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How to issue and execute commands in the Command Window of another MATLAB instance
I would like to have two instances of MATLAB running on my computer with some interaction between the two instances. I am runn...

5 months 前 | 1 个回答 | 0



How to erase a specific elements for the name of string values and then replace them?
I would suggest in general that you not embed the date time data in the variable name. Instead use a table, timetable, or some o...

6 months 前 | 1

How to find delay of signal sample
Your problems are coming from the fact that your signal is not zero mean. The peak correlation will only correspond to the best ...

6 months 前 | 0

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Cannot run with provided input arguments
The error is coming from your call to a function named look_up. The error is telling you that you are not supplying this functio...

6 months 前 | 0

Is there any provision to specify the cluster size for each cluster in Kmeans clustering algorithm in MATLAB?
The goal of k-Means clustering is to minimize the distance of the points in each cluster to the cluster centroid. As you note yo...

6 months 前 | 0

uicontrol to start over a loop
Not sure from your description exactly what you are trying to accomplish, but lets say you want to run the loop whenever the use...

7 months 前 | 0

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Why are initial input values zero for Interpreted MATLAB Fcn block?
When using an Interpreted MATLAB Fcn block, I noticed that when I run the simulation, on the first call to the function the inpu...

7 months 前 | 1 个回答 | 0



how to change variable value in lookup table during simulation in Simulink?
You could use the step block, found under Simulink>Sources for this purpose

8 months 前 | 0

How can i change file within a loop?
I think you are looking for something like this for k = 1:12 filename = ['psmsl_monthly_',num2str(k),'.txt'] % do som...

8 months 前 | 0

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Algorythm for Average of excel data
If you have the Statistics and Machine learning toolbox you could do it like this % Parameters grpIncr = 0.5 % time increment ...

8 months 前 | 0


Adoption of Name=Value in Function Calls what is best practice?
Since R2021A there are two syntaxes available for passing name-value arguments. There is the traditional, comma separated synta...

8 months 前 | 4 个回答 | 0



Reducing order of a system
The interpretation of the system input and output variables should remain the same. It is only the internal states that change. ...

8 months 前 | 0

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Using inpolygon to remove points from a matrix removing additional points
I didn't look into your code in detail, but I think your issue is related to your assignment of certain indices in your array to...

8 months 前 | 0

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Better way to combine number with fraction?
If you want to use it as a numerical value I would do this val = str2double(zBase.header.stamp.sec) + str2double(zBase.header.s...

8 months 前 | 2

Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 1.
It looks like your argument list for your function Reduced_Degree_model, is not consistent with the call you make to ode45 with ...

8 months 前 | 0

Usage of ode function
Here is one approach, see for further details on passing e...

8 months 前 | 0

Extracting values from an array corresponding to the indices of certain values from another array.
I would suggest using MATLAB's interp1 function for this purpose, as illustrated below. Note you can resample using the nearest ...

9 months 前 | 2

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Load timeseries data from workspace for non-periodic data
I seem to be able to get the desired behavior using the following code to assign a structure, unchecking the interpolate box, an...

9 months 前 | 0

Deleting a property from a mlapp component
Go to the code view, look in the Code Browser, properties tab, right click on the property you want to delete, select dele...

9 months 前 | 0

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How to illustrate the dynamic system output for a PID controller system?
Unless you are modeling some sort of adaptive control (and I don't think you are) then your PID gains Kp,Kd,Ki should be constan...

9 months 前 | 0

Input signal as vector with time in simulink
I don't understand why your S-function block needs to get three, 2d arrays (e.g. u1 =[(Data(:,1),Data(:,2)], with time as the ...

10 months 前 | 0

how to import multiple csv file in matlab?
Use the dir command to get a list of files to loop through, You can search for example for '*.csv" Depending what you want to d...

10 months 前 | 1

Readtable not reading time as expected
I think you are having problems because your time column is of the form 19:10:54:300 and in particular the last separator is a c...

11 months 前 | 0

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Why does my Kalman filter not work for non-zero input?
When you generate your actual state vector you simulated it as a continuous time system, You should use x_true = lsim(ss(Phi,Ps...

11 months 前 | 0

Find the average of two images
im1 = imread('Im1.gif'); im2 = imread('Im2.gif'); imAvg = (im1 + im2)/2; imagesc(imAvg)

11 months 前 | 0

NaN error fills up my zeros array despite the hand calcs checking out.
The term lambda in the denominator of the expression for sum2 is zero when m = 1, so sum2 will be NaN and so will T_til x_til =...

11 months 前 | 0

Sharing values between 2 app designer apps
I have attached two MATLAB Apps that provide a highly simplified example of how to do what I think you are asking. Please save ...

11 months 前 | 0

Zero detection in online signal
Your filtering idea, could probably be made to work. As an alternative, you might consider the use of a Schmidt trigger, to "deb...

11 months 前 | 0

select rows based on the value of the last column of the matrix
A = [334 1358 175 3 335 1359 176 3 335 1359 175 1 336 1360 176 2 337 1361 176 6 337 1361 177 1 338 1362 177 5 339 1363 17...

11 months 前 | 1

rename txt file within a specific folder
I'm not sure what you are doing with all of the looping through directories. If you just want to change the name of one file, a...

11 months 前 | 0
