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Symbol Demodulator

Demodulate complex constellation symbol to set of LLR values or data bits

Since R2022a

  • Symbol Demodulator block

Wireless HDL Toolbox / Modulation


The Symbol Demodulator block demodulates a complex constellation symbol to a set of log-likelihood ratio (LLR) values or data bits. The block accepts equalized complex data symbols and a samplecontrol bus or a valid signal and outputs demodulated LLR values or data bits and a samplecontrol bus or a valid signal based on the selected output type. The block provides an option to select the output type as vector or scalar and provides an input port to specify the noise variance.

The block supports BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-PSK, 32-PSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, and 256-QAM modulations. The number of demodulated LLR values or data bits for a given symbol depends on the modulation type, as shown in this table.

Modulation TypeNumber of LLR Values or Data Bits per Symbol

This block provides an interface and architecture for HDL code generation with HDL Coder™. You can use this block in the development of a digital receiver.




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Data symbols, specified as a real- or complex-valued scalar.

double and single data types are supported for simulation, but not for HDL code generation.

For HDL code generation, the input data type must be signed fixed point and the maximum input word length the block supports is 32 bits.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | signed fixed point
Complex Number Support: Yes

Control signal that indicates if the input data is valid. When this value is 1 (true), the block accepts the values on the data input port. When this value is 0 (false), the block ignores the values on the data input port.


To enable this port, set the Output type parameter to Scalar.

Data Types: Boolean

Control signals accompanying the sample stream, specified as a samplecontrol bus. The bus includes the start, end, and valid control signals, which indicate the boundaries of the frame and the validity of the samples.

  • start — Indicates the start of the input frame

  • end — Indicates the end of the input frame

  • valid — Indicates that the data on the input data port is valid

For more detail, see Sample Control Bus.


To enable this port, set the Modulation source parameter to Input port and set the Output type parameter to Vector.

Data Types: bus

Modulation selection, specified as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7. Each value represents a specific modulation type, as shown in this table.

Modulation Selection ValueModulation Type
7 256-QAM

If you specify a value other than the values listed in this table or greater than the value specified on the block mask using the Maximum modulation parameter, the block displays a warning message and applies BPSK modulation. The values specified through the modSel port must be with respect to the value set with the Maximum modulation parameter.

For example, if the Maximum modulation parameter is set to 32-PSK, the block allows the modSel values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. For the modSel values 6 and 7, the block displays a warning message and applies BPSK modulation.


To enable this port, set the Modulation source parameter to Input port.

Data Types: single | double | fixdt(0,3,0)

Noise variance, specified as a real-valued positive scalar.

This value must be of data type fixdt(0,k,m), where k is less than or equal to 32 and m is less than or equal to k.

When the Output type parameter is set to Scalar or Vector, the block samples the values on this port when the input valid is set to 1.

The software supports double and single data types for simulation, but not for HDL code generation.


To enable this port, select the Enable noise variance input port parameter.

Data Types: single | double | uint8 | uint16 | unsigned fixed point


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Demodulated LLR values or data bits, returned as a scalar when the Output type parameter is set to Scalar and as a real-valued column vector when the Output type parameter is set to Vector.

If you set the Modulation source parameter to Property, the output vector size is based on the Modulation parameter value. If you set the Modulation source parameter to Input port, the output vector size is based on the Maximum modulation parameter value.

  • When the Decision type parameter is set to Approximate log-likelihood ratio

    • For double and single inputs, the output data type is same as the input data type. double and single data types are supported for simulation data types are supported for simulation.

    • For fixed point inputs, the block provides the output with an integer bit growth of 4 bits and supports HDL code generation. If the Enable noise variance input port parameter is selected, the integer bit growth of the output is 13 bits.

  • When the Decision type parameter is set to Hard, the output data type is Boolean irrespective of the input data type.

Data Types: single | double | Boolean | signed fixed point

Control signals accompanying the sample stream, returned as a samplecontrol bus. The bus includes the start, end, and valid control signals, which indicate the boundaries of the frame and the validity of the samples.

  • start — Indicates the start of the output frame

  • end — Indicates the end of the output frame

  • valid — Indicates that the data on the output data port is valid

For more detail, see Sample Control Bus.


To enable this port, set the Modulation source parameter to Input port and set the Output type parameter to Vector.

Data Types: bus

Control signal that indicates if data from the data output port is valid. When this value is 1 (true), the block returns valid data on the data output port. When this value is 0 (false), the values on the data output port are not valid.


To enable this port:

  • Set the Modulation source parameter to Input port or Property and set the Output type parameter to Scalar.

  • Set the Modulation source parameter to Property and set the Output type parameter to Vector.

