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使用 imwarp 工作流执行常见几何变换


使用这些函数可执行一般的二维、三维和 N 维几何变换。要执行二维或三维几何变换,请首先创建一个几何变换对象,用来存储变换信息。然后,将要变换的图像和几何变换对象传递给 imwarp 函数。



fitgeotform2d根据控制点对组进行二维几何变换拟合 (自 R2022b 起)
affinetform2d二维仿射几何变换 (自 R2022b 起)
affinetform3d3-D affine geometric transformation (自 R2022b 起)
rigidtform2d2-D rigid geometric transformation (自 R2022b 起)
rigidtform3d3-D rigid geometric transformation (自 R2022b 起)
simtform2d2-D similarity geometric transformation (自 R2022b 起)
simtform3d3-D similarity geometric transformation (自 R2022b 起)
transltform2d2-D translation geometric transformation (自 R2022b 起)
transltform3d3-D translation geometric transformation (自 R2022b 起)
projtform2d2-D projective geometric transformation (自 R2022b 起)
geometricTransform2d2-D geometric transformation object
geometricTransform3d3-D geometric transformation object
PiecewiseLinearTransformation2D2-D piecewise linear geometric transformation
PolynomialTransformation2D2-D polynomial geometric transformation
LocalWeightedMeanTransformation2D2-D local weighted mean geometric transformation
transformPointsForwardApply forward geometric transformation
transformPointsInverseApply inverse geometric transformation
WarperApply same geometric transformation to many images efficiently
tformarrayApply spatial transformation to N-D array
findboundsFind output bounds for spatial transformation
fliptformFlip input and output roles of spatial transformation structure
makeresamplerCreate resampling structure
maketformCreate N-D spatial transformation structure (TFORM)
tformfwdApply forward N-D spatial transformation
tforminvApply inverse N-D spatial transformation
imref2dReference 2-D image to world coordinates
imref3dReference 3-D image to world coordinates
affineOutputViewCreate output view for warping images (自 R2019b 起)


