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GNSS Positioning

Position estimation using GNSS data

Compute positions from GNSS data by using the gnssconstellation and receiverposition functions.

Use the GNSS file reader functions, such as rinexread and semread to read satellite navigation and observation data from RINEX, SEM, YUMA, and Galileo almanac files.


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gnssconstellationSatellite locations at specified time (Since R2021a)
receiverpositionEstimate GNSS receiver position and velocity (Since R2021a)
lookanglesSatellite look angles from receiver and satellite positions (Since R2021a)
pseudorangesPseudoranges between GNSS receiver and satellites (Since R2021a)
skyplotPlot satellite azimuth and elevation data (Since R2021a)
extractNMEASentenceVerify and extract NMEA sentence data into string array (Since R2021b)
rinexreadRead data from RINEX file (Since R2022a)
rinexinfoGet information about RINEX file (Since R2022a)
semreadRead data from SEM almanac file (Since R2022b)
yumareadRead data from YUMA almanac file (Since R2023a)
galalmanacreadRead data from Galileo XML almanac file (Since R2023b)


gnssSensorSimulate GNSS to generate position and velocity readings (Since R2020b)
gnssMeasurementGeneratorSimulate GNSS measurements for scenarios (Since R2023a)
gpsSensorGPS receiver simulation model
gpsdevConnect to a GPS receiver connected to host computer (Since R2020b)
nmeaParserParse data from standard and manufacturer-specific NMEA sentences sent from marine electronic devices (Since R2020b)


GPSSimulate GPS sensor readings with noise (Since R2021b)


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