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Descriptive Statistics

Numerical summaries and associated measures

Compute descriptive statistics from sample data, including measures of central tendency, dispersion, shape, correlation, and covariance. Tabulate and cross-tabulate data, and compute summary statistics for grouped data. For additional descriptive statistics functionality, see Descriptive Statistics.


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geomeanGeometric mean
harmmeanHarmonic mean
trimmeanMean, excluding outliers
momentCentral moment
rangeRange of values
madMean or median absolute deviation
zscoreStandardized z-scores
corrLinear or rank correlation
robustcovRobust multivariate covariance and mean estimate
cholcovCholesky-like covariance decomposition
corrcovConvert covariance matrix to correlation matrix
partialcorrLinear or rank partial correlation coefficients
partialcorriPartial correlation coefficients adjusted for internal variables
nearcorrCompute nearest correlation matrix by minimizing Frobenius distance
grpstatsSummary statistics organized by group
tabulateFrequency table
tiedrankRank adjusted for ties