Data Types: Boolean

Control signal that indicates when the block is ready to accept new input data. When this value is 1 (true), the block accepts input data in the next time step. When this value is 0 (false), the block ignores the input data in the next time step.

The ready signal remains 0 (false) until the block outputs data of the corresponding input data symbol. The number of clock cycles that the ready signal remains 0 (false) depends on the selected modulation type.


To enable this port, set the Output type parameter to Scalar.

Data Types: Boolean


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To specify the modulation type from the Modulation parameter, select Property. To specify the modulation type from the modIdx port during run time, select Input port.

Select the modulation type.


To enable this parameter, set the Modulation source parameter to Property.

Select the maximum modulation type. This parameter value defines the modulation types that the block can support through the modSel port.

For example, when you specify 16-PSK using this parameter, the number of hardware resources the block generates for the 16-PSK modulation type can accommodate configurations with BPSK, QPSK, and 8-PSK modulation types specified through the modSel port, but not configurations with the 16-QAM, 32-PSK, 64-QAM, and 256-QAM modulation types.


To enable this parameter, set the Modulation source parameter to Input port.

Select the constellation ordering, that is, how the block assigns binary words to points of the signal constellation.

  • Default — Specifies default constellation ordering values [2, 3, 1, 0, 6, 7, 5, 4, 14, 15, 13, 12, 10, 11, 9, 8]

  • User defined — Enables you to specify custom constellation ordering values using the Constellation mapping parameter


  • To enable this parameter, set the Modulation source parameter to Property and set the Modulation parameter to 16-QAM, 64-QAM, or 256-QAM.

  • To enable this parameter, set the Modulation source parameter to Input port and set the Maximum modulation parameter to 16-QAM, 64-QAM, or 256-QAM.

Specify a unique integer-valued gray-coded row vector corresponding to the modulation type selected using the Modulation parameter or Maximum modulation parameter. The first element of this vector corresponds to the top-leftmost point of the constellation, with subsequent elements running down column-wise, from left to right. The last element corresponds to the bottom rightmost point. For more information on supported gray codes, see Specify Gray Code.

This parameter is specific to the 16-QAM, 64-QAM, and 256-QAM modulation types.


To enable this parameter, set the Constellation ordering parameter to User defined.

Select the demapping type.

  • Approximate log-likelihood ratio — Demap data symbols to LLR values. This LLR value for each bit indicates how likely the bit is 1 or 0.

  • Hard — Demap data symbols to bits 1 or 0.

Select the phase offset. This parameter is specific to the BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-PSK, and 32-PSK modulation types.


  • To enable this parameter, set the Modulation source parameter to Property and set the Modulation parameter to BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-PSK, or 32-PSK.

  • To enable this parameter, set the Modulation source parameter to Input port irrespective of the modulation types specified for the Maximum modulation parameter.

Select the type of output as Vector or Scalar.

  • Vector — Use this option to receive data in vector format from the output data port.

    When you set the Modulation source parameter to Property, the output vector size is based on the Modulation parameter value. When you set the Modulation source parameter to Input port, the output vector size is based on the Maximum modulation parameter value.

  • Scalar — Use this option to receive data in scalar format from the output data port.

Select how the block scales the signal constellation.

  • Unit average power — Normalizes the constellation to unit average power

  • Custom — Enables you to normalize the constellation by specifying the minimum distance between the constellation points using the Minimum distance between symbols parameter


When you specify 0, 1, 2, 3, or 5 using the modSel input port, the block ignores this parameter during its operation. This is parameter is applicable for QAM-based modulations.


  • To enable this parameter, set the Modulation source parameter to Property and set the Modulation parameter to 16-QAM, 64-QAM, or 256-QAM.

  • To enable this parameter, set the Modulation source parameter to Input port and set the Maximum modulation parameter to 16-QAM, 64-QAM, or 256-QAM.

Specify the minimum distance between the symbols with the values in the range from 1/32 to 2.


When you specify 0, 1, 2, 3, or 5 using the modSel input port, the block ignores this parameter during its operation. This parameter is applicable for QAM-based modulations.


To enable this parameter, set the Normalization method parameter to Custom.

Select this parameter to enable the noise variance input port.

More About

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The block uses the approximate LLR algorithm to demodulate equalized complex data symbols.

The block computes the approximate LLR by using the nearest constellation point to the received signal with a 0 (or 1) at that bit position. The LLR for a bit b can be defined as


where σ2 is the noise variance, z is the received sequence, s is a symbol from the constellation, and S0, S1 is the set of symbols that corresponds to bits that are 0 and 1, respectively. For more information, see [1].


[1] Zhang, Meixiang, and Sooyoung Kim. "Universal Soft Demodulation Schemes for M ‐ary Phase Shift Keying and Quadrature Amplitude Modulation." IET Communications 10, no. 3 (February 2016): 316–26.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2022a