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Discrete semiconductor devices, such as diodes and transistors

Convert and rectify power using discrete semiconductor devices.

For help deciding which block to use to model a semiconductor device for your application, see Choose Blocks to Model Semiconductor Devices.

Simscape Blocks

Current LimiterBehavioral model of current limiter
DiodePiecewise linear, exponential, or tabulated diode
Gate DriverBehavioral model of gate driver integrated circuit
GTOGate Turn-Off Thyristor
Half-Bridge DriverBehavioral model of half-bridge driver integrated circuit
Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching)Half-bridge with ideal switches and thermal port (Since R2021b)
Ideal Semiconductor SwitchIdeal Semiconductor Switch
IGBT (Ideal, Switching)Ideal insulated-gate bipolar transistor for switching applications
MOSFET (Ideal, Switching)Ideal N-channel MOSFET for switching applications
N-Channel IGBTN-Channel insulated gate bipolar transistor
N-Channel JFETN-Channel junction field-effect transistor
N-Channel LDMOS FETN-Channel laterally-diffused metal-oxide-semiconductor or vertically-diffused metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors suitable for high voltage
N-Channel MOSFETN-Channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor using either Shichman-Hodges equation or surface-potential-based model
NMOS CapacitorN-type metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor (Since R2024b)
NPN Bipolar TransistorNPN bipolar transistor using enhanced Ebers-Moll equations
OptocouplerBehavioral model of optocoupler as LED, current sensor, and controlled current source
P-Channel JFETP-Channel junction field-effect transistor
P-Channel LDMOS FETP-Channel laterally-diffused metal-oxide-semiconductor or vertically-diffused metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors suitable for high voltage
P-Channel MOSFETP-Channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor using either Shichman-Hodges equation or surface-potential-based model
PMOS CapacitorP-type metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor (Since R2024b)
PNP Bipolar TransistorPNP bipolar transistor using enhanced Ebers-Moll equations
SPICE-Imported MOSFETPredefined MOSFET parameterized by external SPICE subcircuit (Since R2020b)
ThyristorThyristor using NPN and PNP transistors
Thyristor (Piecewise Linear)Thyristor


ee_getEfficiencyCalculate efficiency as function of dissipated power losses
ee_importDeviceParametersParameterize ideal semiconductor block from Hitachi or Infineon XML file (Since R2021b)
ee_getPowerLossSummaryCalculate dissipated power losses and switching losses
ee_getPowerLossTimeSeriesCalculate dissipated power losses and switching losses, and return time series data
ee.spice.semiconductorSubcircuit2lookupGenerate lookup table data for three-terminal or four-terminal devices from SPICE subcircuit (Since R2022a)
ee.spice.diodeSubcircuit2lookupGenerate lookup table data for two-terminal devices from SPICE subcircuit (Since R2023a)


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