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copula 分布和相关样本


Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™ 提供了多个具有指定分布参数的函数,用于处理 copula 分布和相关样本。有关详细信息,请参阅Copulas: Generate Correlated Samples


copulacdfCopula cumulative distribution function
copulapdfCopula probability density function
copulaparamCopula parameters as function of rank correlation
copulastatCopula rank correlation
copulafitFit copula to data
copularndCopula random numbers


  • Copulas: Generate Correlated Samples

    Copulas are functions that describe dependencies among variables, and provide a way to create distributions that model correlated multivariate data.

  • Generate Correlated Data Using Rank Correlation

    This example shows how to use a copula and rank correlation to generate correlated data from probability distributions that do not have an inverse cdf function available, such as the Pearson flexible distribution family.

  • 使用 copula 仿真相关随机变量

    此示例说明当变量之间存在复杂关系时,或者当各个变量来自不同分布时,如何使用 copula 从多元分布中生成数据。