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Measurements and Statistics

Bistate waveform measurements, variance, histogram, autocorrelation

You can use DSP System Toolbox™ blocks and System objects to measure the moving statistics and stationary statistics of signals in MATLAB® and Simulink®. Moving statistics refer to the statistics of streaming signals that change with time. In the sliding window method for computing moving statistics, a window of specified length moves over the data sample by sample as the new data comes in. The objects and blocks compute the statistics of the data within this window. The exponential weighting method applies a set of weights to the data samples and processes the weighted data. These weights are computed recursively based on the age of the data. For stationary statistics, the blocks and objects compute the statistics of all the data that is available in a batch.


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dsp.MedianFilterMedian filter
dsp.MovingAverageMoving average
dsp.MovingMaximumMoving maximum
dsp.MovingMinimumMoving minimum
dsp.MovingRMSMoving root mean square (RMS)
dsp.MovingStandardDeviationMoving standard deviation
dsp.MovingVarianceMoving variance
powermeterMeasure power and CCDF of the power of voltage signal (Since R2021a)
dsp.PeakToRMSPeak-to-root-mean-square value of vector


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Median FilterMedian filter
Moving AverageMoving average
Moving MaximumMoving maximum
Moving MinimumMoving minimum
Moving RMSMoving root mean square (RMS)
Moving Standard DeviationMoving standard deviation
Moving VarianceMoving variance
Power MeterMeasure power and the CCDF of the power of voltage signal in Simulink (Since R2021a)
AutocorrelationAutocorrelation of N-D array
CorrelationCross-correlation of two inputs
MaximumMaximum values of input or sequence of inputs
MeanFind mean value of input or sequence of inputs
MedianMedian value of input
MinimumMinimum values of input or sequence of inputs
RMSRoot mean square value of input or sequence of inputs
SortSort input elements by value
Standard DeviationStandard deviation of input or sequence of inputs
VarianceVariance of input or sequence of inputs
HistogramHistogram of input or sequence of inputs


Moving Statistics

Stationary Statistics

Power Measurements


Variable-Size Signal Support

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