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Analyze solutions of static and time-harmonic electromagnetic problems

Perform electrostatic, magnetostatic, DC conduction, or harmonic analysis for the design of electrical and electronic components. For details about partial differential equations for electromagnetics, see:

The solver returns one of the results objects containing the solution values, such as electric or magnetic potentials, fields, and flux densities, at mesh nodes. After solving the problem, you can interpolate returned results to arbitrary spatial locations instead of mesh nodes.


generateMaxwellStressTensorCompute Maxwell stress tensor at nodal locations (Since R2024a)
interpolateMaxwellStressTensorInterpolate Maxwell stress tensor at arbitrary spatial locations (Since R2024a)
interpolateElectricPotentialInterpolate electric potential in electrostatic or DC conduction result at arbitrary spatial locations (Since R2021a)
interpolateElectricFieldInterpolate electric field in electrostatic or DC conduction result at arbitrary spatial locations (Since R2021a)
interpolateElectricFluxInterpolate electric flux density in electrostatic result at arbitrary spatial locations (Since R2021a)
interpolateMagneticPotentialInterpolate magnetic potential in magnetostatic result at arbitrary spatial locations (Since R2021a)
interpolateMagneticFieldInterpolate magnetic field in magnetostatic result at arbitrary spatial locations (Since R2021a)
interpolateMagneticFluxInterpolate magnetic flux density in magnetostatic result at arbitrary spatial locations (Since R2021a)
interpolateHarmonicFieldInterpolate electric or magnetic field in harmonic result at arbitrary spatial locations (Since R2022a)
interpolateCurrentDensityInterpolate current density in DC conduction result at arbitrary spatial locations (Since R2022b)


ElectrostaticResultsElectrostatic solution and derived quantities (Since R2021a)
MagnetostaticResultsMagnetostatic solution and derived quantities (Since R2021a)
HarmonicResultsHarmonic electromagnetic solution (Since R2022a)
ConductionResultsDC conduction solution (Since R2022b)


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