

Data Types: int16 | int32 | int64 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | fixed point

Imaginary part of the DAC input, specified as a scalar or column vector with a length in the range [1, N], where N is the number of samples per clock cycle that you specify in the Samples per clock cycle parameter.

x indicates the DAC tile number and y indicates the DAC channel number. The RF interface parameter sets the number of dacTxChyQData ports.

For more information about the data format, see Data Format Between RF Data Converter Block and Hardware Logic.


To enable this port, set the Digital interface parameter to I/Q.

Data Types: int16 | int32 | int64 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | fixed point

Indication of valid DAC input data, specified as a scalar.

A value of 1 indicates that the data on the dacTxChyData port is valid or that the data on the dacTxChyIData and dacTxChyQData ports is valid.

x indicates the DAC tile number and y indicates the DAC channel number. The RF interface parameter sets the number of dacTxChyValid ports.

Data Types: Boolean

ADC real-time control input, specified as a bus.

x indicates the ADC tile number and y indicates the ADC channel number. The RF interface parameter sets the number of adcTxChyRealTimeCtrlIn ports. For example, if you set the RF interface parameter to ADC & DAC 2x2 RF Interface, the block has two input ports, one per ADC channel interface.


To enable this port, select Real-time ports or Real-time NCO ports on the Advanced tab.

Data Types: DUT2RFDCRealTimeCtrlBusObj

ADC numerically controlled oscillator (NCO) update request, specified as a Boolean scalar. To request an update of the ADC NCO settings, set this input signal to High.

x indicates the ADC tile number. The RF interface parameter sets the number of adcTxNCOUpdateReq ports. For example, if you set the RF interface parameter to ADC & DAC 2x2 RF Interface, the block has one input port, one per ADC tile.


To enable this port, select Real-time NCO ports under the ADC section on the Advanced tab.

Data Types: Boolean

DAC real-time control input, specified as a bus.

x indicates the DAC tile number and y indicates the DAC channel number. The RF interface parameter sets the number of dacTxChyRealTimeCtrlIn ports. For example, if you set the RF interface parameter to ADC & DAC 2x2 RF Interface, the block has two input ports, one per DAC channel interface.


To enable this port, select Real-time NCO ports under the DAC section on the Advanced tab.

Data Types: DUT2RFDCRealTimeCtrlBusObj

DAC NCO update request, specified as a Boolean scalar. To request an update of the DAC NCO settings, set this input signal to High.

x indicates the DAC tile number. The RF interface parameter sets the number of dacTxNCOUpdateReq ports. For example, if you set the RF interface parameter to ADC & DAC 2x2 RF Interface, the block has one input port, one per DAC tile.


To enable this port, select Real-time NCO ports under the DAC section on the Advanced tab.

Data Types: Boolean

Synchronous clock gating for the multi-tile synchronization (MTS) mode, specified as a Boolean scalar. To disable the DAC tile from the Sysref clock signal, set this input signal to High.


To enable this port, select Multi tile sync under the Common Parameters section and select Real-time NCO ports under the DAC section on the Advanced tab.

Data Types: Boolean

Synchronous clock re-enabling for the MTS mode, specified as a Boolean scalar. To re-enable the Sysref clock signal, set this input signal to High.


To enable this port, select Multi tile sync under the Common Parameters section and select Real-time NCO ports under the DAC section on the Advanced tab.

Data Types: Boolean


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DAC output data, returned as a column vector.

  • In the Pass-through simulation mode, the block returns outputs of int16 data type. In this mode:

    • If you set the Digital interface parameter to Real, the block returns outputs as a N-element column vector, where N is the number of samples per clock cycle that you set in the Samples per clock cycle parameter.

      For example, consider N equal to 2 and an input to the dacT0Ch1Data port with a size of 32 bits. In this case, this port returns a vector [S0 S1], where S0 is a16-bit value sliced from 0 to 15 bits of input data on the dacT0Ch1Data port and S1 is a 16-bit value sliced from 16 to 31 bits of input data on the dacT0Ch1Data port.

    • If you set the Digital interface parameter to I/Q, the block returns outputs as a 2N-element column vector, where N is the number of samples per clock cycle that you set in the Samples per clock cycle parameter.

