National Instruments Hardware Examples
Getting Started and Device Discovery
Analog Input and Output
Acquire Continuous and Background Data Using NI Devices
Acquire Data from an Accelerometer
Measure Strain Using an Analog Bridge Sensor
Acquire Temperature Data from a Thermocouple
Acquire Temperature Data from an RTD
Acquire and Analyze Sound Pressure Data from an IEPE Microphone
Acquire and Analyze Noisy Clock Signals
Generate Voltage Signals Using NI Devices
Generate Signals on NI Devices That Output Current
Generate Continuous and Background Signals Using NI Devices
Simultaneously Acquire Data and Generate Signals
Log Analog Input Data to a File Using NI Devices
Capture Data with Software-Analog Triggering
Digital Input and Output
Control Stepper Motor Using Digital Outputs
Communicate with I2C Devices and Analyze Bus Signals Using Digital IO
Counters and Timers
Count Pulses on a Digital Signal Using NI Devices
Measure Frequency Using NI Devices
Measure Pulse Width Using NI Devices
Simultaneous and Synchronized Operations
Synchronize NI PCI Devices Using RTSI