Main Content
Scan Parameter Ranges
Explore simulation results over ranges of quantity values
Generate simulation results for a range of parameter values to better understand the impact of parameter changes on your model behavior.
SimBiology Model Builder | Build QSP, PK/PD, and mechanistic systems biology models interactively (Since R2020b) |
SimBiology Model Analyzer | Analyze QSP, PK/PD, and mechanistic systems biology models |
sbiosimulate | Simulate SimBiology model |
sbioaccelerate | Prepare model object for accelerated simulations |
sbiosampleparameters | Generate parameters by sampling covariate model (requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox software) |
sbiosampleerror | Sample error based on error model and add noise to input data |
addconfigset | Create configuration set object and add to model object |
addobservable | Add observable object to SimBiology model (Since R2020a) |
getconfigset | Get configuration set object from model object |
createSimFunction | Create SimFunction object |
sbioplot | Plot simulation results in one figure |
sbiosubplot | Plot simulation results in subplots |
sbiotrellis | Plot data or simulation results in trellis plot |
SimData | Simulation data |
Configset | Solver settings information for model simulation |
SolverOptions | SimBiology model solver options |
RuntimeOptions | Options for logged SimBiology quantity components |
CompileOptions | Compile options for SimBiology models |
SimFunction | Function-like object to simulate SimBiology models |
SimFunctionSensitivity object | SimFunctionSensitivity object, subclass of SimFunction
object |
Scenarios | Simulation scenarios |
- Scan Dosing Regimens Using SimBiology Model Analyzer App
Explore multiple dosing amounts that meet efficacy and toxicity thresholds.
- Perform a Parameter Scan
This example shows how to perform a parameter scan by simulating a model multiple times, each time varying the value of a parameter.
- Model Simulation
Simulate dynamic models using various solvers.
- Choosing a Simulation Solver
SimBiology® uses a solver function to compute solutions for a system of differential equations at different time intervals during model simulation.
- Accelerating Model Simulations and Analyses
Accelerate simulation or analysis by converting a model to compiled C code.