      For example, consider N equal to 2 and inputs to the dacT0Ch1IData and dacT0Ch1QData ports with a size of 32 bits. In this case, this port returns a vector [I0 Q0 I1 Q1], where I0 is a16-bit value sliced from 0 to 15 bits of input data on the dacT0Ch1IData port, I1 is a 16-bit value sliced from 16 to 31 bits of input data on the dacT0Ch1IData port, Q0 is a16-bit value sliced from 0 to 15 bits of input data on the dacT0Ch1QData port, and Q1 is a 16-bit value sliced from 16 to 31 bits of input data on the dacT0Ch1QData port.

    Data Types: int16

  • In the Behavioral simulation mode, the block returns outputs of double data type. The block returns outputs as an RN-element column vector, where R is the interpolation factor that you set in the Interpolation mode (xN) parameter and N is the number of samples per clock cycle that you set in the Samples per clock cycle parameter.

    Data Types: double

x indicates the DAC tile number and y indicates the DAC channel number. The RF interface parameter sets the number of dacTxChy ports.

Data Types: int16 | double

ADC output data, returned as a scalar or column vector with a length in the range [1, N], where N is the number of samples per clock cycle that you specify in the Samples per clock cycle parameter.

x indicates the ADC tile number and y indicates the ADC channel number. The RF interface parameter sets the number of adcTxChyData ports.

For more information about the data format, see Data Format Between RF Data Converter Block and Hardware Logic.


To enable this port, set the Digital interface parameter to Real.

Data Types: uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | fixed point

Real part of the ADC output, returned as a scalar or column vector with a length in the range [1, N], where N is the number of samples per clock cycle that you specify in the Samples per clock cycle parameter.

x indicates the ADC tile number and y indicates the ADC channel number. The RF interface parameter sets the number of adcTxChyIData ports.

For more information about the data format, see Data Format Between RF Data Converter Block and Hardware Logic.


To enable this port, set the Digital interface parameter to I/Q.

Data Types: uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | fixed point

Imaginary part of the ADC output, returned as a scalar or column vector with a length in the range [1, N], where N is the number of samples per clock cycle that you specify in the Samples per clock cycle parameter.

x indicates the ADC tile number and y indicates the ADC channel number. The RF interface parameter sets the number of adcTxChyQdata ports.

For more information about the data format, see Data Format Between RF Data Converter Block and Hardware Logic.


To enable this port, set the Digital interface parameter to I/Q.

Data Types: uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | fixed point

Indication of valid ADC output data, returned as a Boolean scalar.

A value of 1 indicates that the data on the adcTxChyData port is valid or that the data on the adcTxChyIData and adcTxChyQData ports is valid.

x indicates the ADC tile number and y indicates the ADC channel number. The RF interface sets the number of adcTxChyValid ports.

Data Types: Boolean

ADC real-time control output, returned as a bus. In the Pass-through simulation mode, this port always has a value of Low.

x indicates the ADC tile number and y indicates the ADC channel number. The RF interface parameter sets the number of adcTxChyRealTimeCtrlOut ports. For example, if you set the RF interface parameter to ADC & DAC 2x2 RF Interface, the block has two output ports, one per ADC channel interface.


To enable this port, select Real-time ports on the Advanced tab.

Data Types: RFDC2DUTRealTimeCtrlBusObj

Indication that a DAC NCO update is in progress, returned as a Boolean scalar. In MTS mode, for Tile 0, this value returned as a scalar of type fixdt(0,2,0). In the Pass-through simulation mode, this port always has a value of Low.

x indicates the DAC tile number. The RF interface parameter sets the number of dacTxNCOUpdateBusy ports. For example, if you set the RF interface parameter to ADC & DAC 2x2 RF Interface, the block has one output port, one per DAC tile.


To enable this port, select Real-time NCO ports under the DAC section on the Advanced tab.

Data Types: Boolean | fixdt(0,2,0)

Indication that an ADC NCO update is in progress, returned as a Boolean scalar. In the Pass-through simulation mode, this port always has a value of Low.

x indicates the ADC tile number. The RF interface parameter sets the number of adcTxNCOUpdateBusy ports. For example, if you set the RF interface parameter to ADC & DAC 2x2 RF Interface, the block has one output port, one per ADC tile.


To enable this port, select Real-time NCO ports under the ADC section on the Advanced tab.

Data Types: Boolean


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Select the simulation mode.

  • Pass-through — In this simulation mode, the block outputs the same data as the input. The interpolation, decimation, and mixers settings do not impact the block output values.

