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M-PSK Modulator Baseband

Modulate using M-ary phase shift keying

  • M-PSK Modulator Baseband block

Communications Toolbox / Modulation / Digital Baseband Modulation / PSK
Communications Toolbox HDL Support / Modulation / PM


The M-PSK Modulator Baseband block modulates an input signal using M-ary phase shift keying (PSK) and returns a complex baseband output. The modulation order, M, which is equivalent to the number of points in the signal constellation, is determined by the M-ary number parameter. The block accepts scalar or column vector input signals.


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Generate and demodulate a noisy 8-PSK signal.

Open the doc_8psk_model model. The model generates random data using the Random Integer Generator block. To modulate the random data, the model uses the M-PSK Modulator Baseband block with a modulation order of 8 and a constellation order set to Gray. Subsequently, the modulated data passes through an additive white Gaussian noise channel (AWGN Channel block). The model displays the noisy constellation through the Constellation Diagram block. To demodulate this noisy signal, it employs the M-PSK Demodulator Baseband block with the same modulation and constellation order as the modulator. Finally, the model computes the error statistics using the Error Rate Calculation.

Run the model.

Collect the error statistics in a vector, ErrorVec. Observe that the number of symbol errors is zero when Eb/No is 15 dB.

Number of symbol errors = 0

Change the Eb/No of the AWGN Channel block from 15 dB to 5 dB. The constellation diagram shows the increase in the noise.

Because of the increase in the noise level, the number of symbol errors is greater than zero.

Number of symbol errors = 21

This example uses the doc_gray_code to compute bit error rates (BER) and symbol error rates (SER) for M-PSK modulation. The theoretical error rate performance of M-PSK modulation in AWGN is compared to the error rate performance for Gray-coded symbol mapping and to the error rate performance of binary-coded symbol mapping.

The Random Integer Generator block serves as the source, producing a sequence of integers. The Integer to Bit Converter block converts each integer into a corresponding binary representation. The M-PSK Modulator Baseband block in the doc_gray_code model:

  • Accepts binary-valued inputs that represent integers in the range [0, (M - 1], where M is the modulation order.

  • Maps binary representations to constellation points using a Gray-coded ordering.

  • Produces unit-magnitude complex phasor outputs, with evenly spaced phases in the range [0, (2 $\pi$ (M - 1) / M)].

The AWGN Channel block adds white Gaussian noise to the modulated data. The M-PSK Demodulator Baseband block demodulates the noisy data. The Bit to Integer Converter block converts each binary representation to a corresponding integer. Then two separate Error Rate Calculation blocks calculate the error rates of the demodulated data. The block labeled SER Calculation compares the integer data to compute the symbol error rate statistics and the block labeled BER Calculation compares the bits data to compute the bit error rate statistics. The output of the Error Rate Calculation block is a three-element vector containing the calculated error rate, the number of errors observed, and the amount of data processed.

To reduce simulation run time and ensure that the statistics of the errors remain stable as the Eb/N0 ratio increases, the model is configured to run until 100 errors occur or until 1e8 bits have been transmitted.

The model initializes variables used to configure block parameters by using the PreLoadFcn callback function. For more information, see Model Callbacks (Simulink).

Produce Error Rate Curves

Compute the theoretical BER for nondifferential 8-PSK in AWGN over a range of Eb/N0 values by using the berawgn function. Simulate the doc_gray_code model with Gray-coded symbol mapping over the same range of Eb/N0 values.

Compare Gray coding with binary coding, by modifying the M-PSK Modulator Baseband and M-PSK Demodulator Baseband blocks to set the Constellation ordering parameter to Binary instead of Gray. Simulate the doc_gray_code model with binary-coded symbol mapping over the same range of Eb/N0 values.

Plot the results by using the semilogy function. The Gray-coded system achieves better error rate performance than the binary-coded system. Further, the Gray-coded error rate aligns with the theoretical error rate statistics.



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Specify the input signal as an integer scalar, integer vector, or binary vector.

  • When Input type is Integer, specify the input signal elements as integers from 0 to M – 1.

  • When Input type is Bit, specify the input signal as a binary vector in which the number of elements is an integer multiple of the bits per symbol. The bits per symbol is equal to log2(M).

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | Boolean


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Output signal, returned as a complex scalar or vector. The output is the complex baseband representation of the PSK-modulated signal.

Data Types: single | double | fixed point


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To edit block parameters interactively, use the Property Inspector. From the Simulink® Toolstrip, on the Simulation tab, in the Prepare gallery, select Property Inspector.


Specify the modulation order as a positive integer power of two.

Example: 2 | 16

Specify the elements of the input signal as integers or bits. If Input type is Bit, the number of samples per frame must be an integer multiple of the number of bits per symbol. The number of bits per symbol is log2(M).

Symbol mapping of integer or groups of log2(M) bit inputs, specified as Gray, Binary, or User-defined.

  • When you set Constellation ordering to Gray, the input signal is mapped to the output symbols using a Gray-encoded signal constellation.

  • When you set Constellation ordering to Binary, the modulated symbol is exp(+j2πm/M), where ϕ is the phase offset in radians, m is the integer input such that 0 ≤ m ≤ M – 1, and M is the modulation order.

  • When you set Constellation ordering to User-defined, specify a vector of size M, which has unique integer values in the range [0, M–1]. The first element of this vector corresponds to the constellation point having an value of e with subsequent elements running counterclockwise.

Example: [0 3 2 1]

User-defined symbol mapping, specified as an M-element vector having unique integer values in the range [0, M – 1]. Use this parameter to specify a custom order for mapping the input integers to output integers.

The first element of this vector corresponds to the constellation point at (0 + ϕ) angle, with subsequent elements running counterclockwise. The last element corresponds to the (-2π/M + ϕ) constellation point. ϕ is the value of phase offset (Phase offset (rad)) and M is the modulation order (M-ary number).


This parameter applies when you set Constellation ordering to User-defined.

Specify, in radians, the phase offset of the initial constellation as a real scalar.

Example: pi/4

Click View Constellation on the block mask to visualize a signal constellation for the specified block parameters. Before viewing a constellation, apply the parameter settings. For more information, see View Constellation of Modulator Block.

Data Types

Specify the data type of the modulated output signal. Set this parameter to one of the fixed point options or <data type expression> to enable parameters in which you specify additional details. Set this parameter to Inherit via back propagation, to match the output data type and scaling to the following block in the model.

For information about specifying data types, see Data Type Assistant.

Block Characteristics

Data Types

Boolean | double | fixed pointa, b | integer | single

Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


a ufix(1) at the input if ''input type'' is set to ''bit''. ufix(ceil(log2(M))) at input if ''input type'' is set to ''integer'' for M-ary modulation.

b Fixed-point outputs must be signed.

More About

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For higher-order PSK constellations, the complex baseband form for an M-ary PSK signal using binary-ordered symbol mapping is


When the input is configured for bits, groups of log2(M) bits represent the complex symbols for the configured symbol mapping. The mapping can be binary encoded, Gray encoded, or custom encoded.

Gray coding has the advantage that only one bit changes between adjacent constellation points, which results in better bit error rate performance.

This 8-PSK constellation uses Gray-coded symbol mapping.

For modulation orders beyond 4, the bit error rate performance of PSK in AWGN worsens. In this bit error rate plot for Gray-coded mapping, the QPSK and BPSK curves overlap one another.


[1] Proakis, John G. Digital Communications. 4th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2001.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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