Simulink Control Design



Simulink Control Design

Linearize models and design control systems

Operating Points and Linearization

Find the operating points of your Simulink model using specifications or simulation times. Use the Steady State Manager app to interactively trim your model based on state, input, and output specifications. Linearize continuous, discrete, and multirate Simulink models using the Model Linearizer app. Identify and fix common linearization issues using the Linearization Advisor.

Operating Points:
Documentation | Examples

Documentation | Examples

Frequency Response Estimation

Estimate frequency responses and examine frequency domain characteristics of Simulink models using input-output data. Deploy your estimation algorithm as an embedded application for real-time estimation of a physical plant.

PID Controller Tuning

Automatically tune PID controllers in a Simulink model using the PID Tuner app. Deploy and run PID autotuning algorithms on embedded hardware by generating C code from the Closed-Loop PID Autotuner and Gain-Scheduled PID Autotuner blocks.

Classical Control Design

Tune SISO control loops in Simulink using graphical, automated tuning tools with the Control System Designer app.

Multiloop, Multiobjective Tuning

Automatically tune arbitrary SISO and MIMO decentralized control structures modeled in Simulink to satisfy time and frequency domain design requirements using the Control System Tuner app.

Constraint Enforcement

Prevent your systems from violating critical constraints by using Simulink blocks to enforce barrier certificate and passivity constraints, adjusting control actions as needed.

Gain Scheduling

Automatically tune gain-scheduled controllers for nonlinear or time-varying plants to meet performance requirements throughout your system’s operating envelope.

Nonlinear and Data-Driven Control

Implement nonlinear, adaptive, and data-driven control techniques with Simulink blocks for sliding mode, active disturbance rejection, extremum-seeking, and model reference adaptive control.

Reference Applications

Use reference application examples for flight control, power electronics, robotics, and other applications to design and analyze controllers for systems modeled in Simulink.

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