  • Behavioral — In this simulation mode, the interpolation, decimation, and mixers settings impact the block output values.

This parameter is read-only.

For details about how to choose a hardware board and configure its parameters, see Hardware Implementation Pane.

Specify the RF channel interface type.

To select a predefined set of ADC and DAC combinations, set this parameter to ADC & DAC 1x1 RF Interface, ADC & DAC 2x2 RF Interface, ADC & DAC 4x4 RF Interface, ADC & DAC 8x8 RF Interface, or ADC & DAC 16x16 RF Interface. Available options for this parameter vary as per the selected hardware board. To select the required number of DAC or ADC combinations, set this parameter to Customize.

Example: ADC & DAC 2x2 RF Interface specifies two ADC and two DAC RF channel interfaces.

Specify the digital interface type.

  • Real — Supports real data

  • I/Q — Supports complex data by using real and imaginary ports


The number of panes and number of DACs in each pane in the DAC tab depend on the RFSoC device in the selected hardware board. The tiles and DACs shown on the block mask indicate the corresponding tiles and DACs on the selected hardware board. For example, if you select the Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC ZCU111 evaluation kit, the DAC tab contains two panes (Tile 0 and Tile 1), and each pane contains four DACs. For a ZCU111 board, DAC 0, DAC 1, DAC 2, and DAC 3 in Tile 0 correspond to DAC 0, DAC 1, DAC 2, and DAC 3 in DAC tile 228, respectively. DAC 0, DAC 1, DAC 2, and DAC 3 in Tile 1 correspond to DAC 0, DAC 1, DAC 2, and DAC 3 in DAC tile 229, respectively.

The selection of tiles and the respective DACs is predefined when you set the RF interface parameter to ADC & DAC 1x1 RF Interface, ADC & DAC 2x2 RF Interface, ADC & DAC 4x4 RF Interface, ADC & DAC 8x8 RF Interface, or ADC & DAC 16x16 RF Interface. You cannot modify the tile and DAC selection when you select these predefined options. To modify the tile and DAC selections, set the RF interface parameter to Customize.

Select this parameter to apply the same parameter values to all of the selected DACs.

Clear this parameter to specify different parameter values for each of the selected DACs.


To enable this parameter, set the RF interface parameter to Customize.

Specify the sampling rate as a scalar in a range that is based on the selected hardware board. Units are in mega samples per second.

This table shows the sampling rate range of the block for the supported Gen 1, Gen 2, and Gen 3 Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC devices.

GenerationDeviceSampling Rate Range (MSPS)

Gen 1


[500, 6554]


[500, 6554]


[500, 6554]


[500, 6554]

Gen 2


[500, 6554]

Gen 3


[500, 7000]


[500, 7000]


[500, 7000]

Specify the interpolation factor.


Gen 1 and Gen 2 devices support interpolation factors of 1, 2, 4, and 8. Gen 3 devices support interpolation factors of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 40.

Specify the number of samples per clock cycle. Available options for the number of samples per clock cycle vary with the selected hardware board and digital interface type.

The block calculates the stream data width as 16 x Samples per clock cycle.

The block calculates the stream clock frequency as Sample rate (MSPS) / Interpolation mode (xN) x Samples per clock cycle.

Specify the mixer type.

To use Bypassed, set the Digital interface parameter to Real.

To select either Coarse or Fine, set the Digital interface parameter to I/Q.

This parameter is read-only.

To use Real->Real, set the Digital interface parameter to Real.

To use I/Q->Real, set the Digital interface parameter to I/Q.

Specify the mixer frequency.


To enable this parameter, set the Digital interface parameter to I/Q and Mixer type parameter to Coarse.

Specify the NCO frequency values as a scalar or m-element row vector, where m is the number of DACs.

When you set the RF interface parameter to Customize and clear the Match parameters of all DACs parameter, m must be 1.

The block derives the Analog Nyquist zone for a DAC channel based on the NCO frequency and sample rate (Fs).

  • Zone 1 — The DAC output is in Nyquist zone 1 if NCO frequency is less than Fs/2. In this Nyquist zone, the block supports simulation capability.

  • Zone 2 — The DAC output is in Nyquist zone 2 if NCO frequency is greater than Fs/2. In this Nyquist zone, the block does not support simulation capability. In simulation, the DAC centers the output around a folded frequency of the specified NCO frequency in zone 1.


To enable this parameter, set the Digital interface parameter to I/Q and the Mixer type parameter to Fine.

Specify the NCO phase as a scalar or m-element row vector, where m is the number of DACs.

When you set the RF interface parameter to Customize and clear the Match parameters of all DACs parameter, m must be 1.


To enable this parameter, set the Digital interface parameter to I/Q and the Mixer type parameter to Fine.

Select this parameter to convert the analog sinc output response from the DAC to a flat-output response.


The number of panes and number of ADCs in each pane in the ADC tab depend on the selected hardware board. The tiles and ADCs shown on the block mask indicate the corresponding tiles and ADCs on the selected hardware board. For example, if you select the Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC ZCU111 evaluation kit, the ADC tab contains four panes (Tile 0, Tile 1, Tile 2, and Tile 3), and each pane contains two ADCs. For a ZCU111 board, ADC 0 and ADC 1 in Tile 0 correspond to ADC 0 and ADC 1 in ADC tile 224, respectively. ADC 0 and ADC 1 in Tile 1 correspond to ADC 0 and ADC 1 in ADC tile 225, respectively. ADC 0 and ADC 1 in Tile 2 correspond to ADC 0 and ADC 1 in ADC tile 226, respectively. ADC 0 and ADC 1 in Tile 3 correspond to ADC 0 and ADC 1 in ADC tile 227, respectively.

The selection of tiles and the respective ADCs is predefined when you set the RF interface parameter to ADC & DAC 1x1 RF Interface, ADC & DAC 2x2 RF Interface, ADC & DAC 4x4 RF Interface, ADC & DAC 8x8 RF Interface, or ADC & DAC 16x16 RF Interface. You cannot modify the tile and ADC selection when you select these predefined options. To modify the tile and ADC selections, set the RF interface parameter to Customize.

Select this parameter to output data as a frame of samples. Clear this parameter to output data as a scalar.

Select this parameter to apply the same parameter values to all of the selected ADCs.

Clear this parameter to specify different parameter values for each of the selected ADCs.


To enable this parameter, set the RF interface parameter to Customize.

Specify the sampling rate as a scalar in a range that is based on the selected hardware board. Units are in mega samples per second.

This table shows the sampling rate range of the block for the supported Gen 1, Gen 2, and Gen 3 Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC devices.

GenerationDeviceSampling Rate Range (MSPS)

Gen 1


[1000, 4096]


[1000, 4096]


[1000, 4096]


[500, 2058]

Gen 2


[500, 2220]

Gen 3


[1000, 5000]


[1000, 5000]


[500, 2500]

Specify the decimation factor.


Gen 1 and Gen 2 devices support decimation factors of 1, 2, 4, and 8. Gen 3 devices support decimation factors of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 40.

Specify the number of samples per clock cycle. Available options for the number of samples per clock cycle vary with the selected hardware board and digital interface type.

The block calculates the stream data width as: 16 x Samples per clock cycle.

The block calculates the stream clock frequency as: Sample rate (MSPS) / Decimation mode (xN) x Samples per clock cycle.

Specify the mixer type.

To use Bypassed, set the Digital interface parameter to Real.

To select either Coarse or Fine, set the Digital interface parameter to I/Q.

This parameter is read-only.

To use Real->Real, set the Digital interface parameter to Real.

To use Real->I/Q, set the Digital interface parameter to I/Q.

Specify the mixer frequency.


To enable this parameter, set the Digital interface parameter to I/Q and Mixer type parameter to Coarse.

Specify the NCO frequency values as a scalar or m-element row vector, where m is the number of ADCs.

When you set the RF interface parameter to Customize and clear the Match parameters of all ADCs parameter, m must be 1.


To enable this parameter, set the Digital interface parameter to I/Q and Mixer type parameter to Fine.

Specify the NCO phase as a scalar or m-element row vector, where m is the number of ADCs.

When you set the RF interface parameter to Customize and clear the Match parameters of all ADCs parameter, m must be 1.


To enable this parameter, set the Digital interface parameter to I/Q and Mixer type parameter to Fine.


Common Parameters

Select this parameter to enable MTS.

In generation, the Xilinx RF Data Converter tool provides synchronization clocks and ADC and DAC clocks to the RF Data Converter hardware IP. In MTS mode, these synchronization clocks depend on the ADC and DAC sampling rates. Because, the Xilinx RF Data Converter tool provides a set of fixed default synchronization clocks in MTS mode and supports only these sample rates: 737.28, 1474.56, 1966.08, 2457.6, 2949.12, 3072, 3932.16, 4669.44, 4915.2, 5898.24, and 6144.

For more information on MTS mode, see Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC RF Data Converter Gen 1/2/3/DFE LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG269) in the AMD documentation.

Select this parameter to enable the external phase-locked loop (PLL).

Each ADC and DAC tile includes an internal PLL. This internal PLL together with a clocking instance provides ADC and DAC clocks for each tile as per the ADC or DAC sampling rates. When you select this parameter, the internal PLL disables, and the clocking circuit directly provides ADC and DAC clocks for each tile. The Xilinx RF Data Converter tool supports only these external PLL clock frequencies: 737.28, 1474.56, 1966.08, 2048, 2457.6, 2949.12, 3072, 3194.88, 3276.8, 3686.4, 3932.16, 4096, 4423.68, 4669.44, 4915.2, 5734.4, 5898.24, 6144, 6389.76, 6400, and 6553.6.


Select this parameter to add real-time NCO ports for the DAC. You can use these ports to modify the NCO frequency and phase during run time.

Follow these instructions to modify the NCO frequency and phase for the DAC based on the MTS mode selection.

Multi tile sync is off

  1. Set the required NCO frequency, phase, and phase reset values by using the NCOFrequency, NCOPhase, and NCOPhaseReset signals, respectively, of the dacTxChyRealTimeCtrlIn port.

  2. Set the update enable bits to determine which NCO frequency and phase bits to update by using the NCOUpdateEnable signal of the dacTxChyRealTimeCtrlIn port.

  3. Request an update of the DAC NCO settings by setting the dacTxNCOUpdateReq port to High.

  4. Hold the frequency, phase, and phase rest values until the dacTxNCOUpdateBusy port remains High.

Multi tile sync is on

  1. Set the required NCO frequency, phase, and phase reset values by using the NCOFrequency, NCOPhase, and NCOPhaseReset signals, respectively, of all the dacTxChyRealTimeCtrlIn ports that you want to update. At the same time, set the update enable bits to determine which NCO frequency and phase bits to update by using the NCOUpdateEnable signal of all the dacTxChyRealTimeCtrlIn ports.

  2. Disable the DAC from the Sysref clock signal by setting the dacT0SysrefGating port to High. Let this port remain High or set it to Low after the update is complete.

  3. Request an update of the DAC NCO settings for Tile 0 by setting the dacT0NCOUpdateReq port to High. It sets Bit 1 of the dacT0NCOUpdateBusy port to High.

  4. Set all the dacTxNCOUpdateReq ports in MTS mode to High.

    The NCO register writes are complete when all the dacTxNCOUpdateBusy ports in MTS mode, other than Bit 1 of the dacT0NCOUpdateBusy port, are Low.

  5. Re-enable the Sysref clock signal by setting the dacT0SysrefReEnable port to High. The NCO update is complete when Bit 1 of the dacT0NCOUpdateBusy port goes Low.

For more information on NCO settings, see NCO Frequency Hopping in the AMD documentation.


To enable this parameter, set the Digital interface parameter to I/Q and the Mixer type parameter on the DAC tab to Fine.


Select this parameter to add real-time NCO ports for the ADC. You can use these ports to modify the NCO frequency and phase during run time.

Follow these instructions to modify the NCO frequency and phase for the ADC based on the MTS mode selection.

Multi tile sync is off

  1. Set the required NCO frequency, phase, and phase reset values by using the NCOFrequency, NCOPhase, and NCOPhaseReset signals, respectively, of the adcTxChyRealTimeCtrlIn port.

  2. Set the update enable bits to determine which NCO frequency and phase bits to update by using the NCOUpdateEnable signal of the adcTxChyRealTimeCtrlIn port.

  3. Request an update of the ADC NCO settings by setting the adcTxNCOUpdateReq port to High.

  4. Hold the frequency, phase, and phase reset values until the adcTxNCOUpdateBusy port remains High.

Follow these instructions to modify the NCO frequency and phase for the ADC when Multi tile sync is on.

Multi tile sync is on

  1. Set the required NCO frequency, phase, and phase reset values by using the NCOFrequency, NCOPhase, and NCOPhaseReset signals, respectively, of all the adcTxChyRealTimeCtrlIn ports that you want to update. At the same time, set the update enable bits to determine which NCO frequency and phase bits to update by using the NCOUpdateEnable signal of all the adcTxChyRealTimeCtrlIn ports.

  2. Disable the ADC from the Sysref clock signal by setting the dacT0SysrefGating port to High. Let this port remain High or set it to Low after the update is complete.

  3. Request an update of the DAC NCO settings for Tile 0 by setting the dacT0NCOUpdateReq port to High. It sets Bit 1 of the dacT0NCOUpdateBusy port to High.

  4. Set all the adcTxNCOUpdateReq ports in MTS mode to High.

    The NCO register writes are complete when all the adcTxNCOUpdateBusy ports in MTS mode, other than Bit 1 of the dacT0NCOUpdateBusy port, are Low.

  5. Re-enable the Sysref clock signal by setting the dacT0SysrefReEnable port to High. The NCO update is complete when Bit 1 of the dacT0NCOUpdateBusy port goes Low.

For more information on NCO settings, see NCO Frequency Hopping in the AMD documentation.


To enable this parameter, set the Digital interface parameter to I/Q and the Mixer type parameter on the ADC tab to Fine.

Select this parameter to add real-time ports for the ADC. Selecting this parameter enables the threshold monitoring circuit, which compares the ADC sampled data with the specified threshold values.

For more information on real-time ports and threshold settings, see Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC RF Data Converter Gen 1/2/3/DFE LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG269) in the AMD documentation.

Select threshold mode for the first threshold as one of these options.

  • Sticky over — Set the threshold status signal to High when the ADC sampled data exceeds the threshold value that you set in the Threshold1 parameter. The threshold status signal remains High until you set the PLEvent signal in the adcTxChyRealTimeCtrlIn input bus port to High.

  • Sticky under — Set the threshold status signal to High when the ADC sampled data remains below the threshold value, which you set in the Threshold1 parameter, for the number of samples that you set in the Number of sample(s) below threshold1 parameter. The threshold status signal remains High until you set the PLEvent signal in the adcTxChyRealTimeCtrlIn input bus port to High.

  • Hysteresis — Set the threshold status signal to High when the ADC sampled data exceeds the upper threshold value. Set the threshold status signal to Low when the ADC sampled data remains below the lower threshold value for the number of samples that you specify in the Number of sample(s) below threshold1 parameter.


To enable this parameter, select Real-time ports.

Specify the threshold value for the first threshold. For the sticky over threshold mode, this value serves as the upper threshold value. For the sticky under threshold mode, this value serves as the lower threshold value. For the hysteresis threshold mode, specify the threshold values in the format [Tlower Tupper], where Tlower is the lower threshold value and Tupper is the upper threshold value.


To enable this parameter, select Real-time ports.

Specify the number of samples below the threshold value for the first threshold.


To enable this parameter, set the Threshold1 mode parameter to Sticky under or Hysteresis.

Select threshold mode for the second threshold as one of these options.

  • Sticky over — Set the threshold status signal to High when the ADC sampled data exceeds the threshold value that you set in the Threshold2 parameter. The threshold status signal remains High until you set the PLEvent signal in the adcTxChyRealTimeCtrlIn input bus port to High.

  • Sticky under — Set the threshold status signal to High when the ADC sampled data remains below the threshold value, which you set in the Threshold2 parameter, for the number of samples that you set in the Number of sample(s) below threshold2 parameter. The threshold status signal remains High until you set the PLEvent signal in the adcTxChyRealTimeCtrlIn input bus port to High.

  • Hysteresis — Set the threshold status signal to High when the ADC sampled data exceeds the upper threshold value. Set the threshold status signal to Low when the ADC sampled data remains below the lower threshold value for the number of samples that you specify in the Number of sample(s) below threshold2 parameter.


To enable this parameter, select Real-time ports.

Specify the threshold value for the second threshold. For the sticky over threshold mode, this value serves as the upper threshold value. For the sticky under threshold mode, this value serves as the lower threshold value. For the hysteresis threshold mode, specify the threshold values in the format [Tlower Tupper], where Tlower is the lower threshold value and Tupper is the upper threshold value.


To enable this parameter, select Real-time ports.

Specify the number of samples below the threshold value for the second threshold.


To enable this parameter, set the Threshold2 mode parameter to Sticky under or Hysteresis.

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Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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